"For that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition," 2 Thessalonians 2:3.

      He is called the 'son of perdition' because the antichrist, as the seed of satan, is destined to destroy and then he will be destroyed by God.

            Because he is total lawlessness, he will be sent to perdition in hell for his sinful rebellion, just as Judas Iscariot, the other 'son of perdition.

The antichrist as 'The Man of Sin'.

    In 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Paul promises us that the Great Day of the Lord will not come until the 'falling away comes first'.

         Other prophecies also warn about the religious falling away of the last days.

              The antichrist will only be revealed at the right time after God removes His restraining power.
In Revelation John reveals that 'the beast was captured and with him the false prophet.

    These two were cast into the lake of fire burning with brimstone', Revelation 19:20
Both Isaiah and Paul describe the antichrist as the 'wicked' because he will give himself entirely to satan's evil plan to destroy God's people and laws.

      Despite satan's initial success, the prophets say that Jesus Christ will 'destroy with the brightness of His coming.'
Paul calls the antichrist by this name. "And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the Spirit of His mouth and shall destroy with the brightness of His coming", 2 Thessalonians 2:8.
In Isaiah's prophecy we see a comparison to Revelation 12 where the 'woman' [Israel] flees for 3 1/2 years to a place of safety in the wilderness of Moab [Jordan] to escape the antichrist after he defiles the rebuilt temple.
The prophet Isaiah [16:4] describes the antichrist as 'the spoiler' and 'the extortioner' because he will try to destroy all who resist his claims to be "god" while using extortion to gain great riches.
Revelation 13:3 says that someone will kill the antichrist with a "wound to death." John also said that the wound will be made with a sword, Revelation 13:14.

       It also declares, "his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast", Revelation 13:3.
In contrast to Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who gives His life for His sheep, the antichrist is called the 'idol shepherd.'

      His purpose as an evil shepherd, will be to use and destroy the sheep for his own benefit.

           He may be called the idol shepherd because the False Prophet will set up an idol or statue of the antichrist in the rebuilt Temple to be worshipped by the people, Revelation 13:14-15.
The prophets identify the antichrist as a Jew who will rule the Roman Empire. We are also told of his future connection with the Middle East and the rebuilt capital of Babylon.

       Possibly the prophet Isaiah identified him as 'the Assyrian' because the world dictator will be the enemy of Israel just as Assyria was in the past.
In complete opposite to Jesus who came to do His Father's will, the antichrist will do his own will.

     Hus coming as a 'prince' will be a true child of this age, assertive, self-promoting and self-willed.

         He will exalt his own sinful desires against all those who oppose him until he is defeated by Jesus.
Daniel tells that the antichrist will be a "prince" [Daniel 9:26] who will lead the revived Roman Empire.

      Since "the prince that shall come" will come out of the Roman people, scholars conclude that the antichrist will arise and take over the ten nations of the revived Roman Empire.
"when the transgressors have reached their fulness" informs us that the fulfillment of prophecy will not occur until the people's sinful rebellion  reaches the breaking point.

              There is a final point where the Lord draws the line and He will not allow people to go any farther without receiving God's judgment.

                          Genesis 6:3, My Spirit shall not strive with man forever." Our final appointment with destiny is coming quickly.
The antichrist will be a king (or prince) with "fierce features", in Daniel 23.

     This prophecy tells that he will have a striking appearance and will have great personal power.
In Daniel 7:8, he calls the antichrist "a little horn" in contrast to the ten horns that represent ten nations coming out of the region of the ancient Roman Empire.

      Though given supernatural power by satan, he will be a man. He will be a great and powerful speaker, impressing people with his brilliant speech.
The prophet Ezekiel, in chapter 28 verse 2, called the antichrist the 'Prince of Tyre' in his prophecy saying that though he will be possessed by satan 'yet you are a man and not a god.'

      He will oppose and exalt himself to be worshipped as God exactly as satan had tried to rebel and be worshipped by the fallen angels as god.
Isaiah 14:4, Isaiah called the antichrist by the name "king of Babylon", because he will make the rebuilt city of Babylon one of his capitals during his short reign.

      Both Isaiah and Revelation show that the city of Babylon will be rebuilt and finally destroyed by fire from heaven from God during the 'Great Day of the Lord.'

           The Iraqi government under Saddam Hussein spent hundreds of millions of dollars rebuilding the city. It will be burned when the antichrist is destroyed by Jesus' return.
The first prophecy in the Bible was made by God to satan (the serpent) in front of Adam and Eve.

        He prophesied about the antichrist as satan's seed because he would try to do the will of his father, Satan, the father of all lies.

             It describes the everlasting hatred between Christ and satan's seed.