If the Arab nations surrounding Israel got weapons of mass destruction and nuclear capabilities,Israel would face extreme terrorism.

If this were to happen, Armageddon would surely occur in the Middle East and Israel.
The creation of a new Arab state, a Palestinian State, would seriously raise the risk of nuclear war.

If Israel has to face a new Palestinian State, it would be extremely unprotected from hostile neighbors.
It is important to understand the PLO's plan.

There are 4 cities in Israel that the Palestinian's want.
All that would be left of Israel would be a small section of land about 7 miles across.

This doesn't leave much room between this territory and the Mediterranean Sea.

It is the PLO's goal to drive Israel into the sea.

At any point, they could move a terrorist army across the West Bank and destroy Israel.
The Arab nations cover a hugh mass of land.

They have plenty of room to accept the Palestinian refugees into their own nations,why Israel?

They want to use the Palestinians for their political reason to destroy the nation of Israel and force the Palestinians/Arabs in to take over the Israeli land.
According to the Bible, Israel is the spiritual capitol of the world.

That is why all the nations are focused on it.

Israel is a little sliver of land surrounded by Arab nations.

It doesn't make sense for the Arab nations to be so concerned about such a little piece of land.
Israel began their nuclear weapons program in the 1950s.

The memory of the Holocaust was still alive and the young Israeli government wanted to protect itself from a military invasion by its Arab neighbors.

In 1968, Israel had nuclear weapons.
Israel is no bigger than the state of New Jersey with about six million people.

They are not safe from missile attacks from their neighbors.

They are alert and ready to respond with a nuclear strikes should they be attacked.
Israel, India and Pakistan
are the only three countries
that haven't signed the
Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty,
which was started in 1968
to stop the spread of nuclear weapons throughout the world.
Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Syria criticized the U.N. and U.S. for ignoring Israel's weapons.

Israel hasn't admitted or denied the existence of nuclear weapons.

Some military analysts believe that Israel has a number of them.
Israel is now able to launch nuclear weapons from land, earth and from submarines.

This makes them the only nuclear power in the Middle East with these abilities.

But Iran is attempting to develop its own nuclear weapons program.

In fact, Israel's nuclear weapons have moved the entire Arab world to compete.
The Palestinian Ambassador claimed that the stalled peace talks between Israel and the Palestinians under the United States plan created a 'favorable climate for terrorism to grow'.

He also said "Europe should push the U.S. to take a more active role."
European leaders are looking for solutions to prevent more terrorist acts.

A Palestinian Ambassador is encouraging the leaders of Europe to see a peace settlement in the Middle East between Israel and her neighbors as the key to reducing terrorism and for them to focus on the 'roots of terrorism' which is the Middle East conflict.
As the Gaza Strip pullout was taking place, the PLO leaders were claiming the terrorist attacks were successful in forcing Israel to leave.

Although they praised Israel for pullingout, privately their goal was to destroy Israel.
The goal of the Palestinians and the Muslems is not the creation of a Palestinian state, but rather the destruction of Israel as a nation.

There is an intense hatred of the Jews by the Palestinians.

The PLO leader spoke to his militia chief "Kill, kill as many Jews as you can."
The Saudi Prince's proposeal goes way beyond the former Prime Minister of Israel's.

It completely destroys Israel under the pretence of peace.

It not only demanded that Israel surrender the pre 1967 land but allowed for all Palestinians to return to homes and lands all over Israel.

It would mean a mass migration of six million Palestinians into Israel.
A former Israeli Prime Minister offered the Palestinians their own state in Gaza and most of the West Bank.

He also allowed for a limited number of Palestinians to return.

The PLO rejected this proposal and began their terror against Israel again.
The proposal that the Saudi Prince and the PLO leader wanted would skirt around the Oslo/Madrid Agreement.

In this agreement, the Palestinians were supposed to give up their use of terrorism and violence against Israel and achieve peace through peaceful negotiations.
The announcement made by the Saudi Arabian Crown Prince was supported by the PLO who would permit millions of returning Palestinians to outnumber the five million Jews who already live there.

