Those that are in politics, science, education, and the media consider themselves 'citizens' of the world and are not loyal to America.
The America that we grew up in doesn't exist any more.

The people running our government doesn't believe in America as a sovereign and independent nation under God. Our nation has been taken down from inside.

They don't owe allegiance to the Flag of the United States of American "and to the Republic for which it stands: one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

Their allegiance is to a new global order that rejects God and holds to humanism.
Growing up in the late fifties and early 1960's we were taught to believe America was one nation under God.

We were taught to be loyal and patriotic.

Having these beliefs instilled in us when we were young, we also believed our govenment and president believed in America too and would do everything to protect it, like the borders from our enemies..
Instead of using the term atheistic communism, we simply use the words politically correct and tolerance.

Political correctness and tolerance promotes the exact principles that are used to be call atheistic communism.
Christmas 2011

When America said the words "one nation under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance, it was in conflict with atheistic communism.

The words "atheistic communism" would never be spoken in the courts of today but they hold to its. beliefs.
The Court ruled that it was illegal for students to say the words, "one nation under God."
In 2002-JUN, a three-judge panel of the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals voted 2 to 1.

They declared the Pledge to be unconstitutional because it includes the words "under God." They ruled that the phrase implies a government endorsement of religion, in violation of the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion..."
America most likely will have a role in Bible prophecy but not as an independent sovereign nation.

America will become part of a global government.

With it's merging with Mexico and Canada is a big step in that direction.
The major reason that America is not referred to in Bible prophecy could be because America, being an independent sovereign nation, will cease to exist in the near future.

America has only existed for 235 years as a nation.

Currently it is the most powerful nation in the world.
Another theory is that America is found in Ezekiel 38:13.

It refers to "the merchants of Tarshish".

They refer to the colonies of Western Europe in which America came and according to this theory,this verse refers to America.
There are a number of theories about where America is in Bible prophecy.

It apprears that America will be one of the nations gathered against Jerusalem in Zechariah 12.

It says "all nations are gathered against it."
We have thought the plan has been to secure the borders.

The plan is to destroy the borders between Canada, America and Mexico; according to the "Building a North American Community Report" by the Council on Foreign Relations in 2005.
We need to pay attention to subtle changes that are happening around us.

Terms like:
"Reinventing Government"
"Public Private Partnerships"
"International Law"
"Agends 21"
"Biodiversity Treaties"
"Sustainable Development"

all are subtle means of moving us into a global government.
The new global government will start with separating the world into five economic regions.

l) The Americas - 34 countries in
....South and North America
2) The European Common Market
....11-14 countries
3) The Asian Free Trade
4) Africa
5) The Middle East
Open borders isn't a racial issue.

Open borders is a security issue.

Open borders is an economic issue.

When hospitals were closing in CA because of illegals and the prisons were full of them; Bush's sending millions of dollars to help cover some of the costs was and insult to our injuries.

The Federal Government used our tax dollars to give to them.

It's not a racial issue. . . it's an ethical issue!
It was an outrage for President Bush to call the Minutemen 'vigilantes'.

The U.S. has completely failed to protect our borders; and it's deliberate.

Many people in government and in business are benefitting from the open borders; cheap labor, votes.
Our borders are open on the North and the South.

Millions of illegal immigrants are coming through every year.

Who knows how many terrorists and weapons have come in with them.
The Council of Foreign Relation's website at has a 59 page report called "Building a North American Community". The details of the plan is there.

One interesting detail is giving out a biometric I.D. to allow US, Canadian and Mexican citizens to travel freely in this new "community".
According to the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], CAFTA, the merging of Canada, U.S and Mexico, should be 2015.

With the introduction of CAFTA [Central American Free Trade Agreement], all of South and North America should be united into something similar to the European Union.

This will require new currency called the 'amero dollar'.
In 1993, Kissinger said that NAFTA was the 'architecture of a new international system....a great step towards the new world order.'
The Council of Foreign Relations has a document called "Building a North American Community".

It's a plan to merge Mexico, Canada and the U.S. into one "North American Community".
In 1993, when the Republicans signed on to the North American Free Trade Agreement, we were told our trade surplus to Mexico would grow and that illegal immigration would be reduced.

The exact opposite happened.
President Bush held a meeting with House Republicans to persuade them to vote for the Central American Free Trade Agreement.

The Senate had already passed the bill.

This bill has gotten increased resistance for main Republicans who understand that passing it will lower the standard of living for Americans.
President George W. Bush passed a deal called the Central Free Trade Agreement in the House.

Many Republicans voted in favor of it.

President Bush, V.P. Chaney and others all agressively promoted it.
A giant asteroid hits the earth.

One third of the creatures in the sea die.

One third of the fresh water on the earth is destroyed through chemical warfare.

The vegetation and trees are burnt up.

200 million soldiers move into the Middle East for Israel.
The weather is crazy.

It is all blamed on global warming, the fundamentalists and political conservatives who opposed ecology.
Millions of people are killed who rebel against the New Leader.

Anyone sick, mentally ill or has Alzheimers is euthanised.

Euthanasia is a huge movement.
Any fundamentalist religion, such as Christianity, is illegal.

Everyone must accept the new religion.

Animals are going berserk all over the earth and attacking humans.

There is a global war and a massive earthquake.
The earth has gone through a change.

.....*Scheduled orgies are available.

.....*Marriages and committed relationships are discouraged.

.....*Adult and child sex is normal.

.....*People can have global orgies by internet.

.....*Porn is available on all cell phones.

.....*Every child has the right to complete sexual freedom. It is illegal to prevent it.