The Palestinian refugees are used to bargain with; to bring them into Israel. The immigration of millions of refugees, if it's allowed, will destroy the nation of Israel. They will weaken the Jewish population.
The Palestians refugees could have been placed in other Arab nations in the surrounding area. They could have been taught and trained and given decent lives. But these camps were created and kept as a means of power to make people believe that Israel is cruel and oppressive.
Refugee camps, located close to Israel, were set up there in 1948 by Arabs who fled Israel. At that time there were about 450,000 and now there are about 4 and 1/2 million refugees living in these camps.
The long term plan of both Arabs and the Palestinian Liberation Organization is to keep millions of Palestinians living in the horrible conditions inside the refugee camps that are purposely placed close to Israel.
By ignoring the true nature of these Islamists, many countries including the United States are determined to use political, economic and military means to try bring peace.
Hated for the Jews is reaching
the boiling point. It's being
spread by Islams.

They plan to kill millions of
Jews using WMDs. Their leader
has publically said that they
will wipe Israel of the face
of the earth.
Many Bible scholars think that
the 'Roadmap to Peace' in the
Middle East will become the
'Roadmap to Armageddon.'

They are sure that the current
happenings in the Middle East
can't be solved.

Whether it's the 'Roadmap to
Peace' or any other plan, many
Jewish and Christian scholars
say that only the return of
Jesus will bring peace there.
In Israel, a normal day can all
of a sudden become a tragedy.
That is the nature of terrorism
and suicide bombings.

Television is full of scenes of
young Palestinians throwing
rocks at Israeli tanks. Hundreds
of men are seen bowing to Allah
on floor mats in mosques.

Israel has left Gaza and the
West Bank but violence contin-
"Behold, I will make Jerusalem
a cup of trembling unto all the
people round about, when they
shall be in the siege both
against Judah and against
And in that day will I make

Jerusalem a burdensome stone
for all people: all that burden
themselves with it shall be cut
in pieces, though all the people
of the earth be gathered to-
gether against it."
Zechariah 12:2-3

Jezreel Valley a.k.a.
Valley of Armageddon, Israel
The greatest experience in life
is to be a Christian.

If you are not a Christian, God
invites you to be one now. It's
done by accepting Jesus as your
personal Savior.

Do that right now. Ask Jesus to
forgive you and come into your
heart so you can be a creature
of eternity. And that He will
make your life new.
We are given the opportunity to
live in the New Jerusalem.

Knowing Jesus Christ as our
personal Savior, we will be a
creature of eternity.
God has a plan that reaches out
through the ages.

He gives us the opportunity to
see parts of that plan, to
inspire us.

That should be what Jerusalem,
the city of the great King, do.
The "New Jerusalem" will be the
place where both the redeemed of
Israel and the redeemed of the
Church will live.

It will be a fantastic place!
Happy st patrick's day 2011
The name "Jerusalem" is so rev-
ered, that the New Jerusalem,
which is a part of Heaven that
comes down to earth, is given
the name "The New Jerusalem."
John sees, at the end of the
Book of the Revelation, the New
Jerusalem coming down from on
high in chapter 21 verse 2.
Some people do not think much of
Jerusalem, but every nation of
the world will send delegations
to worship the great King there.

If they don't, it will not rain
upon their lands.

The King of the World at that
time who is Jesus Christ will
even control the forces of

Jerusalem will be exalted to its
proper place!
The city of Jerusalem will one
day be the capital of the world.
That's why it's called the city
of the great King.

And that is why we are to revere

the city of Jerusalem; because
Jesus will establish He Millennial
(1,000 yrs) Reign from the city of
Jerusalem and He will rule over
the nations of the world.
We who are in Christ Jesus will
be with Him when He returns to

These saints will set the nation

of Israel, and the world free
from the bondages of sin and
despose of the Antichrist.

And they will be part of the

rulership of the Kingdom of
Jesus Christ which will be in
the world for 1,000 years.
We know from the Word of God
that the saint will really
return with Jesus to rule the

1 Corinthians 6:2-3 says that
the saints will judge the
world and will judge angels.
Jesus comes with an army of His

It will not be an army of angels.

It will be an army of the saints
of God. ". . .Behold, the Lord
cometh with ten thousands of
His saints," Jude 14
The mighty invasion from Heaven
breaks the power of the devil
and the Antichrist and the False
Prophet, and frees the world
from the terrible bondage of sin.

This is the return of Jesus Christ,
when He comes with an army of His
saints to take down the devil.
The battle around Jerusalem will
be broken up by John's descript-
ion of what will happen.

"And I saw heaven opened, and
behold a white horse; and he
that sat upon him was called
Faithful and True, and in
righteousness he doth judge
and make war.
His eyes were as a flame of
fire, and on his head were
many crowns; and he had a
name written, that no man
knew, but he himself.
And he was clothed with a
vesture dipped in blood: and
his name is called The Word
of God.
And the armies which were in
heaven followed him upon
white horses, clothed in fine
linen, white and clean.
And out of his mouth goeth a
sharp sword, that with it he
should smite the nations: and
he shall rule them with a rod
of iron: and he treadeth the
winepress of the fierceness
and wrath of Almighty God.
And he hath on his vesture and
on his thigh a name written,
Revelation 19:11-16

There is an interesting answer
described in the Bible.

There is a counter-invasion
that comes from Heaven. It is
the army of God that comes
back. This army will overwhelm
the armies that stand against
the city of Jerusalem.
All the nations will come again-
st Jerusalem in the final battle.
It will look hopeless for awhile.
It may be that part of the city
that will be occupied.

God provides and answer. . . .
And the final battle of Arma-
geddon will be where, little
by little, the armies of the
Antichrist gather around the
city of Jerusalem.

armageddon pic
This siege of the city of
Jerusalem will be the last great
battle in a series of battles
called Armageddon.

The battles of Armageddon start
in the Valley of Jezreel, where
the blood will run to the level
of the horses' bridle straps.
The devil's ambition has always
been to get the world to worship
him. He has not succeeded.

In the end, he will try to do
it with violence. He will work
through the Antichrist, who
will gather the armies of the
nations of the world.

They march in a new anti-
christian, crusade and surround

Again Jerusalem becomes the
center of attention of the
The Tribulation will be a time
when there will be a great
division between people; those
who are loyal to the Antichrist,
and receive his mark and those
who don't and are looking to be
delivered by the return of Jesus