Those that are in politics, science, education, and the media consider themselves 'citizens' of the world and are not loyal to America.
The America that we grew up in doesn't exist any more.

The people running our government doesn't believe in America as a sovereign and independent nation under God. Our nation has been taken down from inside.

They don't owe allegiance to the Flag of the United States of American "and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Their allegiance is to a new global order that rejects God and holds to humanism.
Growing up in the late fifties and early 1960's we were taught to believe America was one nation under God.

We were taught to be loyal and patriotic.

Having these beliefs instilled in us when we were young, we also believed our govenment and president believed in America too and would do everything to protect it, like the borders from our enemies..
Instead of using the term atheistic communism, we simply use the words politically correct and tolerance.

Political correctness and tolerance promotes the exact principles that are used to be call atheistic communism.
Christmas 2011

When America said the words "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, it was in conflict with atheistic communism.

The words "atheistic communism" would never be spoken in the courts of today but they hold to its. beliefs.
The Court ruled that it was illegal for students to say the words, "one nation under God."
In 2002-JUN, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2 to 1.

They declared the Pledge to be unconstitutional because it includes the words "under God." They ruled that the phrase implies a government endorsement of religion, in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."
America most likely will have a role in Bible prophecy but not as an independent sovereign nation.

America will become part of a global government.

With it's merging with Mexico and Canada is a big step in that direction.
The major reason that America is not referred to in Bible prophecy could be because America, being an independent sovereign nation, will cease to exist in the near future.

America has only existed for 235 years as a nation.

Currently it is the most powerful nation in the world.
Another theory is that America is found in Ezekiel 38:13.

It refers to "the merchants of Tarshish".

They refer to the colonies of Western Europe in which America came and according to this theory,this verse refers to America.
There are a number of theories about where America is in Bible prophecy.

It apprears that America will be one of the nations gathered against Jerusalem in Zechariah 12.

It says "all nations are gathered against it."
We have thought the plan has been to secure the borders.

The plan is to destroy the borders between Canada, America and Mexico; according to the "Building a North American Community Report" by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2005.
We need to pay attention to subtle changes that are happening around us.

Terms like:
"Reinventing Government"
"Public Private Partnerships"
"International Law"
"Agends 21"
"Biodiversity Treaties"
"Sustainable Development"

all are subtle means of moving us into a global government.
The new global government will start with separating the world into five economic regions.

l) The Americas - 34 countries in
....South and North America
2) The European Common Market
....11-14 countries
3) The Asian Free Trade
4) Africa
5) The Middle East
Open borders isn't a racial issue.

Open borders is a security issue.

Open borders is an economic issue.

When hospitals were closing in CA because of illegals and the prisons were full of them; Bush's sending millions of dollars to help cover some of the costs was and insult to our injuries.

The Federal Government used our tax dollars to give to them.

It's not a racial issue. . . it's an ethical issue!
It was an outrage for President Bush to call the Minutemen 'vigilantes'.

The U.S. has completely failed to protect our borders; and it's deliberate.

Many people in government and in business are benefitting from the open borders; cheap labor, votes.
Our borders are open on the North and the South.

Millions of illegal immigrants are coming through every year.

Who knows how many terrorists and weapons have come in with them.
The Council of Foreign Relation's website at has a 59 page report called "Building a North American Community". The details of the plan is there.

One interesting detail is giving out a biometric I.D. to allow US, Canadian and Mexican citizens to travel freely in this new "community".
According to the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], CAFTA, the merging of Canada, U.S and Mexico, should be 2015.

With the introduction of CAFTA [Central American Free Trade Agreement], all of South and North America should be united into something similar to the European Union.

This will require new currency called the 'amero dollar'.
In 1993, Kissinger said that NAFTA was the 'architecture of a new international system....a great step towards the new world order.'
The Council of Foreign Relations has a document called "Building a North American Community".

It's a plan to merge Mexico, Canada and the U.S. into one "North American Community".
In 1993, when the Republicans signed on to the North American Free Trade Agreement, we were told our trade surplus to Mexico would grow and that illegal immigration would be reduced.

The exact opposite happened.
President Bush held a meeting with House Republicans to persuade them to vote for the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

The Senate had already passed the bill.

