The Russian mafia may have gotten nuclear weapons and materials from the former Soviet Union and believed to have been trying to sell them to al-Qaeda.

In Russia, starving nuclear workers and scientists have been trying to steal highly enriched uranium and sell it on the black market.

Nobody is sure if they have been successful or not.
In 1992, al-Qaeda began trying to get nuclear devices and materials.

In 1993, al-Qaeda operative testified that he had a meeting where he was going to buy enriched uranium.

In 1998, an al-Qaeda operative was captured trying to buy enriched uranium.
Although experts debate over whether al-Qaeda has managed to get or build a nuclear weapon; many believe that it may already have nuclear weapons built with foreign help.
Al-Qaeda plans to cause mass casualties and hysteria around the world and in the U.S.

According to a CIA report, it believes that there is a high probability that there will be a Chemical, Radiological, Biological or Nuclear attack in the near future.
Although the United States has managed to freeze 120 million dollars of Bin Laden's assets, it is believed that he has billions of dollars at his disposal.
Al-Qaeda isn't just one organization.

It is like an octopus of loose groups operating in over 40 countries.

It is estimated that there are at least 70,000 al-Qaeda operatives world wide and more than 10,000 active in the U.S.
Terrorist experts are concerned about what has been called the "American Hiroshima" plan.

Nuclear attacks would occur simultaneously in cities like New York, Los Angeles, Miami, Las Vegas, Chicago and Houston.

According to one, nuclear suitcases are hidden throughout the U.S. in the event that Russia and the U.S. were to engage in a nuclear war.
America needs to learn from the al-Qaeda attacks on London. It is what al-Qaeda has planned for America.

It best be prepared because the United States is one of their targets.

What happened in England can happen here in America.
Another potential threat is
al-Qaeda ramming cruise ships.

They have plans to use cargo ships and shipping containers to deliver weapons of mass destruction.

They and other terrorist organizations have been conducting high seas terror attack training in order to hijack ships and kidnap crews.
Intelligence experts say that al-Qaeda has a fleet of vessels that can be used as floating bombs.

Al-Qaeda specializes in recruiting those who can work as employees at borders, seaports, and

According to their training manual, their targets are: Embassies, Business Centers, Bridges, Government buildings, Military Bases, Airports, Seaports, Radio and TV stations.
Osama bin Laden's al-Qaeda organization attempted to detonate a dirty bomb from a ship docked in London.

Al-Qaeda terrorist were waiting until the wind was right to explode the weapon in order to inflict the maximum casualties.

The plan was interrupted by England's Homeland Security Department.
After the bombings in London,
al-Qaeda's Number 2 Man,
threatened more destruction
and blamed Tony Blair.
The Militant Islams have continued to pour into Iraq from many nations all around it.

When Saddam Hussein was president of Iraq, he made secret deals with al-Qaeda and gave the terrorists new identities of prominent Iraqi families.
The U.N. is trying to get control of Jerusalem.

But Israel says, "Jerusalem is to be the undivided capitol of their nation."

God didn't give the country or the city to the Palestinians and He is not going to let them take it away from them.
Many times the U.N. has called for forces from many nations to be sent to the Middle East.

Doubts have been expressed that the Israelis and Palestinians can solve the conflict themselves.
Israel has agreed to a European Union role in protecting Gaza's border.

But they oppose the U.N. troops policing Israel because so many U.N. countries are dominated by Islamic governments.

The situationn created by the Gaza and Westback has created a crisis. After Israel pulled out of Gaza, tens of thousands of Palestinians moved into Egypt ready to cross into Gaza.
The plan that the European Union proposes fails to recognize that many Palestinians and Muslims will never be content with just a state within Israel.

They and the U.S. also fail to understand that the trouble in the Middle East is religious and not polictical.

It is a religious war that cannot be satisfied until Israel is wiped off the face of the earth.
The European Union has created a plan that will establish a Palestinian State in Israel that will create peace.

They acknowledge that there are some Palestinians who want to see the complete destruction of Israel. But these people are just a small minority.
Many experts believe that only by creating a Palestinian state that real peace can be achieved.

This European plan would immediately end the occupation by Israel.
The European foreign ministers put together a plan calling for the establishment of a Palestinian state.

This new state would get international recognition by all the nations of the world including the U.S. and Israel and they would have a seat at the United Nations.
Some people believe that Brussels has a secret plan to satisfy the demand for internationalization of the peace process because it would internationalize the Jewish state.

Israel would no longer be a democracy.

It would be under the U.N. and NATO rule.
One British Officer said that some people in the West have come to the conclusion that the creation of the state of Israel in 1948 was a mistake.

When asked to explain if he thought the Jews should be evicted from the Middle East, he said,
that even though Israel has more than 5 million Jews.

If the U.S. and NATO were to refinance their relocation in other countries that would solve many Middle East problems.

Happy Resurrection Day!
If Israel and the Palestinians reach a peace agreement, they will need a police force to uphold it.

This could be a US-led NATO force.

This would mean all peacekeeping troops would be under U.S. command.
If NATO really wants to secure Europe, then it will have to be prepared to help stabilize the Middle East and even Israel.

NATO currently maintains 55,000 troops on peacekeeping missions all around the globe. It also has 1.4 million forces that are deskbound or untrained.

Other troops could be provided from Middle Eastern nations.
There are those who have pushed the idea that international support for America in Iraq and the support for the U.S. led war against terrorism is dependent upon successfully creating a Palestinian State in Israel.

They believe that the creation of a Palestinian State would help international cooperation with the U.S. in its war on global terrorism and its efforts to encourage democracy in the Middle East.
Now, the Council On Foreign Relations, the U.S. - State Department and President have proposed a Plan.

Part of the plan is to create a Palestinian State with "provisional borders."

But this plan requires the Palestinians to make a serious effort to stop terror and it calls for Jerusalem to be controlled by both Palestinians and Jews, without much physical division.
God made a covenant with Israel to give them the land.

It is an everlasting covenant given to Abraham by God.

If America tries to take the land that God gave to Abraham and impose a Palestinian State there, then we will experience the judgment of God upon our nation.
America is in great danger if it joins with Europe, the PLO and Russiato divide up Israel, set up a Palestinian State or give away Israel's land to the Palestinians.

God gave the land of Israel to Abraham about 1,800 years before Jesus Christ.

"I am going to give all this land to you and your offspring as a permanent possession."
Genesis 13:15
Jerusalem is the capitol of Israel.

In 1967, the Jews took back East Jerusalem.

This was a fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

Jesus said, "Jerusalem will be trodden under the foot of the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled."