Happy New Year 2016

Proverbs 14:26

Proverbs 3:5

Proverbs 2:21

James 1:17

Thanks be to God

Luke 2:12

Luke 2:11

Matthew 1:20-21

Luke 1:46-49

Luke 1:30-31

Isaiah 9:6

Antichrist will possess miraculous powers, given to him by satan, who is a counterfeiter, and will use signs and wonders to deceive the world about his true nature.

     He will appear as a son of God attempting to deceive the world, especially Israel about his identity.

         His temporary success is described as, 'the earth shall be delivered into his hands.'
For as lawlessness increases, they shall hate one another and shall persecute and betray and then the world deceiver shall appear as a son of God and shall work signs and wonders and then the earth shall be delivered into his hands and he shall commit crimes such as have never been seen since the world began.
If the Rapture can occur without warning at any moment then it is logical that it will occur before the prophetic events of the Tribulation.

    Be ye watchful for your life! Let not your lamps be extinguished nor your loins ungirded, but be ye ready! For ye know not the hour in which your Lord cometh....
The statement that, "he will kill with the sword" reveals the writer's familiarity with the book of Revelation.

     Some teachers deny that the symbol of the fig tree in Matthew 24 represents Israel.
It is significant that this comment was written just a century after Christ, clearly tells that the fig tree is the "house of Israel".
This Apocalypse of Peter tells that the early Christians understood that a series of false christs would be followed by a final antichrist, but "this deceiver is not the Christ."

     His words "this is the deceiver who must come into the world" suggests that he is quoting John's prophecy  from memory, "For many deceivers have gone out into the world who do not confess Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist" 2 John 7.
There is a commentary on the Mount of Olives Discourse recorded in Matthew 24 and Luke 21 called the Apocalypse of Peter. It gives a valuable insight into the views of the early Church about prophecy and the antichrist.

    Quote, "And when they shall see the wickedness of their deeds (even the false Christ's), they shall turn away after them and deny him to whom our fathers gave praise, the first Christ whom they crucified and thereby sinned exceedingly. But this deceiver is not the Christ. And when they reject him, he will kill with the sword and there shall be many martyrs. Then shall the boughs of the fig tree, the house of Israel, sprout and there shall be many martyrs by his hand: they shall be killed and become martyrs."
Many of the predictions in the Bible have already been fulfilled precisely to the day as told by the prophets of God.

      Logic tells us that the prophecies yet to be fulfilled will just a accurate.
Each of the major prophets received visions of the coming antichrist, the Battle of Armageddon and the victory of Jesus's return.

    Even Paul prophesied about the antichrist and his final destruction in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-12.

        The Book of Revelation describes the antichrist in great detail in chapters 4 to 19.
Jesus also reminded His disciples that Daniel declared that the antichrist, the 'prince who will come,' will defile the 'holy place' in the rebuilt Temple.

    This was discussed in the first church. These prophecies gave the believers a clear understanding of the future crisis involving the antichrist and his rule of terror in the last days.
The coming of the antichrist was of great interest to the first church.

     Jesus warned His disciples about the coming antichrist's "abomination of desolation." His words were "Therefore when you see the abomination of desolations spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place, then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains." Matthew 24:15-16.
The Talmund suggests that God will allow the antichrist, an evil tyrant, to rule over Israel for a time to bring the Jews to repentance and return to God so the Messiah can come.
For hundreds of years the ancient scholars debated about the timing of the Messiah's coming. They also discussed the need for Israel to repent before God would send Him.

      Some believed God wouldn't send Him until all of Israel repented in one generation. Others thought God would finally send Him whether or not all of Israel repented at one time.
Most rabbis believe that the Messiah will be a normal human, born of a mother and father, who will live a righteous life.

    The rabbis often connect the Messiah with King David and Moses, based on their interpretations of the Old Testament. They are looking for a man with a divine mission like Moses rather than God incarnating a body as Jesus did 2 thousand years ago.
The Talmud contains many prophetic ideas about the future Messiah and his leading; but they will prepare some in Israel to accept the false messiah, the antichrist before they finally see him face-to-face.

Not all the rabbis saw the signs of the birthpangs of the Messiah negatively.

    Some of the signs are positive, like: a rising of prosperity in places, growth in Torah study, scientific advances, increase in information and knowledge.