Jesus promised that the war for the planet earth will end with His total victory over evil when He returns and sets up His kingdom.

     The prophets warned that the antichrist and satan will let loose spiritual warfare against the tribulation saints [those saved] during the Great Tribulation.
God prophesied that he would send His Messiah to defeat satan and bring his people back to Him.

     And there are many prophecies warning of the coming antichrist and his reign of terror in the last days before the return of the Messiah.
The result of man's rebellion was the loss of innocence and the blessings that God had promised to His people.

    Eden's gates were closed, but God's love wouldn't abandon mankind.
When God created man in the Garden of Eden all of creation, God said was "good"; but because He valued our freedom so much, He allowed satan to tempt us to rebel.

      This temptation was the same one that had ensnared satan to become as God.

           Satan offered Eve that same chance to become as God by knowing "good and evil" if she would rebel against God's command.
In Ezekiel 28, God called satan "the prince of Tyre."

     This prophecy confirms the account in Genesis that the serpent [satan] was in the Garden of Eden.

          Ezekiel assures us that despite satan's wisdom and power, he was defeated by Christ when he makes his great attack against God using the antichrist, Ezekiel 28:6-9.
Only heaven can reveal the total of the faith of the believers who stood against all the attacks of satan.

      Millions of underground believers held on to the true faith of the gospel of Jesus Christ during those centuries of persecution.
At the end of the thirteenth century, the mediaeval Catholic Church started a crusade and beheaded over fifty thousand Christians during one 24 hour period because they wouldn't renounce their true faith.

      The history of that period reveals that over a million Christians were tortured and killed.
Their focus was on dealing with satan's attack on the true church and connected bible prophecies of the Antichrist and Babylon with the great evils they were facing during their struggle for religious freedom.
These ancient Christians had a manuscript called "A Treatise concerning Antichrist" containing their understanding of Bible prophecy.

      A system of iniquity comprising what is called Antichrist or Babylon, the fourth beast, the whore, the man of sin, the son of perdition, he is termed that Antichrist, because he opposes the salvation of Christ.
There was a group of ancient Christians that had separated themselves from the state church that could worship the Lord as the New Testament required.

      They were believers who were Protestants before Martin Luther posted his Ninety-five Theses on the Wittenberg church door. When he proclaimed these truths creating the Protestant Reformation.
Manuscripts of the Bible were secretly copied and smuggled from city to city to share with the underground church. It was illegal to read the Bible according to the official church law.
The western world entered the 'Dark Ages' spiritually for many centuries.

     Despite the satanic attacks on the truth, millions of Christians resisted the inquisition and corruption. Many other Bible believing Christians held to the faith through trials, torture and death.
During the Mediaeval period of the church, satan almost destroyed the early faith of the first Christians.

     Evil officials of the church took on political and financial powers along with worldly leaders.

          They made laws forbidding christians from having Bibles or to worship like those in the New Testament.
Over the centuries the Roman state church took on many Babylonian mystical religious features to appeal to the new pagan converts.

      Pagan practices includes cultish images, false miracles, elevating the clergy above the worshippers and vast corruption.
Satan tried to bring down the Church by infiltrating it. 

      Finally this attack was a far greater threat than the previous attacks by the pagan emperors, which were true believers; but then it was officially the state church and then thousands of unrepentant pagans joined for social, financial and political reasons.
After Emperor Constantine became a follower of Jesus Christ, he transformed the legal position of the church to the officially sanctioned state church.
Satan used the emperors and his pagan followers in Rome to persecute the Christians.

      Millions of Christians were tortured and killed for the faith. The brave deaths of these martyrs forced the world to examine what inspired these men and women to such conviction; almost half of the Roman Empire became followers of Jesus of Nazareth.
The Church was transformed by the resurrection of Jesus. 

       It immediately began to fulfill the Great Commission to, "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit" Matthew 28:19.
God used the cross to confound the wise and defeat satan's plan to ensnare men's souls.

       On Good Friday it appeared that satan had won. Jesus was dead, his followers dispersed. But Resurrection Sunday came. The grave was opened and the evidence of Christ's victory over death and sin was seen.

              The truth of His resurrection is fundamental to God's plan to redeem His people from the curse of sin and death.
Satan thought he had defeated God's plan when Jesus died on the cross. 

     He was unable to realize that the Cross, which appeared to represent Christ's defeat, ultimately won salvation for all who would trust in Jesus.
Satan's access to the heavenlies will end half-way through the seven-year treaty [of the Great Tribulation period] when he and his angels are cast out of heaven by Michael, the archangel.

       When he is thrown from heaven to the earth, he will totally possess the soul of the wicked dictator who will take  over the revived Roman Empire.

            Then this man will become the Antichrist, satan possessed. At that time he will force the people to worship him as god.
Since his fall, satan has kept his access to some parts of the heavenlies and also the earth.

     He doesn't rule in hell as some mediaeval mythology tells us. He will not descend into hell until Jesus casts him into the Lake of Fire after his final rebellion at the end of the Millennium [the 1000 year reign of Jesus Christ].
Jesus referred to satan as a king of an evil kingdom in Matthew 12:24-30.

      Daniel 10:13 refers to demonic fallen angels that are associated with particular kingdoms. It suggests the extent of the spiritual warfare in the heavens that will eventually end with the Battle of Armageddon.
Isaiah the prophet tells us about the fall of satan in chapter 14:12-13.

       He was created as a "son of the morning" or "morning star" without sin. But, because of his pride in his beauty and wisdom, he rose in rebellion against God. 

             The Bible calls satan "the prince of the power of the air" in Ephesian 2:2 because he had power over the earth since the fall of Adam and Eve.