God speaks

The presidents proposing this new world order didn't explain to us what the New World Order really means.

The truth is that the New World Order will cover the creation of a global government under the United Nations with a joint American and Russian partnership.

It will lead to the slavery of freedom-loving people throughout the whole world.
The U.S. government has cooperated in plans for a one-world government.

Presidents have worked to create what they have called a 'New World Order."
In this century in which we are living, we know of the tragic destruction of hundreds of millions from Communism and Nazism.

Now the greatest 'ism' is forming right before our eyes. It has many names and looks but its purpose is the same; the creation of a world government that will dominate the nations and their people for the benefit of a few leaders and their followers.
The Bible tells us that in the final generation of this age, the Antichrist will rule the entire world for more than seven years.

Revelation 13:7-8 tells us the Man of Sin, given power by Satan, will rule the planet for a time.
History has shown us that very few nation [if any] were able to overcome dictators without the help of an outside nation.

If all the nations were eliminated under a ruler of a world government, freedoms could be lost forever.
Without individual nations, if a future dictator ever gains power over such a world government, there will be no outside nation left to oppose him and provide the a possibility of defeating tyranny.
Because of the role of nations in
   preserving individual rights,
   assisting cultural development,
   and providing democratic rights,
it is irreverent to abandon the role of nations in human government.
In the end, this attack on the nations will fail because the Word prophecy that the saints shall rule the nations forever.
The book of Revelation says that in the New Earth "the nations of those who are saved shall walk in its light, and the kings of the earth shall bring their glory and honor into it", in Revelation 21:24.
The Bible doesn't predict the extinction of nation-states in the future.

Prophecies tell us that Christ will judge the nations on the basis of how they treated their people and they will either be blessed or cursed during the Millennium [the 1000 yrear reign of Jesus Christ on the earth].
A New World Order is at the expense of the national governments that have preserved our freedoms and democracy for years.

Nation-states are one of the oldest institutions in human history.

Even though there has been thirteen years of war for every year of peace [throughout history], the nation-state is not the problem; because of the sinfulness of men, wars would have occurred regardless.
Today it's popular for the media to bash the nation as the cause of many or most all of the world's problems.

We are being persuaded by them and politicians about the great advantages of joining super organizations and reducing our independence, patriotism and loyalty of our  own country.

We are offered a one-world government as the solution.