Everything this man has to offer the world
will be counterfeit.

Heaven on earth. . .
his holy spirit. . .
he as christ. . .
his prophet. . .

The god he will offer is his god, the devil.
Europe has already stated that they are to
put a plan together and they are able to do
it. They feel it will take a specific person to
get it done.

The Bible indicates that the Antichrist will
use a revived Roman Empire for his power.
This will come about because of feelings of
despair. Everything is coming apart and talk
will be of a new world order. What is available
is not adequate and a human leader is needed
to bring the world out of the present situation.
A world without leaders is dangerous. When
there is nobody to lead, there is 'anarchy'.
People will begin to imagine and want their
own ideas. They will become a law unto them

So a leader will have to be found that will draw
people that would eventually feel that he is the
man for world leadership.
A protestant theologian wrote an article "A
World Without Leaders". He crossed the
world talking about Great Britian, Italy, Africa,
Germany, France, Latin America and the
United States.

He concluded that the world has no one to
offer who has the wisdom, advantage or the
prestige to keep the world from the anarchy
that threatens it.
How can the world come to the point that
it would give itself to that kind of man? We
have seen the long list of signs.

Has the social structure come apart in our
time? So much has happened in the last 50
years compared to all the previous years.

And at the same time we have lost confidence
even in the best of men.
Have we as people, countries and the world
as a whole, come to the place where we are
willing to turn everyone and everything over
to one person who will have unlimited power
and authority over us?

It will be the Antichrist, who has no purpose
but His own and will destroy anyone who will
not conform to it which is pure evil.

Not like Jesus, who loves and has everyone's
best in His will and purpose for them. No evil
will be allowed.
"Let him that hath understanding count the
number of the beast" Revelation 13:18

We have to keep in mind that he is a very
real person. The Bible says his number is
666 and it is the number of man.
Remember we are talking about a person
who is going to appear (perhaps very soon)
who will offer himself to the world as their

This is not something that is way far off in
the future. The signs that point to him are
very clear and definite. It may be sooner
than we think?
There are many other signs we can see like:
Knowlege is increasing continuously;
People are running to and fro (here and there);
We see the living as of in Noah's day and
Sodom and Gomorrah;
these are all signs of the end times and the
time to expect the Antichrist.
We are being surrounded, more than ever,
with lies and 'strong delusions'. This will
make it very easy for people to believe in
the lying wonders and the hypocritical claims
and promises of the Antichrist.

As we see the culture continue to degrade and
fall apart, we will find things around us to be
less reliable, this is another sign of the rise of
the Antichrist.