37I, John, looked and saw a door opened in heaven, then I heard the same voice that had spoken  to me before, it sounded like a trumpet blast.

    He said: "Come up here so you can see what will happen next" and immediately I was in the spirit and saw heaven's throne and someone was sitting on it.
36If you are victorious, you will sit with Me [Jesus] on My throne just as I was victorious and now sit with My Father on His throne.

     Again, anyone that has ears to hear let him hear and understand what the Spirit of God is saying to His believers.
35Understand that I disciple everyone that I love as a good Father corrects his children so I beg you to turn from your indifference.

  I am standing at door and knocking [on the churches that John was writing to and the individuals in them].

        If you can hear My voice and you will open your heart then I personally will come into your life and live. I will give you My heart and it is tender and loving. We can then share our lives together and enjoy on another.
34I [God] advise you to obtain from Me; gold that I have purified. It has been through My fire and it is pure.

     Also, obtain white clothing from Me to cover your nakedness and ointment for your spiritual eyesight so you can see clearly My spiritual principles and values and enjoy My grace.
33If we say we love God, but we are unforgiving, stubborn, rebellious, argumentative and blaming others, self-centered or even if 'our religion' takes importance over Him, that doesn't fly with God.

     There is freedom in forgiveness. This is the strangest secret, 'the power of forgiveness'.

         If we want power, be ready to forgive everyone about everything! Jesus is our example, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do."
32He [Jesus} said, I am aware of all that you do. You are neither hot nor cold. I prefer you were all for Me or all against Me. If you are lukewarm for Me, I will spit you  out of My mouth.

    You claim you are rich; you say that you have everything you need! But I know that you are poor, blind, naked, wretched and miserable and you don't even know it!              
31Write this message to the angel of the other group of believers.

    God is the one that formed you in your mother's womb, the creator of everything everywhere. Everything that was made was made by Him.

        There are millions of galaxies in the universe; our Milky Way galaxy is one of the smallest in the entire universe. If you traveled at the speed of light across it, that is 186,000 mile per second, it would take 100,000 years.

             It is amazing the magnificent God we have! Just think of it!! He loves little 'ole' you and me! Why? We were created for His pleasure!
30I [Jesus] will write on them the name of My Holy Father and they will be fit citizens in the city of the loving God.

    In the New Jerusalem, I will write on them My new name because they have been bought with My blood.

        Anyone with spiritual ears let him hear what I am saying.
29If you teach, preserve and obey My [Jesus] principles, I will protect you when the time of testing comes upon the whole world; this test is for the world and it's worldly minded people.

     I, Jesus, am coming back soon. Hold tightly to what I have given you and let no one steal your crown.

         If you are victorious, you will be rewarded by becoming pillars in the temple of My God and you will never have to leave it.
28I [Jesus] am familiar with all the things you do and I have opened a door for you that no one is able to close.

    Your strength is weak and yet you did not deny Me but obeyed My word.

        Be aware! I will pressure those who belong to satan's crowd; those liars that say they are my fellowers but are not. I will force them to bow down at your feet proving to them that you are the ones I truly love.
27This is a message to the angel of one of your fellowships. The message is from the One who is Holy and True, the One who is alway reliable, the One that has the keys to your future.

    What He opens, no one can close and what He closes, no one can open.

         He is truly awesome!
26There are some among the local believers that have not soiled their spirits with evil actions including complaining, blaming others and being negative [being negative is nothing more than being thankful for everything] but have continued to walk with Me in white, for they are worthy.

    All of them that walk victorious will be clothed in white and I will never blot out their names from the Lamb's Book of Life.

        I will declare before My Father and the angels that you belong to Me.

            If you have spiritual ears, listen and understand what the Spirit of God is saying.
25There is a letter to an angel to certain believers, and it is from the God of the sevenfold Spirit and of the seven stars.

    "You have a reputation of being alive, but you are dead in your religion. Walk in My Spirit and have fellowship with Me so you can salvage what little remains. Your actions are not meeting the requirements of your God.

         Remember what you heard and believe at first, return to that and hold firmly. Repent to Me as before. If you continue in your sorry condition, I will come and surprise you as a thief that shows up when you are asleep or not at home."
24The living Christ is saying "I will give the same authority that I received from My Father and I will also give you the morning star!"

     Remember, anyone that has ears and can hear must listen and understand what the Holy Spirit of God is trying to say to each of us believers.
23I [Jesus] have a message for the rest of you that refuse to follow these false teachings 'depths of truth' they call them, but they are really 'depths of satan's deceptions'.

     All I ask from you is to hold tightly to the things I have taught you until I return.

          To all of you that are victorious and obey Me to the very end, I will give you authority over the nations.
22Because of this attitude, I will cause terrible suffering to those that commit adultery [spiritual adultery]. They will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn from their evil ways.

     I will strike their children dead [spiritual death]. Then all of My followers will know that I am aware of every person's thoughts and motives throughout the earth. [God never sleeps nor gets tired].
21Write this letter to the believers from the Son of God; His feet are like polished bronze and His eyes flash like flames of fire.

    I am aware of the things you do. It is pleasing to see your love, faith, service and your enduring patience. I am pleased to see your constant improvement in all these areas.

        But I do have a serious concern about you. You have permitted the Jezebel spirit, women that claim to be godly but are leading my servants astray. She teaches people to commit sexual sins and to serve the things of this world instead of Me.

            I have given plenty of time to repent, but all I get from some of you is stubborn refusal.
20Every one that has an ear to hear to understand should listen to what the Spirit is saying to His followers. To each of you that are victorious will receive manna [nourishment] from heaven. God will also give you a white stone with a new name on it and only the person that receives it will be able to understand it.
19This is the message from the living Christ the one who has a sharp, two-edged sword: "I know you live in the world where satan has his throne yet you have remained loyal to Me even when some of My faithful disciples are martyred. But I do have some concerns with some of My people that tolerate false teachers among them who trip up My followers. 

They are teaching certain sins such as worshiping what's called 'the good things of life' that are often idols replacing Me; also sexual sin that include pornography and homosexuality.

There are a number of misled people that are following these false teachings. If they don't repent soon, I will come and fight against them with the sword of My mouth."
18If you have spiritual ears to hear, try listening to what the Holy Spirit is saying to the followers of Christ.

     If you are victorious, you will not suffer the second death [which is eternal damnation, separated from God forever and ever].

          Repent, and keep your position among My followers.