Maybe half of the 5 billion people that are
on the earth right now, will be alive and be
a part of this awful religion.

One thing that has happened is that it takes
so little to be involved in religion that a person
doesn't have to believe much of anything to
be a part of it.
The Bible says that the people will get into
this religion of devil worship. They will
"worship the beast" Revelation 13:4

The beast is the Antichrist and the religion
is Satanic and/or humanistic. Remember
that Humanism marks this religion. It is a
religion already but it will become world

"And all that dwell upon the earth shall
worship him. . . .," Revelation 13:8
Along with the big things he does to attempt
to get everyone to follow him during the
Tribulation; he establishes his religion with
Satan worship.

"And they worshiped the dragon (devil)who
gave power unto the beast (the antichrist),"
Revelation 13:4
The last thing the Antichrist does is to set
up his new religion. In the book of Revelation
the 13th chapter gives us his plan.

Chapter 12 tells us that as we come to the end
of the age: ". . . .the devil is come down unto
you, having great wrath, because he knoweth
that he hath but a short time," verse 12
The Antichrist breaks the covenant and forces
himself into the temple of God. He puts him
self into the seat and demands to be worshiped.

This will indicate his insanity as he moves to
the end of his life. As their self-proclaimed
god he is going to have to deliver what he says
concerning this devilish religion.
Remember, the Bible shows us that during
the first half of the Tribulation, Antichrist
helps Israel build a temple.

It will be a beautiful place.

He may even provide the money to have it

Worship of the nation of Israel, with the
Jews back in their temple, will be something
very precious and wonderful to them.
The human mind is odd and can take people
out of the realm of reality into irrationality.
This happens to the Antichrist as he moves
into a more determined hold on the world.

As we move to the end of this age, even as
he seems a very brilliant individual; he has
to be so stupid as to think that it will really
When the Antichrist announces that he worships
himself and demands that everyone worship him
also because he says "I am God"; disaster will
take place in his life.

In the Old Testament people made gods out of
almost everything so it will not be hard for him
to talk the people into believing that he could
actually be "God".
Because man has deserted God, and has come
short of His glory, he cannot survive when he
is living by a set of rules that are Satanic rather
than Godly. But that is all the Antichrist can
offer the world.

This arrangement that the Antichrist will make,
will not work; it will not bring peace, will not
bring plenty, or utopia to the world.
One of the ways the Antichrist will make this
possible is that everybody who is not a part
of it, who does not cooperate with it, who is
an economic drain, and who refuses to take
his number, will starve to death.

The Antichrist is going to give everybody a
number. It is called the "mark of the beast."
If that mark isn't taken, they cannot buy or

This will cause a great amount of deaths all
over the world.
The man with the plan will come on the scene.
He will have the solution to bring it all together.

He will suggest putting together a unified world.
Then there will be money for everyone. Money
to take care of the children, a house for everyone.
Prosperity will be sent to the ends of the earth.
The Antichrist knows this. He will promise
to unite the world economically. It is possible
with the technical advances that have taken
hold in the last few years. The world wide web,
the internet, banking fund transfers, etc.

This all has to do with money and its information
communicated all over the world. Even now we
have this system coming together. Although
some claim to know how it works, no one seems
to know how to control it.

Economists of different points of view are asking,
"What are we to do? Is there someone with a plan?"
That economic condition will cause great
disappointment in the people.

When they begin to call "What do we do?"
across the world; their desparation will be
willing to accept the proof or the promise
of anybody that says he can get them out
of their difficulties.
In the Book of Revelation, there is a third
rider in this calamity (Apocalypse) he is carry-
ing a balance in his hand and saying, ". . . .
A measure of wheat for a denarius, and
three measures of barley for a denarius, and
see thou hurt not the oil and the wine,"
Revelation 6:6

It will take a day's pay to buy a loaf of bread.
That is what the economy will be like as we
move to the end of the age.
The economic situation of every nation in the
world is the same. They are all in debt and
cannot pay their bills.

The Bible tells us that our economic system
will bring a massive, global collapse.
An invitation is extended now
to anyone thinking about living
in today's world.