This would completely destroy Israel.

Once they were outnumbered, they would lose their government by the power of the vote and their military would be completely destablized.
The Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia called for all Arab nations to normalize relations with Israel.

The condition would be for Israel to agree to withdraw to their 1967 borders allowing for a Palestinian State.

It also would include the right for the Palestinians to return to the land and dismantle all Israeli settlements within those borders.
An Islamist web site vowed to get revenge on the U.S. for allowing Israel to assassinate the Hamas founder, Sheikh Yassin.
After Israel assassinated the Hamas founder, Israel has been on alert.

Hamas issued a statement "Israel has opened the gates of hell." This is meant as a threat of Palestinian and Islamic retaliation against Israeli and Jewish targets inside Israel and overseas.

Hamas has openly threatened the U.S. saying that America's backing of Israel made the assassination possible.
Israel assassinated the founder of Hama, Sheikh Yassin.

Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon call Yassin, the "mastermind of Palestinian terror", He was a mass murderer who is one of Israel's greatest enemies.

According to Israeli Defense Minister, Yassin personally ordered hundreds of suicide attacks to kill Israeli civilians.
In France, the Muslims rioted and burned over 200 cars.

Many Jewish places of business were destroyed.

Immigrants poured into France from Muslim nations who share their hatred of Israel and the Jews.
In Berlin, Germany, the police warned the Jewish community to stop wearing religious symbols, like the Star of David, to avoid anti-Semitic attacks.

They were outraged by the suggestion. The Berln police apologized.

He greatest concern of the Jews in Europe is their lack of will to fight anti-Semitism.

Germany's Jewish community has tripled in the last few years because of the immigration from the former Soviet Union.
Jewish leaders have warned that the anti-Semitic attacks around the world are the worst since World War II.

Synagogues, schools and cemetaries have been attacked all over Europe.
We are to occupy until Jesus comes; which means fulfilling the Great Commission,
ministering to the poor and needy,
and being salt and light in the governing process.

We are to be involved in our society and culture; which means bringing the light into business, law, medicine, science, education, media and every other area of life.
The rapid increase of earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, disease epidemic;
the explosion of sexual immorality, lawlessness, all are signals of the beginning of the end.

How long the process will take, only the Father knows.
If 1948 signifies the budding of the fig tree and a generation is 70 or 80 years, this would place us at 2018 or 2028 A.D.

If the budding of the fig tree occurred in 1967, then that would bring us to 2037 A.D.

Surely these are speculations and history has shown us the dangers of date setting; but the reforming of Israel in 1948 looks to begin a kind of prophetic time clock.
For centuries after Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D.,
the fig tree remained barren, which represented the fact that Jeruslem was not in existence.
"And he spake to them a parable; Behold the fig tree, and all the trees;
When they now shoot forth, ye see and know of your own selves that summer is now nigh at hand.
So likewise ye, when ye see these things come to pass, know ye that the
kingdom of God is nigh at hand.
Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass away, till all be fulfilled."

Luke 21:29-32

Many have thought that Jesus was talking about the generation immediately before them who saw His prophecy fulfilled in 70 A.D.

The word generation that comes from the Greek means family, race or people. Comparing this
meaning with others passages in the Bible, a generation could be a time period of 70 to 80 years.
God has a future destiny for Israel.

Jesus spoke the words in Luke 21:20-24 some where around 30 A.D. In 70 A.D. the Romans invaded and destroyed Jerusalem.

From then on several Gentile rulers have controlled Jerusalem and was "trampled by Gentiles."

In 1918, a British General from the League of Nations controlled it.

In 1948, Israel was reformed as a nation, but it didn't include control of Jerusalem.

During the Six Day War, in 1967, Israel recaptured Jerusalem for the first time since 70 A.D.

The Area around the Temple Mount is still controlled by Muslins.