One of the Jewish beliefs was: "I believe with perfect faith in the coming of the Messiah. Even if he delays I will wait every day for him to come."

It was claimed that anyone who did not believe in the Messiah or long for His coming actually denied the Torah, the Law of Moses.

This hope is the great inspiration that motivates the heart of Jews for thousands of years; and will lead many in Israel to accept the Antichrist's and False Prophet's claim to be the messiah.
The belief in the Messiah and the ultimate redemption of Israel is one of the most basic beliefs of the Jewish religion.

The Jewish people have comforted themselves during their centuries of exile by remembering the prophecies of the coming Messiah who will return the captives to their homeland and re-establish the throne of David.
Millions of Jews and Christians have been comforted by the prophecies of a coming Messiah.

God will finally redeem the earth from the curse of sin and suffering.
Today, after the miraculous return of the exiled Jews to the Promised Land, we are beginning the most exciting and dangerous time in history.

The fulfillment of the dreams of the forty generations of Jews is at hand.
There are Rabbis who wrote about their hopes and fears for this awesome period of tribulation that became known as the 'birthpangs of the Messiah'.

The years preceding the Messiah's coming will be like the 'birthpangs' of a woman birthing a child.
The focus of many of the Bible prophecies is the coming age of the Messiah.

Through centuries of exile the Jews looked for their Messiah who would redeem the earth from the curse of sin.
The Lord said, "I have declared the former things from the beginning; they went forth from My mouth, and I caused them to hear it.
Suddenly I did them, and they came to pass"
Isaiah 48:3
Throughout history hundreds of prophecies have been precisely fulfilled, especially in this century.

The Lord declared that these fulfilled prophecies are the unquestionable proof that He controls the future.

The focus of many of the Bible prophecies is the coming age of the Messiah.
The Bible contains a number of prophecies that God will send His Messiah to redeem man and establish His kingdom of righteousness at the end of this age.

But, the Bible also warns that a False Messiah will arise in the last days to engulf the world into a cataclysmic crisis.
The continuing struggle between Jesus and the Antichrist will reach its conclusion after the three-and-a half years of hell on earth known as the Great Tribulation.
If the Antichrist was a pagan, God wouldn't point out his rejection of the pagan faith of his fathers as a point of condemnation.

Daniel 11:37 tells us he will not regard the desire of women. Some suggest that it means he could be celibate or homosexual.

While that's possible, it's more probable in the context that Daniel is referring to the fact that he will have no regard for the desire of Jewish women.

The whole context of this prophecy is religious and appears to be the preferred interpretation.
The most peculiar prophecy about the man of sin (antichrist) was written by the prophet Daniel.

He warned:  "He shall regard  neither the God of his Fathers nor the desire of women, nor regard any god; for he shall   magnify himself above them all"   Daniel 11:37.

This vision is puzzling but it would confirm that the Antichrist will be a Jew since it declares he won't have regard for the God of his Fathers.

That is an expression used in the Bible only in connection with the Jews.
Those who deny the return of Christ often ridicule those who believe that there are still prophecies to be fulfilled just as literally as those fulfilled in the past.

John warned that the 'spirit of Antichrist' had already entered the world in his day.

The widespread denial and ridicule of Christ's return is another sign that the spirit of Antichrist is being manifested already.
There are many both in and out of the Church who deny the doctrine of the literal return of Jesus Christ.

Some spiritualize the prophecies and interpret them as parables.
If someone refuses to accept that Jesus came "in the flesh" he is rejecting the Word of God.

The antichrist spirit that denies that Christ came in the flesh two thousand years ago is the same spirit of unbelief that denies that Christ will literally come again in the flesh.
John also said that "every spirit that doesn't confess that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is not of God.
And this is the spirit of the Antichrist, which you have heard was coming, and is now already in the world"  1 John 4:3.

This confirms the other Scriptures that tell us that the Spirit of God reveals the truth to us as He did to Peter.
John describes the nature of the spirit of Antichrist, "Who is a liar but he who denies that Jesus is the Christ? He is the antichrist who denies the Father and the Son."  1 John 2:22

The Bible says that anyone who denies that Jesus is the Messiah is denying the Father and the Son and has adopted the spirit of the antichrist.
The Antichrist is a liar because his father is Satan, the "father of lies" John 8:44.

His whole career from start to finish will be all deceit and lies.

People will accept his lies because they love darkness rather than light.
Jesus continually warned of the false messiah of the last days.

The False Prophet will present himself as the Prophet Elijah and try to counterfeit his miracle of bringing fire down from heaven.

The False Prophet must be a Jew to imitate Elijah.