There is a new trend called "the emerging church".

People decide for themselves which parts of the Bible they think or want to believe is true.
Much of the Gospel of Jesus Christ has been watered down.

Many Churches fit the description of the Laodecian [luke-warm] Church in the Book of Revelation.

Scriptures are taken out of context. Much of the bible isn't even preached. Words like sin, hell, judgment, holiness, repentance and righteousness are not used anymore.
There are many preachers today with large and small congregations who say that they never preach on things like judgment, hell or repentance. Some even laugh at those who do.

There is a difference in some of the modern theology. They mix pop-psychology, self-esteem, and humanistic motivation with a few Bible verses thrown in.
One of the greatest signs regarding the end of the age is what Paul referred to as the "falling away" or the "last days" apostasy [the rejection/defection/abandonment of God].

"Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for that day will not come except the [a]apostasy comes first [unless the predicted great [b]falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come], and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition). 2 Thessalonians 2:3

The Greek word apostesia means the falling away or apostasy that occurs before the revealing of the anitchrist.
Jesus Christ warned us that at the time of His return, the world would be like it was in the days of Noah and Sodom and Gomorrah.

Sadly the world and much of the church seems oblivious to the prophetic signs of the times which are exploding all around us.
In some countries because of governmental corruption, the people are starving to death while the elite live like kings and queens.
It's reported that in Sudan, millions of Christians are slaughtered for being Christians.

Genocide is being practiced so as to wipe out entire populations.
In much of Europe, atheism and immorality thrives and the church has become dead.
True Christians, who believe in the Bible and desire to follow His Word, are mocked and ridiculed in the media, while everybody else is protected by "Hate Crime Legislation."
Todays world has become like the world before the Flood and before Sodom and Gomorroh.

There are constant reports of domestic violence, violence in the streets, drugs, sex mixed and depraved and abortions and much abuse of children and women.
Most of the church is asleep and unaware that judgment is about to fall on America.

America and the Church have had a number of wakeup calls.
The Ten Commandments have been removed from court houses.

The Bible and prayer has been outlawed in the schools.

Crosses and other religious symbols have been removed from many areas of our land.

Sexual immorality is every where.

Greed and corruption is both outside and inside the church.

In fact, the church has become just as immoral as the world.
When any nation, including America, turns its back on God and accepts evil, judgment must come.

American is in a dangerous spiritual place. It has received some of God's richest blessings because of its Christian heritage.

But now America has turned its back on God and openly rebels against His laws.

Looking at human history, God will only allow evil dictators, governments and nations so long. Then they are destroyed.

Take Germany and some of the other nations that used evil to try take over the world. God had ways to end their destruction.
The angels told Lot to get his family together because God was going to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. They were going to escape the judgment of God.

Jesus' Second Coming is going to be like that.

God is righteous and holy and He cannot allow evil to continue which at a certain point, a nation, a society, or the entire world will cross the line and judgment will occur. God's patience and love has run out. He must stop the evil.
Read Chapter 19 of Genesis

It tells how perverse the men of Sodom had become. God had sent two angels to Lot's house. Spending the night in Sodom, for these angels, would have been like a tourist walking through Central Park in New York.

It is hard for us to understand how a father would ever offer his daughters to a mob of rapists. It is good that his offer didn't satisfy them because the angels called blindness on them and they were all able to escape from the city.
Before God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, it was a beautiful place. It was filled with waterfalls, rivers, gardens, trees and flowers and were prosperous.

Like before the Flood of Noah's time, there was evil and wickedness happening. The people had become perverted and debased before God.
Before the Flood there were a number of interesting contasts.

Life and society went on as it always does. There was economic prosperity, large cities, grand homes, businesses and major developments.

People were marrying, having celebrations and working daily.

Among there activities, they had many perversions: incest, adultery, rapes, torturings, child sacrifices, prostitution, orgies, occult communication with demons, drugs, wars, violence thefts, slavery and murders on and on goes the list.
Read Genesis 6:5-12

God says that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was evil."

It means that the human race had become very evil, twisted, perverse and violent.

Some of the pagan practices of the nations that surrounded Israel, are a clue as to how bad things were.
62% of teenager's parents are not aware that their children have seen porn at home.

Most of their viewing is done after school before the parents get home.

1 out of 5 who use computer chat rooms have been solicited by a pedophile.

89% if these solicitations were made in chat rooms or instant messaging. 13 million children use instant messaging. [Pew Study]
An 11 year old boy had been watching violent porn on the internet immediately before he stabbed and 8 year old girl to death.

A 13 year old boy was at a Phoenix Library watching porn on the internet. He followed a 4 year old boy into the bathroom and demanded oral sex from him.

44% children polled said they had viewed porn websites. 43% said they have no rules about the internet at all.

9 out of 10 children between 8 and 16 have seen porn on the internet unintentionally while doing homework.

750,000 children are now missing each year.

40% of people who view child pornography also abuse children reports Reuters and that was in 2003.
Authorities have reported that when they conduct raids and seize porn films, these films show 2,3, and 4 year olds in them.

There are 100,000 websites that offer these types of film which are illegal and world wide.

This industry generates 1 billion dollars a year. Subscribers pay monthly fees on credit cards to download pictures and videos costing $30 to $50 each month.
More and more babies and toddlers are appearing on the internet in pictures of torture and sadism.

About 20 new children appear each month. They have been either kidnapped or sold.
A Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children reported that more than 20,000 images of child porn are put on the Internet each week.

140,000 images were posted over a six week period according to internet researchers.

Over half of these sites are here in the US.

According to an expert who is fighting pedophilia says sites featuring little babies and toddlers are skyrocketing in Europe.
There are people who have their own video production companies.

They produce porn with violence and perversion of all sorts and when the States try to prosecute them, judges delcare that they have the legal right [freedom of speech] to produce this kind of 'entertainment'.
The main Media thinks pornography is a harmless past time. But its not just naked men and women.

Images are hitting hundreds of millions of homes communicting scenes of sex violence on women and children as young as two years old.

Some of the stuff is so bad it has made hardened police sick!
The Sexual Revolution of the sixties has imploded.

We have generations of teens and preteens who are lost in a sexual wilderness.

"Oral sex is not sex" is the real legacy of Bill Clinton.
To redefine sexual sin, our modern culture has come up with new words to translate sin into something good.

Adultery = 'having an affair'
Fornication = 'living together'
Gays = 'alternate lifestyle'
The first five books of the Old Testament give laws from God about human sexual behavior.

The Bible has a completely different standard regarding morality.

These laws or commandments cover sex outside of marriage, homosexuality, cross gendering and all sorts of immorality.