The Antichrist will fail, in every single area.

Jesus Christ and the Antichrist are basically opposed to each other.
The Antichrist will try to counterfeit the bible prophecies about the coming Messiah in his attempt to deceive Israel and the nations about his true identity.
There is a mystery involved in why God allows Satan to continue when He could destroy him at any time [God will not violate His own rules].

But Jesus Christ will finally destroy Satan 'by the brightness of His coming'.

The contrast between them is summed up:
Feature     Christ      Antichrist
Origin      Heaven      Bottomless Pit
Nature      Good        Idol
            Shepherd    Shepherd
Destiny     To be       To
            exaled on   cast down to
            High        Hell
Goal        To do His   To do his
            Father's    own will
Purpose     Save the    Destroy God's
            Lost        God's people
Authority   His         His own
            Father's    name
Attitude    Humbled     Exalts
            Himself     himself
Fruit       True Vine   Vine of
                        the earth
Response    Despised    Admired
Jesus represents the mystery of godliness demonstrating the Father's mercy for mankind.

The Antichrist is the mystery of iniquity.
The Antichrist is known as the son of perdition because his career will be marked by destruction of his enemies.

Jesus, the Son of God, came to do the will of His Father.
Jesus was known as the man of sorrows bearing the weight of our sins to the Cross while the title, the man of sin, shows the Antichrist's rebellion.
Every action that Jesus Christ took showed His holiness while the man of sin, the Antichrist will despise God's holy laws.
Every characteristic and title of Jesus Christ is from His holy nature as our righteous Lord.

The Antichrist's character and titles are from his origin as the 'seed' of Satan.
The nature and purpose of Jesus and the Anitchrist are just the opposite.

The characterists show the differences between them:

Christ                Antichrist
Truth                 Lie
Holy One              Lawless one
Man of Sorrows        Man of sin
Son of God            Son of Perdition
Mystery of            Mystery of
Godliness             Iniquity
In the last battle of the age, Satan will do battle with Christ Jesus as a satanically possessed man known as the Antichrist, the Prince of Darkness.
Behind every battle and war on earth there was a spiritual battle against "the rulers of the darkness of this age."

This "ruler of the darkness" is Satan.
From the moment Satan fell, a spiritual battle has affected everyone on earth.

We are often unaware of this battle, the Bible says that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but
   against principalities,
   against powers,
   against rulers of the darkness of this age,
   against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.
Ephesians 6:12
As we come to the end events of the Great Tribulation, the Bible warns that Satan will soon offer the world his counterfeit messiah, the Antichrist.

The greatest conflict in history will end with his spectacular defeat at the hands of Jesus Christ.
John says that Jesus was, "the true light which gives light to every man who comes into the world", John 1:9

Explaining the continuing battle with Satan, John states, "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil", John 3:19.
The Bible separates the roles of Jesus as the "light of the world" with the spiritual "darkness" that represents our sinful rebellion against God.
Just as Boaz was a kinsman-redeemer to Ruth in the Old Testament, Jesus Christ will return in the last days to redeem the earth from its curse and bondage under the control of Satan.
The Old Testament law provided for a kinsman redeemer to repurchase a relative's property that had been forfeited to a lender.

This principle is illustrated in the Bible when Boaz, an ancestor of Jesus, redeemed Ruth.
Man's transfer of his dominion allowed Satan to become the prince of this world and the king of the evil kingdom.

From that moment man has been living in enemy-occupied territory and waiting for the return of our Messiah.
Man joined in Satan's rebellion against God when Adam and Eve sinned in  the Garden of Eden.

God gave the stewardship of the planet to man.

In a sense, man's sinful rebellion had the effect of mortgaging the dominion of earth to Satan.
When Jesus rose from the grave, openly triumphanting over Satan, He defeated death.

He resurrected a great group of Old Testament saints to prove His victory over death and sin (Matthew 27:52-53).
From the standpoint of eternity, the victory over Satan was won by Jesus two thousand years ago at Calvary.
The spiritual battles over the last two thousand years will come together in a great victory of Jesus Christ at the Battle of Armageddon.
The final judgment of this world and the defeat of Satan, the prince of this world, was made sure when Jesus spoke the words,
          "It is fininshed."
The Bible tells us that at the very moment of Christ's apparent defeat on the cross He won the battle for the earth and the souls of man.

"Now is the judgment of this world; now the ruler of this world will be cast out. And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself"  John 12:31-32
Jesus promised that the war for the planet earth will end with His total victory over evil when He returns to setup His Kingdom.

But the prophets warn that the Antichrist and Satan will unleash spiritual warfare against the tribulation saints during the Great Tribulation
"And it was granted to him [Antichrist] to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation...He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak and cause as many as would not worship the image of the beast to be killed."
Revelation 13:7,15
The gates of Eden were closed to man, but God's love wouldn't abandon man.

The Lord prophesied that he would send His Messiah to defeat Satan and restore man's relationship with God.
Satan offered Eve the chance to know good and evil just as God if she would rebel against God's command.

The result of Adam and Eve's rebellion was the loss of innocence and the promised blessing that God had intended for His people.
When God created man in the Garden of Eden all of creation, including man was good.

But because the Lord valued our freedom so much ,He allowed Satan to tempt man to rebel against God.

This is the same temptation that ensnared Satan to become as god.
In Ezekiel 28, God called Satan as
"the prince of Tyre"

Ezekiel assures us that despite Satan's wisdom and power, he will finally be defeated by Jesus when he makes his great attack against God using the Antichrist.