Another sign is that the world will be filled
with "strong delusion, that they should
believe the lie" (2 Thessalonians 2:11)

Most of what is on TV are lies. Most of what

is taught in our schools are lies. And most of
the sales peddlings ends up with "Give us
your money" and then they give a phoney
substitute in return.
As of now, God is taking care of His people
in answer to their cries. But one day He
will take them out of this world, which will be
the Rapture of the Church.

Then all evil will break loose and the 'wicked
one' will appear and grow in power.
With so much wickedness in the world, why
hasn't it been destroyed? God holds back
the enemy, for He is more powerful, but the
will of the people moves it slowly forward as
he (the devil) persuades them to accepts his

Considering the tidal wave of homosexuality,
abortion, and other offenses against the
conscience of God, breaking upon the world;
for these alone, the judgement of God comes
upon the children of men.
This points to what is called 'anarchy.' The
world is filled with wickedness. Never has
there been so many shootings, robberies,
kidnappings and murders.

People are ruthless to one another. White-
collar crime is in the news more often with
reports of large numbers of money stolen by
people who are entrusted with what belongs
to others; even by members of Congress.

They are against the moral laws of God.
Be watchful for spiritual perversion, treason
and disloyalty; they are the "falling away"
that leads to the appearing of the Antichrist.

". . . he who now hindereth (the Holy Spirit)
will continue to hinder until he be taken out
of the way. And then shall that wicked one be
revealed. . . ," 2 Thessalonians 2:7-8
We still have the old apostates who deny the
inspiration of the Bible, Jesus' virgin birth,
and His miraculous atonement and they reject
the blood and it's power. That's apostasy.

It is amazing people would turn away from
the original christianity to some faithless

Apostasy is a sign of the end according to
the bible.
Even today, a large percent of Christianity
has been changed to philosophies that are
non-christian or even anti-christian.

Like, when a big number of women from
main denominations get together to worship
a goddess named Sophia, that"s apostasy.

OR when people claiming to be believers in
Jesus deny the authenticity of Genesis (the
first 11 chapters) also being done today,
that"s apostasy.
Apostasy is terrible. It is when the church
turns against the Lord. Religious organizations
become very disobedient.

Pulpits will become occupied by those who look
like 'angels of light', but who are really of the

"That day shall not come" unless certain things
happen in the world. They will be things that
will be signs showing us the rise of the Antichrist.

Paul says, ". . .for that day shall not come, except
there come the falling away first. . .,"
2 Thessalonians 2:3

"the falling away" here means "to stand away
from where you used to stand." That means or is
translated "apostasy". It will be one of the first
signs of the world at the end of the age.
Paul wrote back to them saying, "Now we
beseech you, brethren, by the coming of our
Lord Jesus Christ, and by our gathering
together unto him, (that's the Rapture),
That ye be not soon shaken in mind, or be

troubled, neither by spirit, nor by word, nor
by letter as from us, as that the day of Christ
is at hand. Let no man deceive you by any
means:" 2 Thessalonians 2:1-3
The Antichrist will be the personification of
Satan and evil.

Is there a way to know if he's alive today?

Thessalonian christians, being persecuted,
wrote to Paul asking, "Is it possible that we
have moved into the Tribulation? Is it
possible that the Antichrist is coming upon
us now?"

Seems like many are asking the same quest-
ions today.
"or that is worshiped, so that he, as God,
sitteth in the temple of God, showing himself
that he is God," 2 Thessalonians 2:4

Satan will call the spirit of antichrist to take
over the soul of someone's life, mind and
will. He will be a person with a pleasing face
to the world, but instead will be the devil's

Be watching for this spirit of antichrist!
Can it be that this spirit of antichrist has taken
over someone who will be THE Antichrist even

The Bible teaches us that the spirit of antichrist;
that terrible, Godless attitude will manifest in the
life of an individual so taken over by wickedness,
that he is called....."...that man of sin.....the son
of perdition, Who opposeth and exalteth himself
above all that is called God,...."
2 Thessalonians 2:3
How can we explain some of the terrible
people who have come into the political
world unless there is a large, mysterious,
anti-God spirit working in them. The Bible
calls it a "spirit of antichrist."

John said, "every spirit that confesseth not
that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh." The
spirit that denies that Jesus is the Savior,
that He is the Son of God, that He died for
our sins on the cross; that is the spirit of
antichrist. Watch carefully whereever you
see this happening!
We have the authority of God's Word that
this devil is going to appear one day. This
is a real human being, being lead by Satan's
spirit, the spirit of the anitchrist.

This was true in Jesus' time and all through
the years until now. The Bible says that the
devil is going to do his thing at the end of the

We can be sure that the spirit of antichrist
is very busy in the world today!
"And every spirit that confesseth not that
Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is not of
God: and this is that spirit of antichrist,
whereof ye have heard that it should come;
and even now already is it in the world."
1 John 4:3

According to the bible, a perverse spirit of the
wicked one, a spirit of antichrist, is already in
the world. So we have a good idea what this
person will try to bring about.
We know it is possible for a convincing, good
looking, young man to be willing to become
the leader of the global world today.

It is remarkable to see what is happening in
our country and what could be the arrival of
the Antichrist.
People are wondering if it is possible that our
society, even now, could be creating what would
be possible for the rise of the Antichrist.

The bible teaches that he will arrive one day.
That there will be events and changes in thinking
that will help give him the power to do the things
he wants with the help of many who believe him.

Together they will bring about days so terrible,
they will be called the "Great Tribulation."
Many people know from the Bible that the
world is going to bring about a person who
is wicked and provacative.

And the recent developments of the world
has made is appearance predictable.
These questions are being asking often and
with more fear. We have a person who has
come into our lives who has a set of plans
hidden in his heart that will be dreadful for
this country and the world.

He seems good, nice, easy to believe and
many will accept him in the beginning. Even
to thinking he is able to save us from every
We are running at neck-breaking speed into
a new future. It seems like our world has gone
out of control and many people are asking,
"What is this world coming to. . . what is going
to happen to us?

The stability of this world and our own lives
seem to be lost. Every day changes dramatically.
And our safety as a nation is terribly frightening.