The Antichrist will act and speak in the name of God, saying he is God.

Jesus warned Israel, "I have come in My Father's name, and you do not receive Me; if another comes in his own name, him you will receive", John 5:43
The Antichrist will perform signs, so that he even makes fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men.

"And he deceives those who dwell on the earth by those signs which he was granted to do in the sight of the beast, whose who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast who was wounded by the sword and lived."
The Ascension of Isaiah indentifies the future Antichrist as a man possessed by Satan, the king of this world, who will assume the position of a great prince and lawless king.

The writer declares that he will come with all the powers of this world confirming Revelation 13:13-14.
The apocryphal Ascension of Isaiah refers to the future Antichrist under a different name.

"Many in Jerusalem and in Judah will he cause to depart from the true faith. He will dwell in Manasseh.

This speculation about the Antichrist dwelling in Manasseh [Samaria, Israel's West Bank] is fascinating in light of other verses connecting him to the Romans.
The Ascension of Isaiah is an interesting Christian apocalypse from the second century after Christ.

The first part is a Martydom of Isaiah and the second part contains apocalyptic material related to the coming of Christ.

This is a non-canon writing that provides additional insight into the early Christian's understanding of the Anichrist and the Second Coming.
Several modern scholars deny that the symbol of the fig tree in Matthew 24 represents Israel.

But, it is significant that this Apocalypse of Peter, written only a century after Christ, declares that the fig tree is the "house of Israel."
The Apocalypse of Peter reveals the early Christians understood that a series of false christs would be followed by a final Antichrist, but "this deceiver is not the Christ."

His words "this is the deceiver who must come into the world" suggests that he is quoting John's prophecy "For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" 2 John 7.
The Apocalypse of Peter is a commentary on the Mount of Olives Discourse recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 that was composed by an unknown writer around 140 A.D.

It gives an insight into the views of the early Church about prophecy and the Antichrist.
Many Bible predictions have already been fulfilled and they were fulfilled precisely to the day as foretold by the prophets of God.

We know that the prophecies yet to be fulfilled will also be fulfilled just as precisely.
Many Christians of the first three centuries, wrote quotations from Daniel, Paul's Epistles and Revelation about the Antichrist, the "man of sin."

Several examples from that time illustrates their beliefs about the last days.
Each of the major prophets received visions of the coming Antichrist,
   the Battle of Armageddon and
   the victory of the Messiah.

Paul prophesied about the works and destruction of the Antichrist, in 
2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.

The Book of Revelation describes it in detail in chapters 4 to 19.
The Gospels were discussed much in the first Church.

The prophecies gave believers a clear understanding of the future prophetic crisis involving the Antichrist and his reign of terror in the last days.
The rise and fall of the Antichrist was of tremendous interest of the first church.

Jesus warned His disciples about the Antichrist's "abomination of desolation"

The words of Jesus, "Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation", spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains"  Matthew 24:15,16.

Jesus reminded His hearers that the prophet Daniel declared that the Antichrist, the 'prince who will come', will defile the 'holy place' in the rebuilt Temple.
Proverbs 18:10
It's expected that God will allow the evil Prince of Darkness to establish his tyranical rule over Israel for a time to cause them to repent and return to Him.
The Talmud suggests that God will allow the Antichrist, an evil tyrant to rule over Israel for a time to bring the Jews to repentance so the Messiah can appear.

This understanding that God "will set up a king over them" lines up with the Christian interpretation of Daniel's prophecies of the coming Antichrist.
For hundreds of years, rabbis and scholars debated about the timing of the Messiah's coming.

They also discussed the necessity for Israel to repent, before God would send their Redeemer.

Some believed that God would not send the Messiah until all of Israel repented in one generation; and others felt that God would finally send the Messiah whether or they all repented at one time or not.
Most rabbis believe that the Messiah will be born of a mother and father, who will live a righteous life of religious study.

Based on their interpretations of the Old Testament, the rabbis often connected the Messiah with King David and Moses.

They are looking for a man with a divine mission like Moses, rather than God being born in a body as Jesus did two thousand years ago.
The Talmud contains many prophetic opinions about the nature and workings of the coming Messiah.

These will prepare some in Israel to initially accept the false messiah, the Antichrist before they finally see the true Messiah face-to-face.