This bill has gotten increased resistance for main Republicans who understand that passing it will lower the standard of living for Americans.
President George W. Bush passed a deal called the Central Free Trade Agreement in the House.

Many Republicans voted in favor of it.

President Bush, V.P. Chaney and others all agressively promoted it.
A giant asteroid hits the earth.

One third of the creatures in the sea die.

One third of the fresh water on the earth is destroyed through chemical warfare.

The vegetation and trees are burnt up.

200 million soldiers move into the Middle East for Israel.
The weather is crazy.

It is all blamed on global warming, the fundamentalists and political conservatives who opposed ecology.
Millions of people are killed who rebel against the New Leader.

Anyone sick, mentally ill or has Alzheimers is euthanised.

Euthanasia is a huge movement.
Any fundamentalist religion, such as Christianity, is illegal.

Everyone must accept the new religion.

Animals are going berserk all over the earth and attacking humans.

There is a global war and a massive earthquake.
The earth has gone through a change.

.....*Scheduled orgies are available.

.....*Marriages and committed relationships are discouraged.

.....*Adult and child sex is normal.

.....*People can have global orgies by internet.

.....*Porn is available on all cell phones.

.....*Every child has the right to complete sexual freedom. It is illegal to prevent it.
By this time the U.S. constitution has become an ever-changing document.

America has become part of the global government.

There are ten regions of the global government

The Middle East peace situation has been solved.

Jerusalem has become an international city.

The world has a new global religion which joins all the world's religions under the False Prophet.
Universal health care and mandatory drugs are taken by the entire population.

MRIs are transmitted by biochips implanted in foreheads.

If a person appears angry, questioning or their MRI is out of the norm, it is transmitted to the government.
Only the New Religion worship can be preached.

It began with a national I.D. card.

Now, most people have received a biochip implant.

We live in a cashless society.

Everyone's lives are an open book.

Cameras and biometrics are everywhere.

There is no U.S., just the United States of Americas.
Talk radio and television are already under the fairness doctrine.

Nobody has free speech.

It's all world media!
The public schools teach children that they are citizens of Planet Earth under the direction of the new world leader.

Anybody who criticizes the government can be arrested for hate speech.
More of the Communist Party goals:

Infiltrate churches and replace 'revealed' religion with 'social' religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity which does not need a religious crutch.

Eliminate prayer or phase of religious expression in schools on the grounds that it violates separation of church and state.

Discredit the family as an institution. Encourge promiscuity and divorce.

Almost 39 years later, this is what we are seeing today!
In 1963 a member of the House of Representatives from Florida outlined the goals of the Communist Party, they are recorded in the Records of Congress.

Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for socialism and Communist propaganda.

Promote the U.N. as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own armed forces.

Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting porn and obscenities in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
There are human organizations, groups and movements who have planned together to bring about changed in our nation and world.

In 1933, the Humanist Manifesto was published which outlined a plan to create a global humanistic government. One of the signers of this document was who created the modern public education system which was designed to bring about this goal.
In the Book of Revelation, we see a one world religion coming that will be headed by the False Prophet.

At that time, the people of Planet Earth will be worshipping the Antichrist as God.

The Earth Charter is leading us to the time when the world will reject Christ in favor of the Antichrist.
And there are other Commandments; but the plan is to use the 'environment' as the excuse to make a humanistic one world government.

This Earth Charter is already getting into the public schools, courts, city governments, state governments, federal government, and colleges.
Happy Thanksgiving 2011
And more Commandments:

Criminalize all those who would refuse to say that homosexuality was good.

Promote complete redistribution of wealth.
More new Commandments:

Give power to the state to control and tax all forms of production.

Big government socialized health care that we pay for and that prioritizes abortion rights and population control.
More of the new Commandments:

Euthanasia is perfectly okay [killing the old and the weak].

Obey the laws of the global government.

Prevent pollution of any part of the environment. [a pretense to establish Big Brother government].
Now that the radical humanists are removing the original Ten Commandments from our society, they are working to replace them with new Commandments based on the worship of Planet Earth.

Some of the new Commandments they plan to teach our children are:

Recognize that all beings are interdependent and that every form of life has value. [This doesn't include unborn children because the U.N. is pro-abortion].
Gorbachev said in a 1997 interview with the L.A. Times:
"My hope is that this charter will be a kind of Ten Commandments, a 'Sermon on the Mount' that provides a guide for human behavior toward the environment in the next century and beyond.'
Those agreeing with the Earth Charter will be happy with the coming of the new world that was predicted by astrologers called the 'New Age or an age of Aquarius.'

