73The locusts looked like horses that were going into battle; their heads resembled golden crowns and their faces looked like human faces. Their hair was long and their teeth looked like the teeth of a lion.

     They had armor made of iron and roaring wings that sounded like race car engines. Their tails stung like scorpions and for five months they were given the power to torment people.

           Their leader is that fallen angel, the devil from the bottomless pit of hell; he is the destroyer, our mortal enemy; he hates us and our children and will show us no mercy ever. 

      The first woe is past and two more are on the way.
72Then locust came out of the smoke and descended on the earth and they had power to sting with the power of the scorpion.

   They were instructed not to damage grass, plants or the trees but to sting the people who didn't have the seal of God on their foreheads [the people that refused God's Messiah.]

      These scorpions were instructed not to kill people, but to torture them for five months with the pain of the scorpions stings.

          It will be in these days that people will wish they would die, but death will not come to them.
71The fifth angel sounded his trumpet and the key to the bottomless pit [or hell] was given to him.

     And when he opened the pit, smoke poured out like a huge furnace and the sunlight and the air became dark from the smoke.
70Then I, John, heard an eagle crying very loud as it flew through the air.

     Woe,Woe,Woe to all who are on the earth because of what will happen to them that are left on the earth when the last three angels sound their trumpets.
69The fourth angel sounded his trumpet and one-third of the sun, the moon and the stars became dark.

    One-third of the day became dark and the nights became darker.
68The third angel sounded his trumpet and a star fell from the heavens, burning like a torch. It fell on one-third of the springs and rivers.

       The star's name was Bitterness and one-third of the water became bitter and many people died from drinking the waters.

67The second angel sounded his trumpet and a great mountain was thrown into the sea.

     One-third of the sea became like blood, one-third of the living things in the sea died and one-third of the ships were destroyed.
66The first angle sounded 
his trumpet then hail and 
fire mixed with blood fell 
on the earth.

  One-third of the earth 
was set on fire,
  One-third of the trees and shrubs 
  and the green grass was all burned up.
65The seven angels had seven trumpets and they are ready to blow their mighty blasts.