Only God can

In Revelation 17:10-11, there are "seven kings" who probably refer to the seven world empires of Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece and Rome.
In Revelation 17:8, the Beast has seven heads.

"The beast that thou sawest was and is not; and shall ascend to the bottomless pit and go into perdition. . . . "

The Antichrist is killed, descends into the bottomless pit and then returns to lead an eighth empire for forty-two months.
Memorial Day 2012

The seventh king or empire hadn't come yet.

This empire will be the revived Roman Empire of Nebuchadnezzar's giant statue in Daniel 2:33.

This final form of the Revived Roman Empire, a Gentile world power, will be led by the Antichrist.
John saw a vision of a Beast with seven heads.

These 'heads' or 'mountains' or 'empires' are described as seven successive kings.

Five of these 'kings' had already fallen in John's day; Egyptian, Assyrian, Babylonian, Medo=Persian and Grecian empires.

An angel told him that one world empire remained and that was number six. It was the great Roman Empire which existed in John's time.
America has been setting up a democracy in Iraq which is ancient Babylon.

The Fourth Empire is Rome.

The book of Revelation tells of two more empires, which make a total of eight great world empires controlled by Satan that oppress the Jews.
Even though there may be good reasons to create a global government for economic and peaceful purposes, the force behind one world government is Satanic.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ is referred to in Revelation chapter 19:19.

We read about how the Antichrist or the "beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered to make war against Him who sat on the horse and against His army."

The world will try to fight Jesus at His return because they are in rebellion from Him.
"For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work: only He who now restraints will do so until He is taken out of the way."
2 Thessalonians 2:7

The "mystery lawlessness" is the power of sin and evil that is leading the human race to create a global government that will be headed by the Antichrist.
The current push for a one world government and globalism is driven by men's impulse to rebel against God.

It's a repeat of what happened at the Tower of Babel under the leader Nimrod.

The human race is in rebellion from God and they are seeking to create a world without God.
Europe resents America's dominance since the fall of Russia.

They want to take steps to limit U.S. power in the World.
Many European countries are critical of America's role in the Middle East and are hostile to what they preceive as, the United States "Lone Ranger" attitude.
A treaty calling for a world court to prosecute gross human rights was started in 1998.

The United States, China, Iraq and Israel voted against it.

But enough nations ratified the treaty to allow the United Nations to offically open the International Criminal Court.
The International Criminal Court was officially instituted by the United Nation on April 11, 2002.

The court established a permanent tribunal to prosecute "crimes against humanity."
Many Bible scholars believe that the European Union is the Revived Roman Empire.

It's interesting that the United States authority in the Middle East is being challenged by them and the United Nations.
The Prophet Daniel spoke about a future leader of a Revived Roman Empire in the last days who would negotiate a peace treaty for Israel.

Daniel talked of a prince of the people that would destroy both Jerusalem and the Jewish Temple.
Happy 64th Birthday, Israel!
Happy Mother's Day 2012

The European Community President has announced that the United States has failed in trying to keep the peace in the Middle East.

He is calling for the European Community, itself , to negotiate a lasting peace between the Arabs and the Jews.
The European Union has been the largest contributor to the Palestinian Authority since the 1990's.

It has given them over $3 million for airports, hospitals, universities, housing, etc.

It is considering sending an international peacekeeping force into Israel.
The European Parliament called on the 15 European Union States to enforce a political and economic sanctions against Israel, which it accused them of violating international and humanitarian laws in its war against the Palestinians.

The Parliament's resolution was adopted in favor of stopping Israelis through economic sanctions.
The European Space Agency [ESA] manages the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security satellites.

U.S. politicians are suspicious of this project.

The European Union asked China to be a major investor which could become a threat to the U.S. military power.
The European Union is developing its own network of spy satellites, spying on nations and private individuals to make sure they are obeying its policies.

The satellites are a multibillion-dollar system, known as Global Monitoring for Environment and Security and has been operating since 2010.

A commission in Brussels will identify and develop uses for this system.
Why do they say that they are fighting a "war on terrorism" and they leave the borders open?

The Patriot Act seems to have set up a Police State powers against ordinary people.

Why do they leave out the demographics of terrorists?
People have to face the fact that they have a specific enemy.

That enemy is radical Islam.

So if their enemy is radical Islamists who just happen to be male in a certain age group and from nations like Saudi Arabia, why do they spend money aiming cameras at ordinary people?
New York City has spent 212 million dollars on security protection against terrorist attacks.

This means thousands of cameras and motion detectors are all over the Subway system, but none of this will stop the terrorist threats.
The majority of nuclear weapons can be found in the United States and Russia.

And there is enough nuclear materials stored in reactors in over 43 countries, which could be used to make nuclear weapons.
National Day of Prayer 2012

Ten years after the Cold War, there are more more than 30,000 nuclear weapons worldwide.

These weapons amount to hundreds and thousands of tons of nuclear materials.
Al-Qaeda may have tried to get nuclear material from stealing or buying it from groups willing to sell them loads of weapons that are available in countries all around the world.