Abraham and his wife Sarah were getting old.

She wasn't able to give him any children so they tried to fulfill the promise of God through their own manipulation.

Sarah convinced Abraham to have a child with her Egyptian maid, Hagar.

Hagar had a boy and named him Ishmael. But Sarah hated Hagar after this happened and caused her to flee with him into the wilderness.
God gave the land of Israel to Abraham and his son Isaac and his grandson Jacob, who God changed his name to Israel. Abraham and Sarah had Isaac.

But problems arose in Abraham's family. He had several sons, such as Ishmael who was born to Sarah's Egyptian maid, Hagar.

He had six other son through Keturah, whom he marrried after Sarah died.

Although God directly promised Abraham and Sarah, Isaac, they took matters into their own hands.
In the policy of 'pre-emptive war', nuclear weapons become offensive weapons not just defensive.

The development of the new "mini-nukes" could be used in regional wars.

In this view, some people in our government see America as the New Rome and empire with foreign bases across the world.

America may act as the New Rome and along with other nations form a global government.
After 911, the Secretary of Defense ordered his aides to begin planning for an attack on Iraq.

The Administration adopted many of the ideas in the Project For a New American Century, such as the policy of "pre-emptive" war.
When George W Bush entered the White House, he received a report from the Council on Foreign Relations [CFR], "Strategic Energy Policy Challenges for the 21st Century."

This report called for America to move aggressively in order to protect its oil resources around the world.
In a report by the Project For a New American Century [PNAC], plans were outlined to attack nations, like Iraq, in order to protect our access to Persian Gulf oil.

In September of 2000, they issued another report entitled, "Rebuilding America's Defenses, Forces and Resources for the New Century."

The ideas were to expand America's military around the world and create a Pax Americana.
In the early 90's, a report written by the Department of Defense, urged the American government to act more agressively around the world and called for pre-emptive attacks against potentially threatening nations.

The basic strategy was to establish and protect a new world order.
It's been reported that a comment was made on the 911 attacks at a meeting of the Council On Foreign Relations [CFR].

It was stated that 'There is a chance for the President of the United State to use this disaster to carry out the plans for a new world order.'

So it was suggested that the international war on terrorism and the Department of Homeland Security could be used to help the long range goals of the Council on Foreign Relations which is some kind of global government.
America's current foreign policy, including the War in Iraq and the War on Terrorism, is controlled by the Trilateral Commission and the CFR.

Despite all the talk of the president acting independently in going into Iraq, it appears the plan was to place Iraq under the control of a United Nations or EU peace-keeping force.
The Council On Foreign Affairs [CFR] and the Trilateral Commision strongly influences the government of the United States.
The Trilateral Commission was created in 1973 by David Rockerfeller, who was head of the Chase Manhattan Bank.

It has been called a "shadow government" and "global elite"

The Trilateral Commission met with over 250 leaders from North America, Europe and Japan to discuss the terrorist attack of 911 and foreign policy that had been set by the U.S.
Terrorists can move up through South America into Mexico and then cross the border into the U.S. with ease.

America has to realize that in order to win the war on terrorism, we must be active, not only in the Middle East, but down South of the border too.
The Israeli General said that this Dangerous Triangle will give a place for terrorists to operate all through South America and then across the borders into the U.S.

Al-Qaeda has training camps in the Dangerous Triangle.

It is also a source of funding for their groups.

6million Muslims live in South American countries and they are recruiting and training terrorists.
An Israeli General warned that al Qaeda and other Islamic groups were gathering in the "Dangerous Triangle".

That is where Argentina, Paraguay and Brazil intersect.

That area generates billions of dollars yearly in money, counterfeiting, weapons, drugs, documents and piracy.

It also provides a place where terrorists can finance weapons, be concealed and get people to help them.
Chavez and Castro have been involved in Venezuelan cash in Bolivian, Paraguay and other places.

There seems to be a connection between the terrorist groups because these groups are raising funds and laundering money in these nations to finance their organizations in the Middle East.
Hugo Chavez was mentored by Fidel Castro.

He visited Castro in Cuba frequently. and Castro often goes to Caracas.

Chavez considers himself close friends with [former] Libyian Moammar Gadhafi and Iraq's Saddam Hussein, Iran's leaders, North Korea's leaders and Columbia's Marxist FARC drug-dealers.
But when the Soviet Union quit sending him $4billion dollars each year after it collapsed, Castro was in financial trouble.

A new 'Castro' appeared from South America. His name is Hugo Chavez of Venezuela.

He is now in control of the world's 5th largest oil-producing nation.
For many years, Fidel Castro was a problem for the United States.

Fidel Castro triumphed over
*15 directors of the CIA,
*defeated a U.S invasion by Cuban exiles,
*many assassination attempts, and
*the Cuban missile crisis.
The radical Muslims and the radical Mexicans believe they are fighting a common oppressor, America.

Radical Muslims and terrorists will be smuggled into the U.S. and find assistance and safe houses in this country by sympathetic radical Mexicans.
Aztlan, the radical Mexican group views Mexicans as 'America's Palestinians'.

Growing numbers of Mexicans consider themselves part of a new ethnic group called "La Raza" or the race.

In La Voz de Aztlan, La Raza and the Palistinians have been displaced by invaders that have used military means to conquer and occupy their territories.
To make matters worse, there is a political organization between Muslim radicals and Mexicans.

On a website called "La Voz de Aztlan," which is produced by Aztlan a radical Mexican group that wants to make the western states part of Mexico.
The Mexican border is being used to smuggle Abrabs into the United States.

In November of 2003, an Arab-smuggling ring with a former Mexican diplomat, was broken up by U.S. authorites.

A key leader in the bombing, entered the U.S. by Mexico, by becoming a legalized agricultural leader as part of a 1986 amnesty program. After he was legalized, he made several trips to terrorist training camps in Afghanistan and Pakistan for al-Queda agents.

Others have come across the Mexican border disguised as immigrants.
No borders!
No national sovereignty!
No America!

They are all gone.

We have been sold out and didn't even know it!
America, Mexico and Canada will be like France, Germany, Italy and the European nations under the European Union.

Our government will unite every country in South America and North America into one community, just like the European Union.

The European Union has money called the 'euro dollar'; we will have our money called the 'amero dollar'.
Our government has specific plans and a timetable to wipe out the borders between America, Mexico and Canada.

They will merge into one community predicted by 2015 at the latest.
It's no accident that our government refuses to protect our borders.

It's deliberate and intentional.

They don't want to protect the borders with Mexico and Canada.
America that we have known, doesn't exist anymore.

They say something better is coming [?]. It's a global government.

The world will be only one, no borders, no nations, and no reason to fight.
We are citizens of Planet Earth and we celebrate Earth Day.

Christmas and Easter are intolerant and divisive.

Homosexuality and sexual deviousness [porn is good] are the only ways we can find wholeness.

Evil is good and good is evil.

This is the new America we live in today.
In our new world, America is evil. It's the reason for all the wrongs in the world.

It's even America that is responsible for terrorism.

Belief in God is now intolerance and a hate crime.

Old fashion morality is considered wrong.

The traditional family is responsible for many of the psychological evils of today.
Patriotism, America, God, morality, family and freedom that we once knew are all under assault by the media, government, education and the 'elites'.
Happy New Year 2012