154Suddenly, a loud shout came from God's throne, "Look, God will now live with His faithful followers!

          Our loving God will take away every tear from our eyes and there will be no more pain, death or sorrow because these former things are gone forever."
153Then I [John] saw a future sight, a brand new heaven and earth because the old heaven and earth were gone. And the sea disappeared also.

       Then I saw he holy city, the new Jerusalem, coming down from God out of heaven, like a beautiful bride prepared for her husband.
152Next the sea gave up her dead and death and Hades gave up their dead. And everyone was judged according to what they had done with their lives.

        Death and the grave were thrown into the Lake of Fire; this is the second death or separation from God.

              Now, anyone whose name was not found written in the Lamb's Book of Life, was cast alive into the Lake of Fire.
151Then I, John, saw the great white throne and the One sitting on it.

       Even the earth and the sky wanted to escape His awesome presence, but there was nowhere to hide.

            Then the dead, both small and great stood before God's throne.

                 And then the books were opened including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to what they had done with Jesus, as recorded the books.
150Now the devil, the great deceiver, was thrown in the lake of fire burning with sulfur and this included the beast and the false prophet as well.

       And they will be tortured day and night forever and ever.
149After the thousand years have passed, that deceiver satan will be loosed from prison. He will return to mislead the nations, called Gog and Magog, from every area on earth.

        Then he will gather all of them for battle, this huge army will be as difficult to count as the sand on the seashore.

             Then they surrounded God's people from around the world and also the beloved city. But they were attacked from heaven by fire and consumed.
148Then all of the believers lived and reigned with the Lord Jesus for one thousand years.

       Holy and blessed are the people who have a part in the first resurrection.

            The second death will not have any effect on them because they will be kings and priests of God and of Christ and will reign with Him for one thousand years.
147Then I [John] saw people sitting on thrones that had the authority to judge.

     And I saw the souls of those who had been killed for their witness or testimony for Christ Jesus and for proclaiming that God's words are the whole truth and can be totally relied on.

         These faithful believers had not worshiped the beast or his statue, nor did they receive his mark on their hands or their foreheads.
146There was an angel coming down from heaven and I [John] saw a large chain in his hand and the key to the bottomless pit.

       He grabbed the dragon, that old snake, which is the devil and satan and bound him with the large chain for one thousand years. He threw him into the bottomless pit.

            He locked him up so he could not deceive the nations again until the thousand years was ended.

But after that he will be released for a short time.
145Then the beast was captured, along with the false prophet who did amazing miracles for the beast and deceived all the people that gladly received the mark of the beast and worshiped his statue.

       Both the false prophet and the beast were thrown alive into the lake of fire burning with sulfur.

            The enemy's entire army was killed by the sharp sword from the mouth of the Messiah riding the white horse.

Then the vultures took their fill of the dead bodies.
144Then the leaders of the world and the beast gathered their armies together to fight against the Lord riding on the white horse, with His army.
143There was an angel standing in the sun, calling to the vultures flying over the earth. "Gather here for the great banquet God has prepared for you. Come and gorge on the flesh of world leaders: generals, kings, fearless fighters, employers and employees and all people, small and great."
142Then heaven opened and I [John] saw a white horse standing there. His name was Faithful and True because He judges fairly and He wages a righteous war.

       His eyes were like flaming fire and He had several gold crowns. He had a name written on Him that no one understood except God. He wore a robe that had been dipped in blood and His name was the Living Word of God.

             The armies from heaven had been dressed with fine pure white linen as they followed Him on white horses.

      From the mouth of Jesus came a sharp sword striking down the evil nations. Then He will rule over them with His iron rod. He will pour out the fierce wrath of God Almighty like juice forced from a huge winepress.

              His robe has writings on the thigh with the title: "King of Kings and Lord of Lord.'
141Then the angel said to me [John], "Write this down: So very blessed are those who are invited to the wedding feast of the Lamb [Jesus]."

       Then he added, "These words are true and they come straight from God."

            I fell down to his feet to worship him and he said, "No don't worship me. I'm a servant of God just like you are and this includes your brothers and sisters who gave testimony about their faith in Christ because their faith is counted for righteousness."
140Next I [John] heard what sounded like a thunderstorm with the thunder rolling across the sky, saying,Praise the Lord! For the Lord the Most High God reigns.

