The world will be distressed by its economic
troubles, by wide spread confusion among
the nations, by desperate things that have
arisen because of world wide deterioration,
and terrorism will become a common word.

Who wouldn't appreciate someone who would
come forward claiming they could solve the
situation. The positiveness of the Antichrist
will be accepted.

Now he will work to establish a new world
order, and to a great extent he will succeed.
The Antichrist will begin talking about a new
world order. He will present all his past suc-
cesses to the people convincing them his is
the man for the job and that he will do it
'for them'. He can bring order out of the world
chaos and all will be great!

He will emphasize concepts like 'survival of
mankind', 'love of nature', 'compassion for
one another', etc; and bring into being a
whole new world.
Life is a funny thing! Most are not content
with remaining where they are. They want
more, or they want something beyond.

Same is true with the Antichrist. After having
controlled many of the nations of the world,
he will want more. And, as no other man
before him, he will have the ability to bring
that 'more' into being.
He will establish himself so that his plans
for the future will make him look good.

But then he will move into the center of
his real purpose. He will get very strong
with his efforts to change the world into
his own satanic image.

He will bring every area that he has put
together into real power for himself.
These men are sinners. Romans 3:23 says so.
Because of that, they could never bring this
kind of world into being.

2 Thessalonians 2:3
"that the man of sin. . . .the son of perdition"
So out of all the confusion and frustrations
this man is going to come out into the open
and bring about real chaos.
People are pouring millions of dollars into
trying to make this heaven on earth a reality.
But it is not going to happen.

". . .in the last days perilous times shall come,"
2 Timothy 3:1

". . . evil men and seducers shall become worse
and worse, deceiving and being deceived,"
2 Timothy 3:13

The Word of God says so.
We all know people and leaders whether in
business, politics, education or any other
fields; that feel the world is getting better
and better.

They tell us that man will bring about a
world so perfect and beautiful by them
selves, that it will be a heaven on earth.
As this takes place, the world is going to be

Some of the best nations, and the best people,
will become weapons of rebellion against God.
They will be hostile and have strange antichrist

Satan has his strategy to use the Antichrist to
reach the world and we will see it happening
right in front of us.
This sounds good to the non-Christian.
But it is the religion of the Antchrist,
Satan's substitute.

It lacks understanding of God's Word as
truth. More attention is paid to the things
that are humanistic and not to Jesus and
His power to save.
He is going to offer a solution that will
organize the best of all faiths into one
that will bring every body together. This
will be done to get the hostility between
them out.

Don't tell people they are sinners.
Don't stand against wickedness.
Don't tell them they are going to hell.
Don't tell them to believe in Jesus to
be saved.
Only be positive!
If the Bible is rewritten, denying the true
Gospel of Jesus, and we see it happening;
Christianity may forget it's original truths
and die out.

This is part of the Anichrist's plan. And
he will start his deceptive ideas which will
actually look good to the world.
Take for instance the new Bible that has
come out that is called the "Inclusive
Edition" of the New Testament.

It says we should pray,
"Our Father/Mother,who art in Heaven."
It is a feminist writing of the Bible.They
have added a feminine attribute to the
masculine. It is rediculous how they have
chosen themselves to rewrite the Bible.
There are many preachers in these denom-
inations, who if they were asked, "What
must I do to be saved" or "How can I know
Jesus as my personal Savior?"; wouldn't
be able to tell you.

The necessity of Christianity has almost
disappeared. This is taking place right in
the midst of us.

Reading some of the materials that are
being published by some of them would
be astonishing.
Some of this is happening now. Looking at
the major denomination of the world, and
we can see that they are in ruins.

They hardly look like themselve anymore.
In the past, they proudly represented the
name of Jesus and won souls to Christ.

Now they talk about social action and
working with groups that on the side of
the enemy, with less spiritual activity.
Forgetting the true Gospel.
One third of the votes in the last election
were evangelical Christians. So they are
the ones to beat and destroy. This will
be done by the politicians of today. We
see it on the news continually. How
they uphold the rights of all religions
but not christianity.

Besides that they will introduce strange
doctrines. They will cause people to
doubt Jesus, the Bible, His birth, and
the message of salvation.

They will introduce what sounds much
like these doctrines but are not. Slowly
they will cause the church to turn from
its original state to their way of thinking.
The Bible says that as we move toward the
end of the age:

". . . some shall depart from the faith,
giving heed to seducing spirits, and
doctrines of demons."
I Timothy 4:1

Ruining religion. The Day of the Lord,
begins with the Tribulation.

