17Don't be concerned about what you are about to suffer. The devil is going to test you by having you put into prison, there you will be tested ten days. But if you continue to be faithful even if you face death, I will present you the 'crown of life.'
16This message is from the one [Jesus Christ] who was the First and the Last, the one who was dead but now He is very much alive.

           I know how you have suffered from poverty and slander, but you are really rich because you belong to Me. Some people are just saying that they are My followers but they aren't, their belief system is from satan.
15If anyone has a spiritual grasp to hear, he must listen to what the Spirit of God is saying to the believers at this present time.

     To everyone of you who is victorious, I will give you the fruit from the 'tree of life' that grows in the paradise of God [in the present and forever future].
14I do, however, have this complaint against you because you do not love me or each other as you did at first! you have gone backwards!

       Turn back to Me and love Me and each other as you did in the beginning. Do the good deeds that you did before. Repent, and keep your position among My followers.

               This is one thing that I am very pleased with. You hate the evil deeds of the ungodly.
13Write this letter to the believers on earth. This letter is from the Almighty God of Heaven who hold the ultimate power in His right hand.

         I am aware of all the things you do. I know of your hard work and your steadfastness while you trust Me. I know you hate what the ungodly and unmerciful people do to others. You are aware of the claims of those who say they are speaking on My behalf but they are not. You know that they have proven themselves to be liars. I am pleased when you choose to suffer patiently for My name sake and continue on.
12Now if Christ has really set you free, stay free, don't get entangled into the law again.

    Don't try to make yourself right with God by trying to keep yourself saved, by asking for forgiveness over and over again.

        There is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus. But then, don't deceive yourself by thinking you can raise hell on your way to heaven!
11If you received Jesus as your Savior, He has forgiven you of all your sin, past, present and future. All of your sins were future because Jesus went to the cross 2000 years ago.

    Why do we keep asking Him for forgiveness if we are already forgiven? "Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin." Hebrews 9:22.

        Doesn't that mean He is not going back to the cross again for anyone's sin? He said, "It is finished." Let's stop asking His forgiveness and simply confess our wrongs; then thank Him for His forgiveness and His complete work on the Cross.
10When I, John, saw Jesus, I fell at His feet like a dead man.

     But then He laid His right hand on me and said: "Don't be fearful! I am the one that lives. I died, now I am alive and forever more.

          And I do hold the keys to life and to death and victory over the grave.
9Then I turned to see who was speaking to me, I saw seven gold lamp stands and standing in the center was someone like the Son of God.

    He was wearing a long robe with a gold sash across His chest. His hair and head were white as wool and just a white as snow.

     His eyes looked like flames of fire. His feet appeared as polished bronze and His voice was like thunder, as sounds of ocean waves crashing on the shores.

         In His right hand He held seven stars and from His mouth came a sharp two-edge sword and His face was as bright as the noon day sun in its unclouded brilliance.
8I am your brother, John, your partner in suffering in God's Kingdom because Jesus has called us to be patient as we walk with Him.

     I was exiled to a remote island for teaching the Word of God and my testimony about Jesus.

           It was on Sunday that I was worshiping in the Spirit. All of a sudden, I heard behind me a loud voice like as a trumpet blast. 
It said: "Write in a book everything you are going to see and hear and send it to all of my followers [Churches] in several locations."
7I am the beginning and the end, the Alpha and the Omega, says the Lord God. I am the One who is, who was and who is to come, the Almighty One, the one that each will give an account of Himself.

6Jesus is coming back just as He promised, in the clouds of heaven. He will be seen by everyone, even the people that crucified Him.
5Jesus suffered humiliation for the whole world to see because He loved us so much and wanted to have us spend eternity with Him; if we would only believe and receive His gift of eternal life.

The grave and death could not hold Him because He is the ruler of all kings and leaders of this earth.

       All the other spiritual leaders are still in the grave.
4It is amazing how much Jesus loves us. He proved it by giving Himself as a blood sacrifice for our sins. 

    It is so wonderful to realize that the God of heaven was willing to leave heaven and was willing to be slapped, spit upon, beaten with a leather whip with pieces of steel that tore His flesh from the bones; then have His beard pulled out by the roots, have a crown of long sharp thorns put on His head; then nailed to a cross, one nail in each hand and one nail through both feet.
3Grace and peace to you from the One who never had a beginning; who is still very much alive and from His Holy Spirit in heaven and in our world today.
2John reported everything he saw.

       God will bless the one that reads these words of prophecy to others. He will bless all who listen to the message but most of all, He desires us to obey what it says because our time is very near.
1This book is a Revelation from the living Christ which the Father God gave Him to show His believers the events that will soon take place in our present world. Jesus sent His angel to present the revelation to His servant John.
starting new teaching

In Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus warned his followers that persecution will come before His second coming.

"For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect."
Some also believe that the antichrist will be charming and not look evil.

He will be someone who people will be convinced that he knows much about ruling the world.
Some teachers believe that this will be in a future world empire coming from a new or revived Roman Empire, similar to the Roman Empire of Jesus' time.

They think the antichrist will come from the Jewish race.
In Daniel's vision/prophecy, he sees a 'little horn'.

This little horn is a ruler or king and speaks of the antichrist: "The ten horns are ten kings who will come from this kingdom. After them another king will arise, different from the earlier ones; he will subdue three kings. He will speak against the Most High and oppress his saints and try to change the set times and the laws. The saints will be handed over to him for a time, times and half a times."
The Antichrist will take over the political and spiritual authority of the world. He will take over by being a very liked political and spiritual diplomat.

He will rule the earth for 42 months which scholars believe to be the last 3 and 1/2 years of the tribulation period. A time in which the world will endure a time of terrible trouble.