America is in a very dangerous position when it mocks the laws of God. . . .It

......*approves of sexual immorality,
......*has taken the Ten Commandment from the court houses,
......*is pressuring Israel to give up her land,
......*and is not allowing its own school children of speak of Him or Christ!
When the American government and its people choose to stop being a friend to Israel and chooses to be their enemy; they have moved from being blessed to becoming cursed by God.
"And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it."
Zechariah 12:3
History has shown that it's very dangerous for any nation to rebel against God and curse Israel.

........America is on very shaky ground when it chooses to go against the nation of Israel.

........During the Tibulation Period, America will attack Israel along with the other nations.
America has led other nations to pressure Israel to give up the Gaza Strip.

America has taken the lead in forcing Israel to give up their land that God gave them through Abraham.
In the Bible it says that God will bless the nation who blesses Israel and curse the nation who curses Israel.

God made this specific promise to Abraham and the Jews who are his descendants.

America hasn't alway been faithful to the Jewish people or the nation of Israel after it was re-established in 1948.
"I will bless those who bless you,

And I will curse him who curses you."

Genesis 12:3

The same week the United States forced Israel to withdraw from Gaza, Louisiana was hit with Hurricane Katrina.

Since then there has been a series of natural disasters striking the United States. Makes us wonder??! Especially when many of them keep occurring while America deals in trying to force Israel to give up their land for peace.
Global war centers around Israel and the Middle East.

.............Instead of bringing about peace, the current peace process will actually bring about a major conflict in the Middle East.

Many people here in America expects another terrorist attack with weapons of mass destruction.

..........The idea of a major war in the Middle East isn't understood by most people on the street.
The average person doesn't realize that the whole world is sitting on the edge of a World War III in the Middle East. Even after 911.

The dangers of nuclear war breaking out are a thousand times greater than it was 30 years ago!
Currently America has enough nuclear power to destroy every major city in all the Americas.

............Because of the collapse of the former Soviet Union, many of their weapons are in disrepair, but could be launched by accident or sold to terrorist nations. Many other countries have nuclear weapons.

The possibility exists for a nuclear conflict to occur in the Middle East.
The Philistines are the ancestors of the Arabs and Palestinians.

.........Israel is prepared to destroy itself, in a nuclear battle with its enemies before it will allow itself to be conquered.
Samson defeats Philistines
Israel will resist with military force if troops are sent in there to enforce peace and set up a Palestinian State.

..................................................Israel is a nuclear power. It will use its military plan called the "Sampson Option" if forced.

In the Old Testament Samson used his mighty strength to pull the temple down on himself so he could destroy the Philistines.
Conservative Jews and Christians didn't meet together on anything, until recently, because they were suspicious of one another.

.......The concern for Israel has become so great that the old hostilities have been put aside.
The American president has been accused of saying many things regarding the Middle East. The ones who are saying them would have much to gain by discrediting the President of the United States.

...................If the words are true, we would have to question them because it would be clear that they go against the promises God made to Abraham that are recorded in the Bible.
By the comments of the American government about Israel and the Middle East, it doesn't appear that it has a very good understanding of the Bible.

...............There are many Christian ministers who have mentioned that for America to have a christian president, why would he be leading the country into God's judgment.
The Bible has a lot to say about Israel.....

........God's covenant with Abraham to give the Jews the land,
........a future invasion of Israel,
........and a Middle East struggle
Zechariah warns that when the nations that come against Israel, trying to force their land away from them; they are not just opposing Israel, they are opposing the will of God.

Israel is
by enemies.
By ignoring the very beginning of the long conflicts and the Bible record of God giving
the Jews the right to the land of Israel by His covenant to Abraham;.......peace agreements will try to force Israel to give up the land given to them by God and threaten their right to exist.


must stand

with Israel!
China and Russia has been very verbal against America's actions in Iraq. They want more power given to the UN. They, the UN and the EU have a different view of the Middle East than America.

.......They see Israel as an intruder and the cause of the problem in that area.

..............It wouldn't be hard to see America being pressured into joining them and being a part of a military mission in Israel.
Many people in Israel can't understand why America would be willing to join the other nations to give these areas to the Palestinians and Muslims.

*Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea

*Israel's capital is Jerusalem

*Garden of Gethsemane is there

*Golgotha is in the area of Jeusalem

These are Christianity's most holy places.
America at one time referred to Judea, Samaria and Gaza as 'occupied' territories. It suggested that the Israeli settlements in these areas must end in order to bring peace.

..............It's strange how a Christian nation would use the words 'occupied' territories knowing that the Bible says that those territores were given by God to Abraham, Isaac and their descendants, the Jews, forever.

..............They seem to be backing a plan which takes the land away from the Jews. God gave them this land "from Egypt to the great river Euphrates." Its clear that God didn't give that land to Ishmael or his descendants.
Zechariah talks about a time when "all the nations of the earth" will come together and try to invade Israel.

.......................After this invasion, Zechariah's prophecy, describes a supernatural judgment that will come on all the nations who took part in the invasion.

.................These nations are destroyed through earthquakes, giant hailstones and tornadoes.

If they invade Israel and send in forces to keep peace, Bible scholars believe that this would be a fulfillment of this prophecy.
There are Bible teachers that predict that the US, UN, EU and Russia will represent "all the nations of the earth" mentioned in Zechariah's prophecy.

.....................They are convinced that a peace agreement would setup the fulfillment of Zechariah's ancient prophecy.
Although there are some major prophetic events which have to happen first, there are a number of Bible scholars who believe that we are now living in the general time period when that invasion could occur.

...................They believe that the cause of this invasion could be that Israel refuses to set up a Palestinian State within Israel.
............The Palestinian's plan to get as much political advantage as they can through negotiations and peace agreements.

....................................They also want a Palestinian state created.

After they get this advantage by Israel compromising, they intend to start war against Israel and take the nation by force.

......The peace agreement would threaten Israel's national security and cause a new holocaust against them.
Palestinian leaders openly stated after the Gaza ans West Bank pullout, that it was their terrorist activities that forced Israel to withdraw.

.................Their plan is to force Israel to compromise by giving away their land and their rights.
The Palestinians will not be satisfied with Gaza and the West Bank. They want full control of that area and eventually all of Israel.
The Palestinians have had a long record of operating on the principle of negotiating conflicts.
........When they want to force negotiations, they
increase their terrorist attacks.
It's no accident that peace negotiations follow after a long period of suicide bombings and terrorist attacks on Israel.