It is the goal of the Rockefeller-Gorbachev Earth Charter to train 16 million teachers to indoctrinate ...children across the world into this new world religion.
When this Earth Charter was revealed at the Earth Summit, they transported an "Ark of Hope", which was an actual physical ark designed to replace the Ark of the Covenant in the Bible.

This was an effort to incorporate all the wisdom of the world's religions into a new one world religion.
The introduction of the Earth Charter says:

". . . .we are one human family and one Earth community with a common destiny. We must join together to bring forth a sustainable global society (one world government) founded on respect for nature. . . .Towards this end, it is imperative that we, the peoples of the Earth, declare our responsibility to one another and to the greater community of life for future generations."
The United Nations has revealed its Earth Charter which was written by a group of 'wise persons'.

It is part of the United Nations plan to create a new global spirituality with a new kind of Ten Commandments.
Our government removed the Ten Commandments out of a courthouse in Alabama and arrested the Judge for a crime of displaying them.

There is an all out attack to destroy Christianity from our nation and to replace it with a New Age and humanistic religion.
Most of the text books in our public school systems have what they call 'Christocentrics'.

They replace the terms
B.C [before Christ] and
A.D. [Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord]
with B.C.E. [before Common Era] and C.E. [Common Era].
It's perfectly okay in our public school systems to celebrate Halloween and put up all kinds of symbols such as ghosts and witches.

Halloween is the religious holiday of witches and pagans.
In our public school systems, they can't use the words Christmas or Easter.

They have to say 'Winter Break' or 'Spring Break'.

They can't put up any religious symbol that might refer to the true meaning of Christmas or Easter.
One of the lower courts has ruled that it is illegal to say the Pledge of Allegiance in schools because it has the words 'one nation under God' in it.

The ACLU and other groups are bent on removing all references to God, crosses and any other Judeo-Christian symbols from our public land.

They have already removed the tiny little cross in the Los Angeles County Seal.
A coming new world religion will appear which will teach that as long as we are sincere, we will enter heaven.

There is a group of Christian religious leaders who teach that all religions lead to the same God.

If that were the case, why was Jehovah God's first commandment, "Thou shalt have no other gods before me"? Exodus 20:3
Once God's standard of truth is removed [which is the inspired Word of God] from the church, the door is open for all kinds of spiritual error, false prophets and antichrists.

Since much of the church has rejected the Word of God, seminaries are training religious leaders who don't believe that God's Word is inspired or inerrant.

Spiritual deception will increase.
1 John 4:1
"Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world."

1 John 2:18
"Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."

2 Peter 2:1
"But there were false prophets also among the people, even as there shall be false teachers among you, who privily shall bring in damnable heresies, even denying the Lord that bought them, and bring upon themselves swift destruction.

2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of."

dancing skeleton
In 1945 the Russians took the Pergamon Altar to Lenningrad and then returned it 13 years later.

It was re-built in the Pergamon Museum in 1959. Berlin had become the capital of Germany again.

Then the German Government moved the altar back to Reichstag where the seat of Satan is now.
Later Adolph Hitler built a reproduction of the
Pergamon Altar at Nuremberg for his Nazi rallies.
The 'Satan's seat' or the Throne of Satan was taken apart and shipped to Germany in the late 1800's.

The Pergamon
Altar was
rebuilt in

Berlin by

Wilhelm II
in 1902.

It was celebrated by a massive festival and party to the pagan gods.

Ham's oldest son Cush was the father of Nimrod.

Nimrod built the tower of Babel. Ancestor worship originated in Babylonia.

In ancient Pergamos, at the 'seat of Satan,' they actually worshipped a living serpent. The 'seat of Satan' was moved from Babylon to Pergamos.
In Genesis 10:6 "And the sons of Ham; Cush, and Mizraim, and Phut, and Canaan."

The curse God placed on Ham's son, Canaan went into effect.

