The antichrist is called 'satan's seed.'

     Genesis 3:15, And I will put enmity between you and the woman and between your seed and her seed; He shall bruise your head and you shall bruise His heel.
Old Testament prophets told of the conflict between God's Chosen People and satan's world dictator.

     From Genesis to Malachi they described this enemy of God in a variety of names and titles that indicate his rise, his rule and his defeat by the coming Messiah.
In Revelation 13:12 the prophet John tells us that the False Prophet, "causes the earth and those who dwell in it to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed."
Jesus, though He is truly God, came to "do the will of His Father."

     The antichrist will be a man totally possessed by satan, "his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power." Daniel 8:24 
His purpose will be to serve his father satan.

        Just as the Holy Spirit leads men to worship the Father through Jesus Christ, the False Prophet will force men to worship satan through the antichrist.
The Old and New Testament both continually show God manifested in the form of three persons, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

      The Bible also reveals satan, the great enemy of God, in the great tribulation at the end of the age as Satan, Antichrist and the False Prophet.
The antichrist will try to counterfeit the bible prophecies about the coming Messiah in trying to deceive Israel and the nations about his true identity; but, he will fail.

     Jesus and the antichrist are completely opposite in everything they do.
The antichrist is known as the son of perdition because his reign will be marked by the destruction of his enemies.

      Jesus being the Son of God, came to do the Father's will. 
Jesus was known as the man of sorrows and He bore the weight of our sins on the Cross; the antichrist, the man of sin, has a rebellious character.
Jesus represents the truth of God, the antichrist will deceive the people through his lies.

     Every thing Jesus does shows His holiness, but the man of sin will despise God's laws.
These opposing biblical names show the different natures of Jesus Christ and the Antichrist.

     Every characteristic and title of Jesus Christ is given from His holy nature.

          The Antichrist's character and titles are given from his origin as the seed of , the "father of lies."
The differences between Jesus and the antichrist are:

Jesus is the Truth
antichrist is lies

Jesus the Holy One
antichrist the lawless one

Jesus the Man of Sorrows
antichrist is man of sin

Jesus the Son of God
antichrist son of perdition

Jesus the Mystery of Godliness
antichrist the mystery of iniquity.

Behind every battle and war on earth, there is a spiritual battle against "the rulers of the darkness of the age." 

     This "ruler" is satan.

          In the last great battle he will do battle with Jesus Christ as a satanically possessed man known as the "Antichrist".
From the minute of satan fell at the beginning of time, a continual spiritual warfare has affected every life on this planet.

      Even though we are often unaware of this battle, the Bible tells us "we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against rulers of darkness of this age, against spiritual wickedness in the heavenly places." Ephesians 6:12
As we come to the events of the Great Tribulation the Bible warns that satan will soon offer the world his counterfeit messiah, the antichrist.

     The greatest battle in history will end with his defeat by Jesus Christ's return.
John says that Jesus was the "true Light which gives light to every man who comes into the world" John 1:9.

      And John explaining the conflict with satan, said "And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world and men loved darkness rather than the light, because their deeds were evil" John 3:19.
The Old Testament provided for a kinsman-redeemer to repurchase a relative's property that had been forfeited to a lender.

      As a kinsman-redeemer, Jesus will return in the last days to redeem the earth from its curse and bondage under the control of satan.
In a way, Adam's rebellion was like mortgaging the "dominion" of the earth that God had given him to satan.

     The transfer of dominion allowed satan to become the prince of this world and the king of an evil kingdom.

         Since then all mankind has been living in enemy territory waiting for the return of our Messiah/King.
Man joined in satan's rebellion against God when Adam and Eve sinned in the Garden of Eden.

      God had given them the stewardship of the earth.
When Jesus rose from the grave, He triumphed over satan and He defeated death.

      Jesus resurrected a great company of Old Testament saints to prove His victory over death and sin, Matthew 27:52-53.
The Bible tells us that at the very moment Jesus died on the cross, He won the battle for the earth and for peoples souls.

      When Jesus said, "It is finished," His defeat of satan and the final judgment of this world was made at Calvary.

           The spiritual battles of the next two thousand years will end in His victory at the Battle of Armageddon.