       Let us rejoice and be glad and give Him honor. The time for the wedding feast of the Lamb [Jesus] has come and the bride [the believers] has prepared herself for Him. She was given fine pure white linen to wear.

             God really knows how to throw a dinner....it wasn't a black tie affair, it was a white robe affair!!! Hallelujah!
139Then the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell before the throne and worshiped God. They shouted, "Amen! Praise you Lord.!"

        Then a voice came from the throne that said, "Praise the Lord all His servants, all those that reverence Him, from the least to the greatest."
138Then I [John] heard what sounded like a huge crowd shouting in heaven. "Praise to our Lord! Glory and power and salvation belong to our God. Only God's judgments are true and just. He has punished the great prostitute [false religion] who corrupted the people on earth with her ungodliness and immorality. He has avenged the murders of His servants."

       And again I heard the shouting crowd, "Praise our Holy Lord! The smoke will ascend from that ungodly city forever and ever!"
137The sounds of singers, violins, trumpets, drums and other musical instruments will never be heard again.

        None of the craftsmen or the trades will ever seen again. The sound from the manufacturing will never be heard again. The lights will never turn on again.

              The joyful voices from the brides and the grooms will never be heard again.

    And business people were the greatest on earth, but they deceived all the nations with evil deceptions. Now the streets flow with the blood of the prophets and God's holy people and also the blood from people slaughtered from all over the world."
136Rejoice all of heaven over her fate, the people of God and the prophets and the apostles! God has judged her at last and He did it for your sakes.

         Then a mighty angel took a boulder the size of a car tire. And with a shout he threw it into the sea.

              Just as I have done, he said, the great city of Babylon will be thrown down violently, never to be seen again.
135All of the merchant ship captains and their passengers and sailors and crews will stand at a distance.

        They will watch in amazement as the smoke ascends. Then they ask: "Where is another city as great as this?"
134These greedy business people who became wealthy by selling her [Babylon] their merchandise will stand at a distance, being terrified by her awful torment.

        They will weep and cry out, "How horrifying how terrible for that great city! She was clothed in the finest purple and scarlet linens, all dressed up with gold and precious jewelry. In one moment all of the wealth of the city is gone."
133The greedy business people of the world will sob and cry for her because there is no one left to buy their goods.

     She bought large quantities of cars, trucks, boats, and ships, motorcycles, bicycles, sports equipment, industrial machinery, computers, building materials, silver, gold, platinum, copper, fine jewelry, pure silk, fine scarlet clothing, cologne and expensive perfumes, imported marble and fine woods, wine, wheat, cattle, sheep, horses and human sex slaves.

        These fine things we loved so much are gone, they cried out, all of our luxuries of life are gone forever, never to return again.
132Therefore, curses and plagues, famine and death will overtake her in one day; she will be consumed by fire because the Lord our God is very mighty.

        The leaders of the world that shared in her adultery and enjoyed her luxury will mourn as they watch her smoke rising from her remains.

             And they will stand helpless and terrified watching her torment. Then they will scream out "How terrible, how terrible for you, O Babylon, you great city! In one moment God's judgment has fallen on you."
131Then another voice was calling from heaven, "Stay away from her, My People. Don't be a part of her ungodliness or you will receive punishment along with her." Now her sins have piled clear up to heaven. God sees her evil behavior towards others. But she doesn't realize that she is brewing twice as much horror for herself.

     She lived in luxury glorifying herself, now that will be matched with sorrow and torment. She was so proud in her heart, "I enjoy being queen. Don't think I'm a helpless widow, I have no reason to feel sorry."
130There was another angel coming down from heaven; he had great authority and as he came down there was brilliant light from the splendor of his being. He gave an earth shaking shout: "Babylon has fallen-that great city has fallen! She has become the home for demons. She is the hiding place for every kind foul, rotten spirit and despised animal and vulture.

         Every nation has fallen because of the temptation of her passionate immorality. The kings and rulers of the earth have committed adultery with her. Because of her passion for high-living in luxury, the merchandisers of the world have become filthy rich."
129The angel said to me [John], "Every place where the prostitute is ruling represents masses of people of every language and nation.

    Then they will strip the prostitute [man's religion] naked and eat her flesh and burn whatever is left with fire. Because God has put this thought in their minds to carry out His purposes.

          They will agree to give the scarlet beast their authority and this fulfills God's Words. Now this woman you saw in your vision represents the great city that rules over all the leaders of the world."