The Canaanites became wicked, perverse, idlolatrous and violent people.
When Noah awoke and realized what had happened, he put a curse on Ham's son, Canaan.
"cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants he shall be to his brethern." Genesis 10:25

Ham's lack of respect for his father's nakedness had a spiritual force to it. It revealed something of what was going on in his heart with his relationship with his father and God as well.

Then Noah blessed the sons of Shem and Japeth.
Noah had become a farmer and had planted a vineyard.

He got drunk and passed out naked in his tent. Ham walked into the tent and saw his father naked.

Ham went outside and told his two brothers; so they [Shem and Japeth] walked into the tent backwards so that they couldn't see their father's nakedness and cover him.
It is likely that during the time of the Great Flood when Noah and his family were in the Ark, he taught his sons Shem, Ham, and Japheth about God whom he worshipped.

Noah after the flood
Babel is the original name for Babylon.

It was the first example of a type of one world government ruled by Satan.

Babylon was also the beginning of goddess-mother worship.
Read Genesis 11:1-9
It's about an evil ruler named Nimrod who built the tower of Babel which was ancient Babylon.

The tower of Babel was built as a giant astrological and occult worship place so that its followers could reach up into the heavens, become godlike and see the stars.
Pergamos wasn't the original place that held "Satan's dwelling place or seat".

Babylon was the headquarters of Satan and demonic powers.
The old Church Fathers believed that the age of Christianity had come; that the Millennial reign of Christ had come to the earth.

The Book of Revelation is of God's kingdom triumphing on earth through the church.
The Pergamos religion was moved to Rome in 313 A.D.

It eventually became Roman Catholicism when Constantine, the Emperor of Rome was converted to Christianity.

At that time Church and State joined together and persecution of Christians stopped.
Some of the modern churches of today have committed spiritual adultery with humanistic ideas.

They have compromised God's Word with immorality, homosexuality, abortion, and on and on.
Jesus Christ says to the Church at Pergamos:
"But I have a few things against thee, because thou hast there them that hold the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balac to cast a stumblingblock before the children of Israel, to eat things sacrificed unto idols, and to commit fornication." Revelation 2:14

The people of Israel began to adopt the pagan customs that were around them and God no longer blessed them.
Much of Christianity today has similar compromises as the Church of Pergamos by rejecting the truth of the Word of God for the theories of evolution, humanism, modern psychology, and New Age religions.

There is very little difference in the morality and spirituality of the Christians and the non-believing world.
Like the Church of Pergamos, the modern church of today accepted the pagan philosophies of the modern culture to gain social acceptance.

Darwin's purpose was not just to establish the concept of evolution but was to convince the scientific world that it was unscientific to believe in a supernatural cause. His purpose was to 'ungod' the universe.
Whenever the Church [body of Christ] lets itself be used by one political party or leader, it has entered into the error of Pergamos.

If Hitler was running for office today, many Christians would vote for him because he claimed to be a Christian. He was going to restore Christian values.

Many Protestant and Catholic leaders backed him and the Third Reich.
The Church of Pergamos was seen as the compromised world church.

Christianity became the state religion in A.D. 325.

Not only did the Church of Pergamos compromise with immorality, it compromised its doctrine in order to achieve political and social power.

A corrupt spiritual/political system arose with Nicolaitan style and religious hiearchy ruling.
The reference to "Satan's seat" in Revelation 2:13 could be that Pergamos had the largest altar in the world and it was built to worship the god of Zeus.

Pergamos was the center of the pagan doctrines that entered the church.
The Church of Pergamos was under assault from the pagan customs all around them.
They were accommodating to the pagan culture in order to be accepted.

Their compromising made a way for the paganization of the church for many centuries to come.

Jesus criticized them for allowing false teachers and those who taught the doctrines of Balaam.
Sexual immorality was promoted.
The Chruch of Pergamos in the Book of Revelation resembles the modern church.

37% of evangelical pastors struggle with pornography
63% of men at christian retreats do the same
2/3 of them are in church leadership
34% of christian women have visted porn sites

Psalm 37:4
In Revelation 2:9, the phrase "synagogue of Satan" is used.

This could be referring to a group who was developing a "Nicolaitan" type of hierarchy,
a group that rejected salvation by grace alone and tried to teach it was through obedience to Jewish laws.
The Church of Smyrna refers to the persecuted church and myrrh which releases it fragrance by being crushed.

