The nature of most Bible prophecy is that some predictions will only be understood when they have been fulfilled.
Prophecy presents to us the Bible's coming of redemption of the earth from the curse of sin.

And its prophecies relating to the Antichrist, his rise and fall and the coming of the Messiah to set up His Kingdom on earth.
Fulfilled prophecy is proof that the Bible is God's inspired revelation to man.

Prophecy reveals God's purposes from creation to eternity enabling us to understand our part in His developing plan.
Despite clear warnings in the Bible to heed the warnings of prophecy, many still aren't interested.

The precise fulfillment of prophecy provides solid proof that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.

In one passage, Paul indicated that the Jews rejected Jesus Christ as their Messiah because they failed to understand the prophecies.

Read Acts 13:27

Many religious leaders today are as unconcerned about prophecy as the rulers in Jerusalem two thousand years ago.
Peter points out that "prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit"
2 Peter 1:21

Jesus Christ commands us to "study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing
the Word of truth"
2 Timothy 2:15
Since one-fourth of the Bible is prophecy, this is an important part of God's message to us.

If we want to understand our role in this generation we need to become familiar with the prophetic message of the coming Kingdom of God.
The word "inspired" in the original language means "God-breathed."

This shows us that these prophecies were supernaturally given to the writers of the bible by the divine will of God.
The Holy Spirit says that "all Scripture is given by inspiration [by God] and is profitable for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness"
2 Thimothy 3:16
The purpose of Bible prophecy is to
show God's plan of redemption for
man through His Son Jesus the Messiah.
The prophets revealed God's plan to redeem man by the victory of Jesus.

The Bible proves the nature of prophecy.

"We have also a more sure word of prophecy; whereunto ye do well that ye take heed, as unto a light that shineth in a dark place, until the day dawn, and the day star arise in your hearts:"
2 Peter 1:19
For thousands of years the Bible prophecies have foretold of the rise and fall of nations and empires.

All of these prophecies have proven true.

So as we watch the fulfillment of the prophecies in our generation, we need to take them seriously.

The greatest problem for us (christians) today is not only understanding the prophecies about Israel and the other nations; but to know what we are to do.

Jesus Christ was a prophet, He offered the evidence of the fulfillment of His predictions as proof of His claim to be the promised Messiah.

"And now I have told you before it come to pass, that, when it is come to pass, ye might believe."
John 14:29
An examination of prophecies outside of the Bible proves that these predictions are almost always vague and incorrect.

Studies reveal that an average of 98 percent of secular prophecies were wrong.

Only the Bible contains accurate predictions because only God can prophesy the future.
Satan, himself, cannot prophesy accurately.

If the devil could predict the future, he would inspire his New Age followers to do it so as to impress a lot of people.
The prophet Isaiah declared that God alone knows the future: "Behold, the former things have come to pass and new things I declare; before they spring forth I tell you of them"
Isaiah 42:9.

No other religious book contains predictions of the future events, because no one but God can predict the future accurately.
From Genesis to Revelation the Word of God reveals the past, present and future.

From the first prediction of the Messiah's virgin birth in Genesis 3:15 to the prophecies of the book of Revelation; the main role of Jesus Christ is revealed through the old prophets.
The fulfilled prophecies should motivate us to carefully examine the predictions that relate to our immediate future.
For thousands of years, only one book has claimed to exclusively and accurately predict the destiny of man.

That book is the Bible, the Word of God.

Any serious seeker of truth must face the fact: Is the Bible true?

The fulfilled prophecies in the Bible are the strongest proof that the Bible is what it claims to be.
It is the inspired Word of God.
The Great Tribulation will end in the battle between the worldwide dictator, the Antichrist and the coming Messiah Jesus Christ.

Christ's victory over Satan will bring about a realization of all our hopes and dreams of a heaven gained under the rule of the Messiah and King.
The Bible says that man is coming to a crisis beyond anything he has ever experienced before.

Only God can save the planet from this disaster!

The prophets promise that this crisis will be solved by the coming of Jesus the Messiah who will save mankind from destruction and establish the Kingdom of God on earth.
The awecome weapons and the overwhelming surveillance powers
of such a government would leave people without hope or the possibility of escape.

This nightmare will become real if those who seek this one-world goverment succeed in getting their New World Order.
The history of this century shows that there isn't a shortage of candidates that would prove to be dictators.
Once an evil person gets into power there would be no opposing nations left to resist a totalitarian world government.
There would be no place to turn from such a worldwide ruler.
It is unimaginable what life would have been like had Adolph Hitler succeeded in establishing a worldwide Third Reich!
Even if the first few leaders of
the New World Order/One World Government are good hearted, eventually an evil individual will arise who will use this absolute power to create a world-wide totalitarian dictatorship.
Current trends are leading us toward a New World Order in which all power on the planet will be possessed in one huge national institution led by one supreme leader.
Human freedom can only exist for a long period of time in a political system that divides power among different groups to create checks and balances between competing interests.
The New World Order could easily become a totalitarian government that would put out all hope of human freedom forever.
The world is moving towards unimaginable destruction.

This apocalytic disaster would mean the end of history on this planet.

Nationalism and ethnic hatreds along with the devastating power of nuclear and biological weapons could lead to horrors that would exceed World War II.
We are quickly approaching the greatest crisis in human history.

The choices we are facing are awesome in magnitude and consequence.