King of David

Psalm 103:1

The man called the "Antichrist" will lead the world during the period of time called the Great Tribulation.

His actions will alter the lives of every man and woman on the earth in the coming years, ending in the Battle of Armageddon.

We are living in the generation that the old prophets call the "birth pangs of the Messiah."
Somewhere in Europe, a man is working behind the scenes to gain absolute power over the coming New World Order.

Someday this man will sell his soul to Satan to "receive the kingdoms of this world".

The Old Testament Prophets of the bible call this coming world dictator the "Antichrist."
Babylon is in today's Iraq and is one of the world's mightiest cities.

The name Babylon comes from the Babylonian word, Babel, which means "gate of god."
The Tower of Babel represents the building of a one world government.

The coming one world government will be in rebellion against God.

One world governments fail because God will judge them for not being His will.
In disobedience to God, the descendants of Noah built the Tower of Babel.

God judged them for their failure to spread out and because of their attempt to eastablish a human government apart from Himself.
Nimrod, who was a descendant of Ham, who was a son of Noah, built the Tower of Babel.

He was a mighty hunter; but seen as a type of a future Antichrist.

Read Genesis 10:8 and Genesis 11:1
Babel or Babylon is the birthplace of the kingdom of man, rather than the kingdom of God.

Babylon represents the commercial and spiritual system that is against God's kingdom throughout human history.
There are millions of Christians in America who support the nation of Israel.

But there is a greater number of professing Christians who do not support Israel.
The Bible says that God will gather "all" nations against Jerusalem.

That would imply that America will turn its back against Israel.
The prophet Zechariah says, "I will gather all nations to battle against Jerusalem. The city shall be taken, the houses rifled and the women ravished. Half of the city shall go into captivity, but the remnant of the people shall not be cut off from the city."
America may be part of the Revived Roman empire.

We have come full circle.

America now controls Babylon.

America just may turn its back on Israel and join the other nations to invade Israel if she refuses a Palestinian state.
Jesus said in the book of Luke, "They will fall by the sword and be taken prisoners to all the nations. Jerusalem will be trampled on by the Gentiles until the times of the Gentiles will be fulfilled."

The Gentile powers went from Nebuchanezzar's Babylon through Persia, Greece and then Rome.
In 586 B.C., Nebuchadnezzar took over Jerusalem.

Jerusalem was under the control of a Gentile world power [around 2,500 years] until the Six Day War in 1967.
It's looking like America could be one of the nations that comes against Israel in the last days.

America could be part of the Revived Roman empire or part of a ten region one world government that makes up the Revived Roman empire.

America is an heir to the Roman form of government and culture.

Britian was taken over by Rome and our ancestors came from Rome.
These ten toes or horns are leaders appointed by the Antichrist to govern the world.

They could also refer to a coming one world government headed up by the Antichrist.

The world is divided into ten separate regions.

The ten horns in Revelation 17:12-13 match the ten toes of Nebuchadnezzar's statue in Daniel 2.