The church age that it represents refers to the second and third centuries, where the church of Jesus Christ was violently persecuted by Roman dictators.

Jesus commends this church for its faithfulness in extreme tribulation and poverty. [Similar to how the church in China stays faithful and wins millions of souls despite persecution from the Communist Chinese Government].
The Church of Ephesus teaches us an important lesson.

It had spiritually left its "first love" for Jesus.

They were right on with their doctrine, but they had lost their original passion for Him.

This is a warning for every Christian and church today!

It is possible to be doctrinally sound and yet have lost your "first love".
Immorality was comman with the Nicolaitan leaders who tried to be 'upper class' among the people.

Pastor and leaders involved in affairs and pornography are similar to the Nicolaitan leaders.
We can see from the past that whenever a select group of preachers or priests [religious leaders] begin to arise in the church, compromise and immorality followed.

When men are separated from society or never had to work in the real world for a long time, they can't really minister to the people because they have never been one of the people.
The word Nicolaitanes is made up of two Greek words, Nico which means to overcome and laitanes which refers to 'lay people'.

They are referred to the first century teachers who wanted to overcome or rule the 'lay people' and build a church hierarchy within the Church.

Sexual immorality was common among the leaders of the Nicolaitans.
Jesus commended the Church of Ephesus for discerning and hating the teachings of the Nicolaitans.

The Nicolaitans were connected to Nicolus who was one of seven men selected to serve the early church but started teaching heresy.

Their doctrine was of Balaam who promoted sexual immorality.
The Church of Ephesus had many good attributes.

It rejected evil, persevered in a corrupt society and had patience. They were commended for using discernment for those who claimed to be apostles, but weren't.

But still a group of false teachers called the Nicolaitans had tried to get into their leadership.
The Church of Ephesus was founded by Paul and pastored by John for many years after Paul's death.

It was an "on fire church" and existed in a corrupt, pagan city. The city was a worship center of Diana. The temple of Diana was one of the seven wonders of the world then.
The Lord's message to the seven churches apply to every church and individual today.

If we apply them to our own lives and churches; Jesus has a powerful confrontive, delivering and cleansing message for us.
Many Bible scholars teach that the Seven Churches of the Apocalypse represent seven distinct ages of church history:

EPHESUS - the Apostalic Church
[Pentecost A.D. 100]
SMYRNA - the Persecuted Church
[A.D. 100-316]
PERGAMOS - the World Church
[A.D. 316-800]
THYATIRA - Medieval Church
[ A.D. 800-1517]
SARDIS - Rise of the State Church
[A.D. 1517-1750]
PHILADELPHIA - Missionary Church
[A.D. 1750-1900]
LAODICIA - Apostate Church
[A.D. 1900 - present]
What is coming out of many of the pulpits in America is
a few scriptures verses taken out of context,
humorous stories,
pop psychology,
and political and religious correctness,
rather than Biblical correctness.

The full gospel is not being taught. It's called 'apostasy'.
Many churches in America don't teach on
the Second Coming of Christ,
the Rapture,
the Great White Throne Judgment,
the Judgment Seat of Christ,
and the Book of Life.
Many of the Pastors and Churches do not believe that the Bible is God's inspired and inerrant Word.

This is the same sin Adam and Eve committed by being deceive by Satan. They are doubting God's Word.
Many of the Seminaries and Churches today have deserted the faith for the mixture of humanism and psychology.

Some preach a counterfeit love based on gushy feelings.

The Word of God is the 'word of truth'!
Some of the modern church has been seduced by the "spirit of this age"

They are built on humanism and psychology which opens the door to heresy and apostasy.

Instead of preaching the truth of God's Word, there is an entire generation of pastors who are trying to market Christianity to the public.
The Book of Revelation brings us into a closer personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

A study of it will help us renew our minds with God's Word and allow strongholds to fall from our souls.

We will be prepared to rule and reign with Him.

Read Revelation 1:5-6
Many of today's churches have accepted much of the humanistic worldview of the unbelieving world.

