175 The End
174The Lord Jesus who is the faithful witness to all that is coming is saying, "It is true, I am returning soon!" Even so return Lord Jesus!

        May the grace of the Living Jesus be with His holy people.
173The Spirit of God and the believing bride is saying, "Come! Anyone who is thirsty, come. Anyone who has a desire to drink from the water of life, come and drink freely."

         I truly declare that if anyone hearing the words of the prophecy written in this book adds anything to these words of prophecy, God will give that person the plagues written in this book.

               And if anyone removes anything from the written prophecy in this book, God will remove that person's place in the tree of life and in the holy city described in this book.
172"I, the Lord Jesus Christ, sent My angel to give My believers this message: I am King David's source and heir to the throne.

       I am the bright and morning star."
171Those that have washed their lives in My [Jesus] Blood are truly blessed and they will have permission to enter the gates of the city and eat from the tree of life.

        But outside the city will be the dogs, the fortune tellers, sexually immoral, idol worshipers, the murderers, those trying to work their way into God's good graces and those that love to live by the lie.
170Then Jesus said, "I am coming back soon and I will bring my reward along with me to repay all the people according to all their actions.

        I am truly the First and the Last, the Alpa and the Omega, the Beginning and the End."
169Then the he continued to instruct John, "Do not seal these prophetic words in this book, because the time is so near.

        If a person is doing harm, let him continue to do harm; if one is vile, let that one continue to be vile; if one is righteous, let that one continue to be righteous; and the one that is holy, continue to be holy."
168I, John, testify to you that I am the one that saw and heard all these things. And when it happened I fell down at the angel's feet to worship and the angel said to me, "Don't ever worship me because I'm just like you and your brother's, sisters and prophets and all who follow and obey what is written in this book.

           Worship God only!"
167The angel said, "Everything you have seen and heard is totally true and trustworthy. The Lord of Lord's, who inspired His prophets, sent me to tell His followers what will happen very soon."

        Jesus said, "I am coming back suddenly! Those who obey this book of prophecy will be blessed."
166There will be no night in heaven, no need for lamps or even the sun, because the Lord's light and warmth will shine on them.

        And then believers will reign with Him forever and ever.
165There will no longer be a curse on anything for God and the Lamb will be there on the throne and His faithful servants will worship Him.

         And they shall see the face of God and the name of God will be written on their foreheads.
164As I [John] stood in amazement the angel showed me the river of life, clear as crystal and beautifully flowing from the throne of God and the Lamb.

      Down the center of the main street it flowed and on either side of the river a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of heavenly fruit, with a new crop each month.

And the leaves were used to heal the nations.
163The gates will never close at the end of the day because there is no night there.

        People from every nation will bring their praise, glory and honor to the city.

             No evil will be allowed, nor anyone that practices shameful idolatry or dishonesty.

The only ones allowed in this city are those who names are written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
162The city had no temple, because the Lord God Almighty and the Lamb are the temple.

        The city has no need of the sun or moon because the glory of God illuminates the whole city and the Lamb of God is its light.

              The people of God will walk in this light and the people born of His Spirit are now kings and priest in glory.
161The wall was made of beautiful jasper and the city streets are pure gold, clear like glass.

        The city wall was built on a foundation of stones inlaid with twelve precious stones including sapphire, jasper, emerald, agate, onyx, carnelian, chrysolite, beryl, topaz chrysoprase, jacinth and amethyst.

             The twelve gates were made of pearls, each one of them from its own pearl. The main street was pure gold, like the world has never seen before, clear as glass.
160The angel that was talking to me [John] was holding a gold measuring stick to measure the city, the gates and the walls.

        After he measured it, he found it to be a cube, the same width and length and height were each 1500 miles long. The angel measured the wall's thickness and it was 216 feet thick.
159The wall of the New Jerusalem was high and broad and it had twelve gates with twelve angels guarding the gates.

       The twelve tribes of Israel had their names written on the gates. There were three gates on each side, north, south, east and west.

            The wall of the city had twelve foundation stones and on them were the names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb of God.
Happy Resurrection Day!

158Then the angel took me [John] in the spirit to a high place and showed me the holy city, the new Jerusalem coming down from God's heaven. It shined with God's glory and reflected like precious gem stones, like jasper clear as pure crystal.
157Then one of the seven angels holding the seven vats that contained the last seven plagues came to me [John] and said, "Come with me! I want to show you the bride, [the believers] the Lamb's wife."
156But the cowards, the unbelievers, the foul and disdainful, immoral and murderers, those who worship idols and the things of this world, practice witchcraft and all liars will take their place in the lake of fire.

   Put all your faith and trust in the Lord Jesus and you will be saved!
155And as the Lord was sitting on the throne, He said, "Look here! I'm going to make everything new!"

        Then He said, "Write everything down for what I'm going to tell you is trustworthy and very true."

             Then He said, "It is finished! I am the Alpha and the Omega the Beginning and the End. To all those that are thirsty for Me, I will give them freely living water from the springs of life.

And remember, those that walk with Me victoriously will receive the blessings written in this Book. And I will be their God and they will be My people.