126The angel asked, "Why are you so amazed?" I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast with the seven heads and ten horns on which she is sitting.

       This beast you saw was alive once, he isn't now. But he will soon come out of the bottomless pit and go to eternal destruction.  

           This will include the people of the world if their names were not written in the Lamb's Book of Life before the world was created and even they will be amazed at the reappearance of the beast that was dead.
125Then in the spirit, the angel took me [John] into the wilderness, I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast that had seven heads and ten horns and had foul words of blasphemy written all over it.

       This woman was dressed in purple and scarlet, she wore beautiful gold jewelry and precious gems and pearls. She held in her hand a golden goblet full of filth and immorality and obscenities.

            This mysterious name was written on her forehead: "Babylon the Great, Mother of all the prostitutes and obscenities of the world."

    I could see that she was drunk with the blood of God's holy people who were witnesses for Christ Jesus. I was so completely amazed that I just stood staring at her.
124Then one of the seven angels that had poured out one of the seven vats came over to me [John] and spoke.

        He said, "Come with me, I want to show you the judgments that are going to judge the great prostitute, who has deceived the people and rules in many areas. The leaders of the earth have committed adultery with her and the people of this world have become drunk by drinking her immorality."
123Then the seventh angel poured his vat into the air. 

        Next, a mighty voice came from the throne room from the Temple, saying "It is done!"

             Then there was voices, crashing thunder that rolled as the lightning flashed and a massive earthquake struck the earth; it was the worst quake since people have been on the earth.

                   That great city Babylon split into three different sections and many nations fell into a huge heap.

                         Now God recalled all of Babylon's evils and He made her drink the pitcher that was filled with the wine of His fury and wrath.

     Then islands disappeared and all the mountains leveled. Then came a hailstorm and the hailstones weighed about one hundred pounds each and fell out of the sky on the people; and they cursed God because of them.
122Jesus said,"Be aware, I will come as an unexpected thief! You will be blessed if you are watching for me and keep your clothing ready so you wont't be naked and ashamed.

      Then He gathered them together in a place called Armageddon.
121Then the sixth angel poured out his vat into the great Euphrates river and the river dried up. This made it possible for the nations from the east to march their armies to the west without interference.

      Then I saw three evil spirit; they looked like frogs leaping from the mouths of the dragon, the beast and the false prophet. These are the demon spirits that worked and convinced the world leaders to gather for battle against the Lord, but this is the great judgment day for the Almighty God.
120Then the fifth angel poured out his vat on the beast, his throne, his kingdom and they were all plunged into outer darkness.

        His followers ground their teeth in awful anguish and cursed the God of heaven for their pain and sores. 

             With all of this they refused to repent and turn to God.
119Then a fourth angel poured out his vat on the sun. This caused the people to be scorched by its fire. Every person was burned by the blast of heat; then they cursed the name of God who controlled all these plagues.

       They would not repent of their evil doings or turn to God or give Him glory.
118Then the third angel poured his vat onto the springs and rivers and they became blood.

       Then I heard and angel that had been given authority over the water say, "Your are so justified, O Holy One, who is and always was, because you have sent these judgments. Because they shed the blood of your holy people and prophets, you gave them blood to drink. And this is their just reward."

            Then I heard a voice from the altar say, "Yes, O Lord God Almighty, your judgments are just, true and fair."
117Then the second angel poured his vat out on the sea and it became blood as putrefying as a rotting corpse. And every living thing in the sea died.
116There was a mighty voice from the Temple, "Say to the seven angels go and pour out your seven vats containing God's wrath on the earth.

        And so the first angel left the Temple and poured out his vat on the earth and horrific malignant sores broke out on everyone that has received the mark of the beast and had worshiped his statue.
115I [John] saw that God's Temple and Tabernacle in heaven were thrown wide open.

       There were seven angels holding seven plagues that came out of the Temple. Now they were dressed in pure white linen with gold sashes across their chests.

            Then one of the four living creatures handed each of the angels a gold container filled with the wrath of God, the one that lives forever and ever

                  The entire Temple was filled with smoke from God's power and glory. No one was allowed in the Temple until the seven angels had finished pouring out the seven plagues.
114Then I [John] saw before me what appeared to be a sea of glass mixed with fire. And on the sea were all the people that were victorious over the beast, his statue and the number of his name [the mark of the beast].

