The message of the Gospel of the Kingdom
was a very specific one. The Gospel of the
Kingdom announced the King is here!

If you will receive Him, you can go into the

If Israel had agreed to the will of Jesus, the
Kingdom would have been established then.
But they didn't. Jesus said, "you have
counted yourself unworthy of these blessings
from God."
We only understand Jesus' earthly ministry
when we realize that He was speaking to His
own, as the King, against an uncontrolled

These people were quilty of treason. They had
gone the way of the world, rather than following
their great King.

So Jesus came to make the last public offer of
the Kingdom to the people of Israel. "The king-
dom of heaven is at hand" is the often repeated
expression in the Gospel of Matthew.
It will all begin with the Rapture of the
Church. Watch for it, because it may not
be too far away!

The Rapture restores the Gospel of the
Kingdom. The Gospel of the Kingdom was
the message preach, first, by John the Baptist
when he said "the kingdom of heaven is at
hand" in Matthew 3:2.

Then, the Gospel of the Kingdom was the
beginning statements that Jesus made
during His earthly ministry. He spoke to
the Jews over and over, "the kingdom of
heaven is at hand" in Matthew 4:17.
In the Tribulation, Israel will make an
agreement with the Antichrist. That coven-
ant will be broken in the middle of the
years (Daniel 9:27), and a terrific persecu-
tion will be started against Israel.

Israel will come to the end of its patience, as
it runs out of arguments for not believing in
the Messiah. That's when they will turn to
God. Then they will be protected by God, and
will move into the days of the Kingdom ruled
by the Messiah.
Foreknowledge on the part of God cannot be
changed. You cannot foreknow that which
will not happen.

Paul says that all Israel, that is all believing
Israel, shall be saved.

That will be God's plan for the nation of
Israel during this period of time called the
God had made an eternal covenant with
the nation Israel. That covenant will not
be broken. God has not cast away His
people, Romans 11:1-2

"I say, then, Hath God cast away his
people? God forbid. For I (Paul) also am
an Israelite, of the seed of Abraham, of
the tribe of Benjamin, God hath not cast
away his people whom he foreknew. . ."
Daniel says that this temporary period will
end, and the plan of God for the nation of
Israel will begain again.

Paul tells about what will happen during the
days of the Tribulation:
"And so all Israel shall be saved; as it is
written, There shall come out of Zion the
Deliverer, and shall turn away ungodliness
from Jacob; For this is my covenant unto
them, when I shall take away their sins,"
Romans 11:26-27
Jesus said, "Behold, your house is left unto
you desolate," Matthew 23:38

His crucificion caused the desolation of the
nation of Israel, the cutting off of God's Plan.

We know that in the meantime, the period
in which we are now living is the Age of the
Church, the Day of Grace, the day of God's
invitation to everlasting life by believing in
Jesus. This time is still continuing on.
The Bible tells us that at the end of sixty-
nine weeks, Messiah the Prince, the Savior
of Israel, would be "cut off" in Daniel 9:26.

The cutting off of Messiah the Prince cut
off the time of God's plan. Messiah the
Prince was cut off when Jesus was crucified.
Daniel 9:24-25 is his prophecy of the
seventy weeks. He says seventy weeks of
years will bring about the completion of

It will fulfill all of the righteous will of
God. These seventy weeks refer to God's
plan for the nation of Israel, on which His
plan for the world depends.
Daniel has the best definition as to God's
plan for the nation of Israel.

"Seventy weeks are determined upon thy
people and upon thy holy city, to finish
the transgression, and to make an end of
sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity,
and to bring in everlasting righteousness,
and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and
to anoint the most Holy. Know, therefore,
and understand, that from the going forth
of the commandment to restore and to
build Jerusalem unto the Messiah, the
Prince, shall be seven weeks, and threescore
and two weeks; the street shall be built again,
and the wall, even in troublous times,"
Daniel 9:24-25
The Rapture will be the turning point of
history and it will do many things. In think-
ing of the Rapture as the Great Transition
into almost everything that is new, by way
of God's working in the world.

The most importance is, it will restart God's
plan for Israel.
"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which
also we look for the Savior, the Lord Jesus
Christ, Who shall change our lowly body, that
it may be fashioned like his glorious body,
according to the working by which he is able
even to subdue all things unto himself,"
Philippians 3:20-21

Paul is speaking of the Rapture of the Church.
There is a generation of Christians living
today who will not die. They will be caught
up in their bodies, to be in the presence of
Jesus. Paul speaks of it in 1 Corinthians 15

"Behold, I show you a mystery: We shall
not all sleep, but we shall all be changed, in
a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the
last trump; for the trumpet shall sound, and
the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and
we shall be changed," (vs 51 & 52)
Independant man wants it his way. It is a
perfect example of Proverbs 16:25
"There is a way that seemeth right unto a man,
but the end thereof are the ways of death,"

That will be the result of man's day, in which
his way becomes the way to run the world.

The world, in the days of the Tribulation, will
have simply politics, their own cleverness, and
military power. But in the absence of the
Church, there will be no prayer, no help from
Heaven, no protection from God.
When the Church is taken out of the world
God is going to say, "Have it your way"!

Because man has turned to idols, they have
worshiped materialism, intertainment, sexual
indulgence, strange intellectualism, and many
others that have taken place of God in their
lives. God will let them have what they want.
There are people in our world today who
are saying, "We don't need God, We can
run the world, We are politicians; scient-
ists; philosophers; and theologians. We
have come to the place where we can now
control things ourselves, we are independ-

Being self-reliant is a big thing. Mankind
is generally saying, "God is irrelevant, and
most likely doesn't even exist."
During the Tribulation, the world will cry
for a human savior who is the Antichrist.

The reason this is happening is because
the light has gone out and the salt is gone.

Only then can the Tribulation begin.

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When the Church is gone, there will be a
rapid decline in the morality of the whole
world, so that everything tends of come

The Christian's influence will be gone, and
society will unravel. Finally, the world will
be completely lost; in confusion, lying, and
stealing and evil of every kind.
The bible says an interesting thing about
the Church.

"Ye are the salt of the earth. . . .Ye are the
light of the world. A city that is set on a hill
cannot be hidden," Matthew 5:13-14.

The Church is the light for the world to
follow. As salt, it gives flavor to the world
and acts as a preservative.

The world can't go anywhere as long as the
Church is here as salt and light, as direction
and leadership of the world. But today it is
losing both.
The Rapture of the Church starts the Trib-
ulation. The world up to now is in the Day
of Grace. It is the Day of the Church.

The Day of Grace will end when God takes
the Church out of the world.
Strong delusion hasn't taken over the whole
world yet, because the Church is still here.

Our days on Earth as believing Christians are
spent representing truth and fighting evil, in
a world that doesn't believe.

The Church will stay here as long as God wants.
When we are taken out, then the way will be
cleared for the Antichrist, because he will have
no opposition.