It is baffling how the National Officials and News Media refuse to acknowledge these Palestinian's intentions.............................................. ........They seem to think that if the Americans will support the Palestinians, the terrorism against the US and Israel will stop.
This scheme of making peace agreements with the enemy until you get strong enough to destroy them is well known among the Muslims..................... ...........Yet on TV we can hear them saying, 'O God, take vengeance against the Jews and Americans.
This hatred of the Jews and Americans continues even as the Palestinian leaders pretend to want peace.
Good Friday 2011

Palestinian leaders tell the Muslim people that the reason they make peace agreements is to .............use them as a 'Trojan Horse' until they can achieve their real goal.
...........They have publicly said that their ultimate goal wasn't peace, but that it will be 'Palestine from the river to the sea.'
..........They can only have a successful Palestinian State when Israel is destroyed completely.
Whenever a Muslim leader makes a peace agreement and some of his followers thinks he has betrayed them, he explains it by using the Koran and Mohammed.
.................Many Muslims know of the writings in the Koran where Mohammed made a phony peace agreement with his enemy and used it as a temporary move to please his enemies until his army became strong enough. Then he destroyed them.
.................There is an incredible partiality in the State Department regarding the true ambitions of the Palestinians.
One of Israel's leading military generals commented that about a third of the high level State Department officials have been former diplomats in Arab and Middle Easter nations and are pro-Palestinian.
Israel is still under fire by continual terrorist attacks and bombings by Palestinians. .............................................................................................................. ..........Even after the Gaza and West Bank pullouts, the western countries still pretend that the Palestinians really want peace.



The peace agreements over the last twenty years are based on a false assumption that they will end the terrorism and bring peace in the Middle East. .................................................................................................................. It is assumed that the Palestinians want peace, that they would be satisfied with economic help, and that they would be pacified with a part of Jerusalem. .................................................................................................................. But many recorded statements of Arab leaders say the opposite.
The United States and many European countries believe that the problems in the Middle East is economic injustice of the Palestinians. ............................................................................................................. They also think that peace can come by creating a Palestinian State in Israel and letting the refugees return there, giving them education and economic help.
Israel understands the culture of violence because it lives day to day with the effects. of it. ...................................................................................................... Any peace agreement that doesn't deal with .this violence, is no peace agreement. ....................................................................................................... Because Israel knows this, it is prepared for .military force to protect themselves and their. right to exist, if the have to.
Little has been done to stop educating Palestinian young people into violence. .............................................................................................................. How can there be any hope to end the violence taught to millions ...who want to kill Jews and Americans?
For generations the Palestinian children have been taught in their religious schools to hate and kill Jews, Americans and 'the Westerners'. They produces suicide bombers. ...................................... These young people's minds are filled with ideas of the glory of dying for Allah. ...........................................Education such as science, math, business, and other legitimate subjects are ignored making their lives of poverty.
The basis of the Palestinian's violence is their educational system. They teach their children to hate the Jews and that Israel is the violent and evil oppressor that must be destroyed by all or any means.
All the other nations including the United States ignore the fact that the Arabs will not be satisfied with a Palestinian State........... Their goal has always been to "drive Israel into the sea."
Zechariah, a prophet of the Old Testament, predicted that there would be an Armageddon kind of nuclear war that will involve many nations. This is based on a literal interpretation of Zechariah. ..................................... "And this shall be the plague with which the Lord will strike all the people who fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall dissolve while they stand on their feet, their eyes shall dissolve in their sockets, and their tongues shall dissolve in their mouths." Zechariah 14:12
Nations led by fanatical Islamic leaders are prepared to take advantage of such a situation and use a nuclear weapon inside of Israel. ....................................................................................These leaders are also prepared to withstand any retaliation.
Those who interpret the Bible literally, predict a nuclear war will break out as Israel tries to protect itself by fighting those invading it.
If millions of these Palestinian refugees were to pour into Israel and build a State there; Israel's military would be overwhelmed with trying to protect its country. .................. ............................The Islamic groups would take the opportunity then to murder millions of Jews.
The terrorists would be free to move nuclear, biological and chemical weapons into the Jewish areas of Israel.................................................... Their ability to wipeout the entire population of Israel would be very possible, if a Palestinian State were allowed into Israel.
The latest plan is to create a workable Palestinian State in Israel. ...................... ........................................ .........................................................................This new State would give the enemies of Israel a strong military advantage and it would be a way for new terrorism in Israel.

Click on this map of the middle east and see how little Israel is compared to the surrounding Arab nations. The Arab nations could allow the refugees to settle in their nations and help them with better lives; but the Arabs are using them to cause anger and hatred of the Jews and Israel around the world.
All the Arab countries want to use these poor refugees against Israel. They blame Israel because they can't have them all in their nation. ................................................................................................................ The refugees are Palestinians and the truth is the Arab states will not let them into their own countries. And will not give them any economic help.
There are ways to solve the problems with the refugee camps but the Arab states will not accept the refugees. ...........................................The Palistinian Liberation Organization stop any solutions so they can continue to use the situation for their means.
The United Nations spends hundreds of millions of dollars on keeping the refugee camps. . . . . . . . . . . . . .........................................................................................................The U.S. and the U.N. know that the camps keep the people in terrible conditions and they are used to train terrorists; but they think the problem will be solved by a peace settlement.