They accommodate the sin and false doctrine which the Book of Revelation tells us not to tolerate.
The Book of Revelation emphysizes such things as...
*the need to live for eternity,
*dying to self,
*moral absolutes,
*the choices of heaven or hell,
*the judgment for unbelievers,
*accountability for believers,
*the nature of spiritual warfare,
*Israel's role in the last days,
*the Second Coming of Jesus,
*and eternity.
"I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot. So then, because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot. I will vomit you out of My mouth. .....As many as I love, I rebuke and chasten. Therfore be zealous and repent."
Revelation 3:15,16 & 20.

The Book of Revelation confronts "the spirit of this age" more than any other book of the Bible. It presents the humanistic world view, which has taken root even in those who call themselves 'born again' Christians.
One of the reasons that many of the modern churches of today rejects studying and teaching the Book of Revelation is because its writings must be faced and dealt with.

Some of these churches could be characterized by the Laodiciean Church.
A Biblical worldview is believing that absolute truth exists and that it is based on the Bible.

A Biblical worldview has six core beliefs:
*The accuracy of Bible teaching.
*The sinless nature of Jesus.
*The literal existence of Satan.
*The omnipotence of God.
*Salvation by grace alone.
*The responsibility to evangelize.
In January 2004 a poll was taken that revealed only 9% of born again adults and 7% of Protestants have a Biblical worldview.

Interviews with 601 Senior Pastors nationwide, which represent a random cross-section of Protestant churches, only half of them have a Biblical worldview.
According to a Research Group, morality in America is decaying.

83% are concerned about the nations morality.
61% believe gambling is ok.
60% believe just living together is ok.
45% believe abortions are ok.
42% believe sexual relations outside of marriage is ok.
38% believe porn is ok.
35% believe drunkenness is ok.
30% believe homosexuality is ok.

Data suggests that America's morality is likely to continue to decline.
The Book of Revelation asks us to look at the destruction of Planet Earth,
God's judgment on a sinful human race,
a new heaven and a new earth,
Satan and his followers sentenced to the lake of fire,
the Great White Throne Judgment,
the resurrection of the dead,
and the restoration of Paradise.
The reason the Book of Revelation is rejected so much is because it has an advanced theme that demands us to examine God's love, holiness, and judgment.
Masterminds of the 9/11/01 attacks

The purpose of the Tribulation Period isn't only judment, but to give men and women one last opportunity to join Jesus Christ in heaven and live there forever.
God sent His Son into the world to save every man, woman and child from their sins.

In the Book of Revelation it is made clear that God is loving and trying to save everyone who will turn their hearts to Him.
Even though the Book of Revelation tells of the outpouring of God's wrath on the world that has rebelled against Him;

there is still a clear message that He is a God of love who desparately wants to rescue every person from it.
The message in the Book of Revelation is totally contrary to those who preach that there are many paths to God.
The Tribulation Period described in the Book of Revelation is worse than any modern horror movie.

It describes the wrath of God's judgment against a world that has deliberately rebelled against Him.
The Book of Revelation contains graphic details of an horrific judgment that people will face if they reject Jesus Christ and fall for the deceptions of the Antichrist.
The Book of Revelation isn't a friendly book for seekers because it warns those who reject Jesus and whose names aren't written in the Book of Life, of eternal damnation.
In today's world of Political Correctness, Diverity and Tolerance, the Book of Revelation describes the destiny of both those who accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior and those who reject Him.

Detailed descriptions are given of both heaven and hell.
In America, we may be getting close to where the Book of Revelation will be made illegal and even censored by the government.

In Canada, certain passages of the Bible are already illegal to teach.
This important book of the Bible isn't being taught in many churches in American and around the world.

In China, the government believes that the Book of Revelation is such a threat that Christian churches are forbidden to teach or quote from it.
There is a new trend called "the emerging church".

People decide for themselves which parts of the Bible they think or want to believe is true.
Much of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been watered down.

Many Churches fit the description of the Laodecian [luke-warm] Church in the Book of Revelation.

Scriptures are taken out of context. Much of the bible isn't even preached. Words like sin, hell, judgment, holiness, repentance and righteousness are not used anymore.
There are many preachers today with large and small congregations who say that they never preach on things like judgment, hell or repentance. Some even laugh at those who do.

There is a difference in some of the modern theology. They mix pop-psychology, self-esteem, and humanistic motivation with a few Bible verses thrown in.
One of the greatest signs regarding the end of the age is what Paul referred to as the "falling away" or the "last days" apostasy [the rejection/defection/abandonment of God].

"Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the [a]apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great [b]falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition). 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Greek word apostesia means the falling away or apostasy that occurs before the revealing of the anitchrist.
Jesus Christ warned us that at the time of His return, the world would be like it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sadly the world and much of the church seems oblivious to the prophetic signs of the times which are exploding all around us.
In some countries because of governmental corruption, the people are starving to death while the elite live like kings and queens.
It's reported that in Sudan, millions of Christians are slaughtered for being Christians.

Genocide is being practiced so as to wipe out entire populations.
In much of Europe, atheism and immorality thrives and the church has become dead.
True Christians, who believe in the Bible and desire to follow His Word, are mocked and ridiculed in the media, while everybody else is protected by "Hate Crime Legislation."
Todays world has become like the world before the Flood and before Sodom and Gomorroh.

There are constant reports of domestic violence, violence in the streets, drugs, sex mixed and depraved and abortions and much abuse of children and women.
Most of the church is asleep and unaware that judgment is about to fall on America.

America and the Church have had a number of wakeup calls.
The Ten Commandments have been removed from court houses.

The Bible and prayer has been outlawed in the schools.

Crosses and other religious symbols have been removed from many areas of our land.

Sexual immorality is every where.

Greed and corruption is both outside and inside the church.

In fact, the church has become just as immoral as the world.
When any nation, including America, turns its back on God and accepts evil, judgment must come.

American is in a dangerous spiritual place. It has received some of God's richest blessings because of its Christian heritage.

But now America has turned its back on God and openly rebels against His laws.

Looking at human history, God will only allow evil dictators, governments and nations so long. Then they are destroyed.

Take Germany and some of the other nations that used evil to try take over the world. God had ways to end their destruction.
The angels told Lot to get his family together because God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. They were going to escape the judgment of God.

Jesus' Second Coming is going to be like that.

God is righteous and holy and He cannot allow evil to continue which at a certain point, a nation, a society, or the entire world will cross the line and judgment will occur. God's patience and love has run out. He must stop the evil.
Read Chapter 19 of Genesis

It tells how perverse the men of Sodom had become. God had sent two angels to Lot's house. Spending the night in Sodom, for these angels, would have been like a tourist walking through Central Park in New York.

It is hard for us to understand how a father would ever offer his daughters to a mob of rapists. It is good that his offer didn't satisfy them because the angels called blindness on them and they were all able to escape from the city.
Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, it was a beautiful place. It was filled with waterfalls, rivers, gardens, trees and flowers and were prosperous.

Like before the Flood of Noah's time, there was evil and wickedness happening. The people had become perverted and debased before God.
Before the Flood there were a number of interesting contasts.

Life and society went on as it always does. There was economic prosperity, large cities, grand homes, businesses and major developments.

People were marrying, having celebrations and working daily.

Among there activities, they had many perversions: incest, adultery, rapes, torturings, child sacrifices, prostitution, orgies, occult communication with demons, drugs, wars, violence thefts, slavery and murders on and on goes the list.
Read Genesis 6:5-12

God says that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil."

It means that the human race had become very evil, twisted, perverse and violent.

Some of the pagan practices of the nations that surrounded Israel, are a clue as to how bad things were.
62% of teenager's parents are not aware that their children have seen porn at home.

Most of their viewing is done after school before the parents get home.

1 out of 5 who use computer chat rooms have been solicited by a pedophile.

89% if these solicitations were made in chat rooms or instant messaging. 13 million children use instant messaging. [Pew Study]
An 11 year old boy had been watching violent porn on the internet immediately before he stabbed and 8 year old girl to death.

A 13 year old boy was at a Phoenix Library watching porn on the internet. He followed a 4 year old boy into the bathroom and demanded oral sex from him.

44% children polled said they had viewed porn websites. 43% said they have no rules about the internet at all.

9 out of 10 children between 8 and 16 have seen porn on the internet unintentionally while doing homework.

750,000 children are now missing each year.

40% of people who view child pornography also abuse children reports Reuters and that was in 2003.
Authorities have reported that when they conduct raids and seize porn films, these films show 2,3, and 4 year olds in them.

There are 100,000 websites that offer these types of film which are illegal and world wide.

