Social scientists, military strategists and physicists have begun to think about the unthinkable.

One even commented about the change in people's perceptions of the possibility of Armageddon.

Since 1945 it began to be technologically possible to end life on this planet.
Added to the Scriptural prophecies, many non-biblical predictions have appeared during the last few years that point to the coming crisis of the human race.
There is still no antidote to the bubonic plague that struck Europe six hundred years ago.

Bubonic plague, anthrax and many other deadly plagues are now in the weapons laboratories of over 40 countries.
We stand in danger of disasters and plagues far worse than the Black Plague of the fourteenth century.
The thought of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons being in the hands of terrorists and unstable regimes have produced nightmares for the intelligence agencies here in America.
The collapse of the Soviet Union has loosed forty-five thousand nuclear weapons into the hands of unknown individuals in potentially irresponsible countries.
Some scientists are afraid that these technologies, they call "doomsday", will put an end to human history.

Every deadly weapon system that has been developed to date, no matter how horrible, has been used in war.
Our generation has witnessed the horrible reality of the Holocaust, thermonuclear weapons. biological warfare and decades of totalitarian control over half of the human race.

For the first time in history we possess the technologies and weapons that can destroy life on this planet.

These innovations have changed history forever.
Surely, they wondered if the prophecies were to be interpreted literally; were they referring to actual events or were they prophecies of only spiritual symbols of the war between good and evil.
Students of the Bible have studied the old prophecies about the Antichrist and the apocalypse for thousands of years.

It was hard to visualize how prophecies such as attacks from the air, the poisoning of one-third of the planet and the deaths of billions of people could actually be fulfilled.
If we are to have a clear understanding of the amazing times we are living in, we need to examine the prophecies about the revival of the Roman Empire and its coming dictator - the Antichrist.
The Bible tells that anyone who receives the Mark of the Beast will be damned forever to hell.

The martyrs who reject the Antichrist's claims and worship Jesus Christ will receive the gift of eternal life in heaven.
The people who live under the rule of the Antichrist will face a terrible choice when he claims to be "god on earth."

He will demand that everyone worship him and
receive the Mark of the Beast
[his mark of their allegiance].
The man known as the Antichrist will control the political, military and religious events of the last days.

It is important to understand what the Bible reveals about him.
Both Jewish and Christian literature
and various secular and cultural prophecies
have predicted the earth will undergo a terrible period
of persecution under a Satanic leader
before the arrival of the Messiah.
The final world dictator will rule the earth during its final crisis just before Jesus returns as the true Messiah.

Hundreds of prophecies about this terrible person are found throughout the Old and New Testaments.
The Bible foretells a miraculous revival of the Roman Empire in the last days that will be led by the final world dictator.

His identity and character was revealed through many prophetic titles including, "the man of sin","the prince" and "the "son of perdition".
For a thousand years the ancient Roman empire moved across the world like an iron giant crushing all opposition beneath them.

Its emperors ruled their conquered lands with absolute dictatorial power.
The giving ear to the Prophets is a fundamental character of the true Church.

For God has ordered the Prophecies so that in the last days the wise may understand, but the wicked shall do wickedly and none of the wicked shall understand.
Our belief in the imminent Second Coming of Christ should motivate each of us to a renewed love of Christ and a willingness to witness to others about His salvation.

This hope will also purify our walk before the Lord, as John said, "And everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure."
1John 3:3
Those who believe the truth of the Bible are called to be "witnesses" of Christ's message to the world.

Our role as a Christian witness demands an active, not passive, involvement in the lives of our fellowman.

And it requires a willingness to pay the price of a personal commitment to our Lord.
The Word of God declares that the only hope for man lies in leaving our sinful rebellion and returning to a loving relationship with God.
If the Bible is truly the Word of God, as the prophetic evidence proves it is; the question of who Christ is will determine our eternal destiny.
Jesus asked His disciples an important question,
"Who do you say that I am?"
And Simon Peter answered and said,
'You are the Christ, the Son of the living God'"
Matthew 16:15-16

Each of us must answer that
question about Christ for ourselves.
We need to consider the words of Jesus:
"He who believes in the Son has everlasting life; and he who does not believe the Son shall not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him"
John 3:36
We are challenged to examine the Bible's prophecies and compare them with recent history and the current unfolding of events in our world today.

It's impossible that these historical events have precisely followed the prophecies of the Bible by chance.

The odds against these prophecies being fulfilled by chance are simply unreal.

If the bible's prohecies are truly being fulfilled, then it must be the inspired Word of God.

These warnings of impending catastrophe cannot be ignored.
The prophecies of the Bible helps us understand the rapid unfolding of events in our generation.

They indicate that we are entering the time that the old prophets called the "footsteps of the Messiah."

The incredible fulfillment of bible prophecies in our day demands more of a response than just an intellectual curiosity.
Who is the Antichrist?
Will we see him in our life time?
Where will he come from?
Where does he get his power?

What is the purpose of the Mark of the Beast?

We have been interested in answers to these questions for thousands of years.