Only one book has claimed to predict our ultimate destiny. Of course it is the Bible, the Word of God.

      Many of the Bible's prophecies that have already been fulfilled are the best proof that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.
The Great Tribulation will end in a battle between the world-wide dictatorship of the antichrist and our Messiah.

      Jesus' victory will bring about the reality of all our hopes and dreams of a paradise ruled by the Messiah-King.

Only God can save the planet from such disaster.

     The prophets promise that this crisis will be ended by the miraculous return of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, who will save the people and set up the Kingdom of God  on earth.
The weapons and surveillance powers of such a government would leave people without hope or a way of escape.

     This nightmare will become real if those who favor it succeeds in achieving the goal of a One World Government.
Even if the first few leaders of the world government are good, eventually an evil individual will arise who will use absolute power to create a world-wide dictatorship.

     Once this person takes power there will be no opposing nation states left to resist such a government. The world descend into a darkness of nightmares.
Human freedom can only exist in a system that divides power among different groups to create checks and balances between competing interests.

      A new World Order is when all power on the planet will be possessed in one institution led by one supreme leader.
Since 1945 it began to be technologically feasible to end life on this planet.

     The New World Order could easily be the totalitarian government that would end all hope of human freedom forever.
The awful potential of chemical, biological and nuclear weapons in the hands of terrorists has produced nightmares for the intelligence agencies.
For the first time in history we possess the technologies and weapons that can destroy life on this planet. These have changed history forever.

      Every weapon system developed now, no matter horrible, has been used in war.
Our generation has witnessed the horrible realities of the Holocaust, thermonuclear weapons, biological warfare and many years of totalitarian control over half the human race.
It was hard for bible scholars thousands of  years ago to understand the old prophecies of the end times and the antichrist.

     It was hard for them to see attacks from the air, the poisoning of 1/3 of the planet and the death of billions being fulfilled, should the prophecies be interpreted literally.
The martyrs who reject the antichrist and worships Jesus will receive eternal life in heaven.
The antichrist will demand that everyone worship him and receive the Mark of the Beast.

      The Bible tells us that anyone who receives his Mark will be damned forever to hell.
The man known as the antichrist will command the political, military and religious events of the last days.

     We must understand the Bible's revelations about him. The people who live under his rule will face a terrible choice when he claims to be 'god of the earth.'
Jewish, Christian and secular prophetic literature have described the satanic inspired leader and the terrible period of persecution under his leadership before the Messiah comes back.
The antichrist will rule the earth during the Great Tribulation period just before Jesus Christ returns for the last time as the true Messiah.
The identities and characteristics of the antichrist are revealed through the prophetic titles of 'the prince', the 'man of sin' and the 'son of perdition.'
The Bible tells of a miraculous revival of the Roman Empire in the last days that will be led by the final world dictator, the Antichrist.
The prophets' writings hold the covenant between God and us with instructions on how to keep it and the judgments on the ones who break it and predictions of things to come.
Listening to the prophets is a fundamental character of the true Church.

     God ordered the Prophecies, so that in the last days the wise will understand the authority of the Prophets is divine.
The Bible tells us that our only hope is to abandon our sin and return to a close relationship with God.
Warnings of coming catastrophe cannot be ignored.

     If the Bible is truly the Word of God, as prophetic evidence proves,then how we see and respond to the warnings will determine our eternal destiny.
If the Bible is wrong in its predictions, then it is just writings of religious men and we can safely ignore it.

     If the Bible prophecies are true and many have been fulfilled, then it has to be the inspired Word of God.
We are living in the "last days" described by the prophets of the Bible.

     We can examine the Bible's prophecies and compare them with recent history and current events in our world.

          It's impossible for events to follow the prophecies of the Bible if only by chance.
The prophesies of the Bible helps us to understand the fast unfolding events in our times.

      They indicate that we are entering the incredible fulfillment of bible prophecies in our day demanding of us more of a response then just intellectual curiosity.
The antichrist will succeed in establishing a totalitarian one-world government to dominate the earth.

     His evil career will be shattered at the Battle of Armageddon, where he will meet his destruction when Jesus Christ, the King of kings, returns in glory to set up His Kingdom on earth.
The antichrist's actions will greatly altar every person's life on the earth during the Great Tribulation ending at the Battle of Armageddon.

      It is the destiny of the lives of the generation that is called the "birth pangs of the Messiah."
The Old Testament prophecies in the Bible call the coming world dictator the Antichrist.

     He is destined to lead the world during the terrible period called the Great Tribulation.
Somewhere there is a man working to gain a position of power over the coming New World Order.

      Someday he will sell his soul to satan in order to receive the kingdoms of this world.