During the early days of the Christian
Church, many were won to Jesus by the
witness of those who suffered and died in
Jesus' Name.

The same will surely be true during the
Tribulation Period. When others witness
those who will suffer and die for Christ,
they too will do the same and join all of
those who will be in Glory.
If you find yourself in the Tribulation,
that's the time to take up your courage
and commit to be strong, to believe that
God rules above all, and be willing to live
and to die for Him.
To stand for the Lord, it takes being strong
and committed.

Even in the darkness and tragedy of the
Tribulation, it can be a time of great

They that miss the Rapture may think it
takes courage but it only takes humility
to receive Him as Savior.
This may seem terrible but they are the
only choices.

The reward of believing the Gospel of the
Kingdom is everlasting life in Heaven,
which God will bring to pass on earth, and
it will last for ever and ever and ever, which
is eternity.

Do not take the mark of the beast, but believe
the Gospel of the Kingdom of God!
If you accept the mark of the beast, you
cannot be saved. It is an act of rebellion
against God.

So you have a choice: believe the religion
of the beast, and accept his mark; or believe
the Gospel of the Kingdom.

If you believe the Gospel of the Kingdom,
you will be saved, brought into the Kingdom
of Heaven, but you may have to give your
physical life. You may be beheaded for the
witness of Jesus, put to death because you
refuse to worship the beast.
"And the third angel followed them, saying
with a loud voice, If any man worship the
beast and his image, and receive his mark
in his forehead, or in his hand,
The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath

of God, which is poured out without mixture
into the cup of his indignation;
and he shall be tormented with fire and brim-

stone in the presence of the holy angels, and
in the presence of the Lamb:
And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up

for ever and ever: and they have no rest day
nor night, who worship the beast and his
image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of
his name."
Revelation 14:9-11
The Antichrist will come upon the world
with popular support, since he is the one

who has a plan to solve the world's problems.

Those not accepting his identification by
taking the mark will become outcasts.
Family and friends will turn against them.
But we must resist the mark of the beast,
because the Bible contains bans against
those who accept it.

"And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and enslaved, to receive
a mark in their right hand, or in their fore-
heads, And that no man might buy or sell,
except he that had the mark, or the name
of the beast, or the number of his name,"
Revelation 13:16-17

Without the mark of the beast, you will
not be able to buy or sell. It will be hard,
if not impossible, to get food, clothing,
shelter, or any other necessities of life.
You will probably lose your job as well.
If you miss the Rapture, and find yourself
living in that Tribulation Period; Do not
take the mark of the beast.

Revelation chapter 13 discusses the mark
of the beast. The False Prophet, who is
the Antichrist's religious partner, will force
the population of the world at that time
to accept this form of identification.
The time of the Tribulation will be God's
dealing with the nation of Israel.

Israel will have this Gospel of the Kingdom
preached both to it and to all of the world.

All who believe in the Gospel of the King-
dom will be brought into the Kingdom that
God will be forming during those days.

But they risk the chance of being beheaded
for their witness of Jesus. They risk dying
because they do not (can not) worship the
The Gospel of the Kingdom says the King-
dom of Heaven is not here now, but it is
at hand.

In order to be saved under the Gospel of
the Kingdom, you must believe that Jesus
Christ is the Messiah, and that by believing
in Him, you enter into the wonderful King-
dome that He has promised.
There will also be a second Gospel. God
doesn't leave Himself without a witness.
That Gospel we call "the Gospel of the

Jesus, when speaking of the
Tribulation, said: "And this gospel of the
kingdom shall be preached in all the
world for a witness unto all nations;
and then shall the end come," Matthew24:14
Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin made this same
promise but they turned out to be lies.

But there will be a fear that will make the
people believe in that government and that
religion. In fact, Revelation chaper 13 says
that if you do not worship the image of the
Antichrist, you will be killed.

During the days of the Tribulation, the 'man
gospel' will be the big thing!
The Antichrist will have his own gospel to
preach. His gospel says that man is god.
It is the gospel of man.

Man is invited to believe in the Antichrist.
When he does, a human religion is brought
into being, and it will be "the kingdom of
man is the real heaven. Some of that is now
happening. Come and believe with us, and
we will promise a great future."
One feature of the Tribulation is that there
will be the appearance of a man who is
absolutely a beast.

In fact, he is called "the beast"; he is called
the man of sin. He is the Antichrist.

The Antichrist will make a covenant with the
nation of Israel. Under this covenant, he
will help them rebuild the Temple.

Then he will break that covenant, and will
start to persecute Israel, and the whole
world, trying to destroy all of those who
will not buy into his plans.