This industry generates 1 billion dollars a year. Subscribers pay monthly fees on credit cards to download pictures and videos costing $30 to $50 each month.
More and more babies and toddlers are appearing on the internet in pictures of torture and sadism.

About 20 new children appear each month. They have been either kidnapped or sold.
A Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children reported that more than 20,000 images of child porn are put on the Internet each week.

140,000 images were posted over a six week period according to internet researchers.

Over half of these sites are here in the US.

According to an expert who is fighting pedophilia says sites featuring little babies and toddlers are skyrocketing in Europe.
There are people who have their own video production companies.

They produce porn with violence and perversion of all sorts and when the States try to prosecute them, judges delcare that they have the legal right [freedom of speech] to produce this kind of 'entertainment'.
The main Media thinks pornography is a harmless past time. But its not just naked men and women.

Images are hitting hundreds of millions of homes communicting scenes of sex violence on women and children as young as two years old.

Some of the stuff is so bad it has made hardened police sick!
The Sexual Revolution of the sixties has imploded.

We have generations of teens and preteens who are lost in a sexual wilderness.

"Oral sex is not sex" is the real legacy of Bill Clinton.
To redefine sexual sin, our modern culture has come up with new words to translate sin into something good.

Adultery = 'having an affair'
Fornication = 'living together'
Gays = 'alternate lifestyle'
The first five books of the Old Testament give laws from God about human sexual behavior.

The Bible has a completely different standard regarding morality.

These laws or commandments cover sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, cross gendering and all sorts of immorality.
In major sports, like the Super Bowl, performers dress in sexual perverted garb.

During commercials they have similar pervertedly dressed women selling anything from hamburgers to male sexual products.

Images of sexual immorality is hanging over our society.
Many medical facilities now require patients to fill out questionnaires asking them how man sexual partners they had in the last year 1,2,3,4, or more.

Are they bisexual or homosexual; and made to feel like they are odd if they are heterosexual and faithful to one partner.

There isn't even a question for being a virgin or celibate.
Mothers are taking their 9 year old daughters to Britney Spears concerts where song and dancing on stage are pornographic.

Madonna and Britney french kissed at the music awards.

Many of the music videos are filled with pornographic sexual imagery

The lyrics of rock'n'roll songs and Hip Hop music talk about rape, orgies, incest and drugs.
Casual sex is the norm for most Hollywood movie and tv shows. Nobody even blinks and eye.

Pornographic sex scenes, nudity, gay sex are also becoming more and more normalized on tv and in movies.
Pornography has been normalized.

Porn stars, strippers, rock singers and movie stars have become role models for young girls. They appear on tv shows to sell their music, books and movies and even give advice on sexual relationships.

Hotels have porn movies available for watching in their rooms for rent and the bill will not show the names of the rentals.

Day time soaps and night tv shows are soft porn for all viewers.
Our society now accepts as normal and good what used to be sinful and abnormal.

Just read the headlines of the magazines at the checkouts at any store. They are in plain sight of all children. Most people make their purchases and voice no complaints whatsoever. Everyone goes with the flow.
"But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death." Revelation 21:8

Hollywood, the media, and the music industry have successfully won the sexual revolution!
An evangelical magazine called "Today's Christian Women" reported a recent survey taken of Christian's who visit porn sites.

*34% of readers had intentionally visited porn sites
*Far more women than men are likely to act out what they see
*80% of women who have this addiction are likely to act out
*37% of evangelical Christian pastors struggle with porn
*63% of evangelical men who are not pastors
*2 thirds are in church leadership and
*10% were pastors
*4 to 10 billion dollars go to porn per year
*#1 topic searched on the Internet
*1.3 million porn website
*32 million different people visit porn sites
*20,000 images of child porn posted on sites

People can view sexual images not even imaged by those who lived in Sodom and Gomorrah.
God had to send judgment because of the wickedness, perversion and sadism.

Little children were being raped, tortured, and sacrificed for these people's perverted pleasures.
The spiritual condition of the people before the Flood and in Sodom and Gomorrah was great sexual perversion, violence and horrible wickedness.

Evil had reached a boiling point among the people that God, who is Holy and Righteous, had to judge and destroy it.
Jesus compared the spiritual condition of the world just before He comes again, to the spiritual condition of the world just before the Flood of Noah and the destruction of Sodom.