       They were all holding musical instruments that God had presented them with; they were singing the song of Moses [God's servant] and the song of the Lamb of God, Revelation 3-4.
113Then John saw another miraculous event in heaven of great significance. 

       There were seven angels holding the last seven plagues and they will bring God's wrath to a close.
And so the angel swung the sickle over the whole earth and loaded the grapes into that great winepress of God's wrath.

     And the grapes were pressed in the winepress and the blood flowed from the city for 180 miles as high asa horses bridle.

          God is serious!
111And as I [John] looked, another angel came from the altar who had the power to destroy with fire. 

     And he shouted to the angel with the sharp sickle, "Swing your sickle for the time has come to harvest the clusters of grapes from the earth because they are ripe for judgment." 

        These are the people who demanded their own way and refused God's way.
110Then I [John] saw a white cloud and there was one seated on the cloud and it looked like the Son of Man. He was wearing a gold crown on His head and carried a sharp sickle [blade for harvest] in His hand.

       And another angel came from God's temple, he spoke to the one sitting on the cloud, "Swing your sickle now because the time of harvest is here; the crop on earth is ripened."

            And so the one sitting on the cloud swung his sickle across the earth and the whole earth was harvested.

                 Then another angel came from God's temple in heaven, he had a sharp sickle as well.
109Then I [John] heard a voice from heaven saying, "Write this down: those who die in the Lord, will be bless for all eternity, they will be richly rewarded and they will rest from the hard work they did for His name sake on the earth."
108Tears come at the thought of those who reject God's special gift of grace and not believing nor receiving His free gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

       And this means God's holy people must suffer and endure suffering and persecution patiently, obeying His values and principles and walking in His grace by faith.
107I [John] saw another angel follow them proclaiming, "If anyone worships the beast and his statue and receives the mark on his forehead or on his hand, they must drink the wine from God's anger.

        And His cup of wrath will be poured out in full strength without dilution.

            Then they will suffer torment with burning sulfur in the presence of the living Christ and His holy angels. Then the smoke of their suffering and torment will rise up forever and ever, there will be no relief day or night, for they have served and worshiped the beast and his statue and received the mark of his name."
106There was another angel that followed him through the sky and he was shouting,"Babylon is fallen; that great city is fallen because she made all of the nations drink of her passionate immorality."

     These are cities that export their filth and unbelief to the rest of the world; cities like San Francisco, Las Vegas and Hollywood.

          Also this moral decay has seeped into the educational system i.e. the class rooms.
105Then I [John] saw another angel flying through the sky; he was carrying the Good News of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ for the people who belonged to this world, every tribe, language, and nation. 

    "Fear God" he proclaimed, "give glory to God and to the Savior, for the time is here and He will sit as Judge. Worship the One that made the earth, the sea and the springs of fresh water."
104Only the 144,000 could learn the song, those who had been redeemed from the earth. They kept themselves pure and they followed the Lamb wherever He goes.

       These people were purchased from among those on the earth as a special offering to God and to the Lamb. They  were without blame and careful not to speak evil.
103On Mount Zion, I [John] saw the Lamb of God standing with 144,000 Israelites who had the Father's name written on their foreheads.

     Then I heard this sound coming from heaven, it had a roar like loud thunder or mighty ocean waves in a hurricane.

         It sounded like millions of harpists in a symphony. It was a great choir singing a wonderful new song to God on His throne and before the 24 elders and the 4 living beings.
102Then he demanded that everyone great, poor or rich must receive the mark of the beast in their right hand or on their forehead.

       No one could buy or sell anything without this mark. This means food, fuel, electricity, clothing, medicine or any other service on earth. 
           This mark must be either the name of the beast or the number that represents his name. It is the number of man, the number 6, because man was created on the sixth day.
101With all of the miracles he was able to perform, he did on behalf of the first beast.

       He was able to deceive all the people that belonged to the world. He demanded the people make a huge statue of the first beast, the one that was fatally wounded and then came back to life.

          He was able to give life to the statue and it was able to speak. Then the statue of the beast demanded to be worshiped and if anyone refuses to worship it, they must die.
100Then I, John, saw another beast that came up out of the earth.

       He looked like a lamb with two horns but when he spoke, the voice of the dragon came out.

           Now he had the authority of the first beast and he required all the people on the earth to worship the first beast, whose fatal wound was healed. He did amazing miracles, causing fire to come down from the sky as everyone watched.
Happy New Year 2015