". . .that day shall not come, except there
come the falling away first. . .,"
2 Thessalonians 2:3

So some will work to do away with religion
at the end of the age.
Of course, A RELIGION!!

That is going to be the answer to getting
all the others to gather together.

But he will have to put together a religion
that is advantageous to himself. One that
will make HIM God.

He will have to subtly overthrow the
religions that already exist. He will have
to cause the people to leave or reject their
old or former religions.
Are they going to make that friendship happen?
Sure! The Bible says that they will make a
covenant together, and that covenant will be
important in the future.

The Antichrist will then believe he has Europe
and the Middle East in hand and will start
wondering what it will take to get the rest of
the world together. What would keep people
together even though they have differences.
The only answer to that is Europe. It is
the one group with the strength and desire
to meet Israel's needs.

The Israelis will look at the leader and
figure they are going to have to make
friends with him (the Antichrist). They
will feel if they don't, it wouldn't be long
before the Arab world will destroy them.

And Europe looks at the Middle East and
its importance, knowing that 90% of its oil
comes from there, figuring they had better
make friends to secure that supply.

A friendship will look good to both sides.
There has already been an attitude change
here in the United States. Politicians are
wondering why we should continue to back

Some are even suggesting that we should
stop, and not be a part of Israel's plans any

If this continues, Israel is going to have to
look for someone else for a friend to take
our place.
As leader of Europe, the Antichrist will
have to look at Israel because of its
importance in the world; and will choose
to make an agreement with them.

Just as the United States has done for
many years. Because of the amount of
money and military efforts the US has
given them, they would not have survived
this long.

But things are changing.
As we look at the Middle East, we notice
that in the middle of the Arab world is
the tiny nation of Israel. It has only 4
million people, although the Arab/Islamic
world has about a billion people.

It is just a small narrow piece of land, but
a very important nation. It is in the middle
of the crossroads of the middle east but
what happens there has an impact on the
rest of the world.

Someone said, "When Israel sneezes, the
rest of the world catches a cold."
Another step to a united Europe would be
wanting a Common Political System.

One is now being presented as the answer
but who will be the chief?

We should keep an eye on the political
developments in Europe. This common
political system is inevitable, and we see
it being promoted before our eyes today.

So the Antichrist will want to begin by
taking over a united Europe, and it looks
like the groundwork has already been laid.
"Money is everything" which was con-
tended by Karl Marx.

A Common Currency is a sensible way
to bring about unity. Europe already
has the beginning of a common

They have a coin that has a picture
of a woman riding a beast, and it says
"Europe" on it. It is a starting of the
common currency that it's promised
to use one day.

That currency could become the reserve
currency of the world and take over the
American dollar.
The Antichrist would want to unite about
a dozen developed nations, that are
already in Europe and make them a
group for his purpose.

He would want to build a market to buy
and sell around the world. A common
market where these countries will not
compete with themselves and be able
grow its influence.

A Common Market is in Europe today.
It doesn't allow tariffs between members
but charges the rest of the world and
tries to control the prices of everything.

So it's already in place for Him today.
He will look to Europe to start with; it
has a great population already organized;
it has great leadership; and large amounts
of money.

It is a great place for anyone who would
desire to take over the world.

The Bible identifies Europe as the
place the Antichrist will move to take
over. In history empires came from
there. The Roman Empire will be
revived as we move to the end of the
This guy is going to be obsessed with
his dream of being the world's first

Many of his strategies are revealed
in the Bible.

He is going to try to be God Himself.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 "that man of sin...
the son of perdition"
2 Thessalonians 2:4 "opposeth and
exaltheth himself above all that is
called God"

There are nuts out there in their garages,
cellars, or smoked-filled rooms perfecting
their plans for taking over the world.

But the one we must be aware of; is the
one Satan is planning himself. The Bible
calls him the AntiChrist.

This conspiracy will bring about an evil
world ruler who will be called the Anti-

We as Christians can rejoice because it
means Jesus will take us out of here with
Himself and those left behind will have to
deal with this character.

Of course there are!! Thousands of them!

Communists have a conspiracy. . . . .
Democrats have a conspiracy. . . . .
Republicans have a conspiracy. . . . .
United States has a conspiracy. . . . .
Christians have a conspiracy. . . . .

Christian's conspiracy is to "Go into all
the world, and preach the Gospel."

We have to win the World!!
'Is there a global conspiracy?' This has
been asked very often.

Are there people making plans on a world
wide scale?

Does everybody live their own lives in dream
houses or apartments, or are there people
forming plans to change the world?

Are there conspiracies we can not see, that
are hidden from us?