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These are not just ideas from unimportant
people. But may be a plan that the Antichrist
will use. He will want everyone to know that
one nation can not do it alone and that he
will need world authority to be able to do all
it will take to help the people.

He promises a new kingdom and to do away
with war and poverty.
Even now, people are disillusioned with the
world's politics. They want a change. The
political leaders have deteriorated in respect
that they get from them. This could be where
the people will say that they don't trust any
of them any more, and must have a new
person to lead of great authority. One who
will give a whole new kind of politics, like a
new world order, a new age movement.
Satan is going to establish a system and give
the Anichrist his power and authority.

He wants to appear as a kind and charitable
person and will at the start. But when the
mental illness takes over, he is going to act
like he is the savior of the world.
At the end of the age, the devil is going to
move with great anger and he is going to
give the Antichrist power.

This person will move fast and convince
people what he wants to do is for their good.
The political purpose of this person will be
clearer and clearer as he is revealed. He will
have plans but they are not good for the
world. They are worth noticing.

Even at this time, are there politicians or a
political system that has that kind of world
view......or is there anyone who wants to
accomplish some kind of 'global' intent?
"And now ye know what withholdeth that
he might be revealed in his time.
For the
mystery of iniquity doth already
work: only he who now letteth will let, until
he be taken out of the way.
And then shall that Wicked be revealed,. . ."

2 Thessalonians 2:6-8

When God takes away the restraining force
that is against evil, which is the Holy Spirit
and the christians then the wicked one will
be revealed.
When the Antichrist arrives, he will have
many things going for him. The world will
accept him very highly, but then, with shock
he will be seen as "that man of sin, the son
of perdition."

What a day it will be when his true nature
is revealed!
By using our wildest of imaginations. We
must face the facts that there is a possibility
with all the horrible events happening in

our world today, that the most offensive of
all will be the appearing of the Antichrist.
There has been an intellectual revolution
taking hold in the world today.

And the people's thinking has become so
corrupt that so many will accept the plan of
that kind of man readily.