Bin Laden had bragged in an interview that he and others, quote "known and unknown, have made efforts to obtain the components of nuclear weapons." unquote.
Al-Qaeda's number two leader claims that they have already bought 'smart briefcase bombs' that were on the black market.

Quote "They contacted us, we sent our people to Moscow and other top Asian states. They negotiated and we bought some suitcase bombs." unquote.
ABC broadcasted a threat by al-Qaeda on an anniversary of 911 saying, "Yesterday: London and Madrid, Tomorrow: Los Angeles and Melbourne, Allah willing.

And this time don't count on us demonstrating restraint or compassion. We are Muslims. We love peace, but peace on our terms, peace as laid down by Islam, not the so-called peace of occupiers and dictators."

[American Al-Qaeda Member Warns of Attacks]
There are even other possibilites, like nuclear war in the Middle East with the nation of Israel or US troops attacked in another country.

A WMD could happen in any European nation, but something is going to happen!
Most Americans are half asleep. They are not aware of anything going on.

There will be some great terrorist attacks. Whether bombs, nukes or chemicals they have plans to hit America.

There will be hundreds of thousand or millions of casualties.
A 25 Megaton blast could cause a nuclear winter.

Large amounts of debris and smoke from thousands of acres could cause a black out of the sun, that would cause the earth's temperatures to drop creating a nuclear winter.

Could this cause the hailstone that are mentioned in Revelation 16:21?
Revelation 16:21
"And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven, every stone about the weight of a talent: and men blasphemed God because of the plague of the hail; for the plague thereof was exceeding great."
A 25 megaton blast would destroy everything in a circle of 6 and 1/2 miles.

Most buildings would be vaporized and 98% of the people would be dead.
The bomb that exploded over Hiroshima had about 12,500 tons of TNT.

A 1 megaton hydrogen bomb would be 80 times more powerful than that.
When a nuclear device is detonated, a large fireball is created and everything inside it is vaporized.

This kind of explosion makes a huge mushroom cloud. Radioactive materials from the device mixes with the vapored materials in the cloud. This makes radioactive dust that can be spread out in great distances. It contaminates land, water and food.

The effects of a blast depends on the size of the bomb.
We are told that there is a good chance that al-Qaeda has some form of nuclear weapons inside of the United States.

If a nuclear blast were to go off in an American city, it would produce intense wave of heat, light, air pressure, and radiation. Examples of such blasts are like the bombs that were dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan at the end of World War II.
In the case of an attack or nuclear event, it is necessary for the government to have an organization like FEMA.

BUT WHAT IF a President is in power who wants to misuse these powers?

What safeguards are there that American doesn't become a "Police State?"

Once Marshall Law is declared and there is a complete government take-over, what guarantee do we have that the Constitutional freedoms will return?

Those on the left or on the the right should be concerned about these possibilites.
If America was to experience a major nuclear attack, FEMA would have the power to stop the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

Through Executive Order the National Security Council is allowed to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of US citizens and would restrict freedom of movement within the states, detain large groups of citizens, and take control of all borders.
The government can take over all forms of transportation;
communications and media;
all the electrical power, gas, petroleum, fuels and minerals;
all food resources and farms;
move citizens into work groups;
all health, education and welfare functions;
give Postmaster General the ability to operate a registration of all people;
all airports and aircraft;
establish new locations for populations;
all railroads, waterways and public storages;

gives specific responsibilites to the Office of Emergency Planning;
gives authority to the Department of Justice to enforce its plans and operate prisons and correctional institutions;
assign emergency functions to federal departments and agencies;
gives authority to other government agencies over every aspect of production, distribution and finances;
AND Congress cannot review any actions for six months.
FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Association] has the power to move populations, arrest and detain people without warrants, seize property, food supplies, transportation and communication if there is a national emergency.
Should a nuclear or wmd attack or natural disaster happen; President Richard Nixon created an agency called FEMA [Federal Emergency Management Association] to see to it that the US government could survive.

This agency has evolved through each presidency up to today!
This officer said, ".....the Western world loses what it cherishes most, and that is freedom and liberty that we've seen for a couple of hundred years in this grand experiment that we call democracy."
A warning has been given by a high up military official that the Constitution of the United States of America would not survive an attack of weapons of mass destruction.

He warned that if terrorists were to hit the US with WMD's, the constitution would be thrown out and replaced by a military form of government.
Survivors would have to gather together in communities to defend themselves from criminals.

There wouldn't be any law and order.

The entire system of government and law would be broken down.
The American government advises their people to prepare disaster kits to supply a family for two weeks but many experts say that a nuclear attack could take months or years to survive.

What happened from Hurricane Katrina could happen in big cities all across America.

As people panic to stay alive, they would raid supermarkets and drug stores for supplies. Millions of American would even die from lack.

Vehicles would be deserted because of no fuel. People could go only as far as they could walk.
Looter would be on the prowl.

Those with weapons are able to protect themselves.
Crime would break out as fear and chaos spread.

The police and national agencies would be too overwhelmed.

There wouldn't be enough man power to manage a total breakdown in the people's lives.
The moment a nuclear warhead were to be detonated in the atmosphere above the center of the United States, a burst of an electromagnetic pulse whould knock out power grids and communication systems across the nation.

Instantly, cell phones, television, radio and internet would be gone!
America could be struck by a terrorist.

If it should happen, we must be prepared to survive as a nation and as a people.

The war on terror is a long war. There are enemies who want to destroy our freedom and hates our way of life.
Weapon labs are trying to trace nuclear materials as fast as they can.

A robot is being made that can travel ten miles into a radioactive area to sample fallout and then return the materials to the scientists.
The American government has a system being put into place to detect domestic nuclear blasts. It's part of an effort to guard against potential attacks.

The idea is to prevent a nuclear attack before it happens.

Teams of scientists with hidden radiation detectors went out to check some major American cities for signs that terrorist might be trying to us radiological weapons. Up until about 10 years ago this was all top secret.
Most experts say that the risk of a nuclear attack is low but not unthinkable, because of the spread of nuclear materials around the world.

Scientists can analyze tiny bits of radioactive fallout that is invisible to the naked eye. It can reveal distinctive strains that describe the type of bomb, where it was manufactured and the country it came from.

A nuclear blast leaves clues that can help track down the specific terrorist groups.

[If a nuclear bomb blows up and kills everyone and everything in sight for miles, and can wipe out a country, what is left to find and who to find it?]
The idea of this scientific art is to let terrorists know that America will find the smoking gun and track them down. [oooh, I bet that scares them!]

The government believes that if terrorists know they can be traced quickly, then they will be less likely to use a nuclear weapon.

[they don't care...dying as martyrs is their goal....that's why they are suicide bombers. duh!!!]
Scientists will be able to figure out very quickly what group may be responsible for detonating a nuclear bomb by tracing its source of material.

[Like they can do a whole lot after all the harm and damaged has been done!]
A New York Times article, quote: "to cope with the possibility that terrorists might someday detonate a nuclear bomb on American soil, the federal government is reviving a scientific art that was lost after the cold war."