Above everything else, be sure
that you know Jesus, so that you
are not caught in the awful
judgments of the Tribulation
during that time.
We are going to see these Christians who
chose to die and be faithful to the Lord, in
Heaven someday.

But remember that the Antichrist is not
just a nice guy who comes to power with
some great ideas about government.

He starts out that way and the whole world
is amazed at this remarkable man. However,
when he is done, he is cruel to the point of
death to anyone who will not obey him and
becomes a part of his religion
What Does the Bible say about the one who
refuses to be a part of or the object of the
Antichrist's system? It says that they will die.

During the Tribulation there will be believers
in Jesus who will finally come to realize that
there is a price to pay because they did not
believe on Him during the Age of Grace.

They will be martyred (the price) if they do
not obey the dictates of the Antichrist. They
will choose to pay that price and die rather
than live under the His protection.
What starts out as a suggestion now turns
into a very cruel religion by the Antichrist.

This religion prohibits the worship of any
thing, anybody else and condemns to death
anyone who refuses to worship him the
The devil uses his man, the Antichrist, to
set up this one, world religion. One of the
things about the Antichrist and his religion
is that he:

" And deceiveth them that dwell on the earth
by the means of those miracles which he had
power to do in the sight of the beast; saying to
them that dwell on the earth, that they should
make an image to the beast, which had the
wound by a sword, and did live.
And he had power to give life unto the image

of the beast, that the image of the beast should
both speak, and cause that as many as would
not worship the image of the beast should be
killed." Revelation 13:14-15
Now this whole thing of the Antichrist breaking
his covenant with Israel and declaring himself
to be god, is going to be interesting.

After all, now that he is god, he cannot have
competing religions; so he will imitate the true
God by being himself a jealous god.

". . . .the devil is come down unto you, having
great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath
but a short time," Revelation 12:12
They will go to a city that protects them from
being pursued and killed by the Antichrist.

The name of the city is Petra. It is a rose-red
city that has a narrow entrance making it
possible to get in, but also can be defended

By the time the Jews are there, they will have
turned to Jesus, being converted. And the
Antichrist may be so preoccupied with other
things, like conquering the world, that he ends
up pretty much ignoring them and they live in
safety until the end of the Tribulation
What do you think the Jews will do when
this happens in the middle of the Tribulation?

Of course, they will know that they have been
deceived by the Antichrist. So they will begin
to resist him. There will be a war but during it,
the Word of God implies that God will move in
a special way on the people of Israel and they
will turn to Him, the real God.

Then it tells us that they will be protected from
the Antichrist, who is now their enemy.
The Antichrist will broadcast his announce-
ment to the nations of the world. He will say
'I am God'. From now on they are to forget all
alternatives. They are to come and worship
him, and he will be the one who outpours
blessing and prosperity upon them and upon
their nations.

Just imagine! Finally there is a person at the
end of the age who says, 'I am God'. Through
his religion, people will be led to believe so
much in human capability, and the potential
there is in their lives, that they won't be very
surprised when one man makes the discovery
about himself, that he is God.
When the Antichrist first signs his covenant
with Israel, he will put an army in the north
area to protect it. He will also help Israel to
rebuild its temple, as a symbol of their relig-
ious focus point.

But when he breaks this covenant, his army
will march to Jerusalem and there he will
declare himself to be God.
Daniel says he breaks the covenant "in the
midst of the week" (Daniel 9:27). This puts
his betrayal half way through the Tribulation.

Breaking the covenant and becoming an enemy
of Israel. Paul says: ". . .that day shall not come,
except there come the falling away first, and that
man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition, who
opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is
called God, or that is worshiped, so that he, as
God, sitteth in the temple of God, showing him
self that he is God," 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4
Earlier the Antichrist made a covenant with
the nation of Isreal declaring he was their
friend. They were going to protection one

But now that he has a firm hold on the world, he
is rethinking this agreement. Possibly he has
gotten closer to the Arab nations and tempting
him to break this covenant with Israel.