There are some scholars whose materials relate to the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

     One gives some insight into the early Christian's understanding of the Antichrist and the Second Coming of Jesus.

         He says that many in Jerusalem and in Judah, the antichrist,  will cause the people to depart from the true faith. These are the days of the completion of the world and after that the great prince, the king of this world who has ruled it since it came into being, shall descend; he will come down in the form of a man, a lawless king, a slayer . . . This ruler will come in the likeness of a king and there will come with him all the powers of this world and they will hearken to him in all that he desires.

           All that he desires he will do in the world; he will act and speak in the name of the Beloved and say that he is God and before him there has been none other. And all of the people will believe in him and serve him.